// Copyright (c) 2020 Justin E. Jones. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module http // The status codes listed here are based on the comprehensive list, // available at: // https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xhtml pub enum Status { unknown = -1 unassigned = 0 cont = 100 switching_protocols = 101 processing = 102 checkpoint_draft = 103 ok = 200 created = 201 accepted = 202 non_authoritative_information = 203 no_content = 204 reset_content = 205 partial_content = 206 multi_status = 207 already_reported = 208 im_used = 226 multiple_choices = 300 moved_permanently = 301 found = 302 see_other = 303 not_modified = 304 use_proxy = 305 switch_proxy = 306 temporary_redirect = 307 permanent_redirect = 308 bad_request = 400 unauthorized = 401 payment_required = 402 forbidden = 403 not_found = 404 method_not_allowed = 405 not_acceptable = 406 proxy_authentication_required = 407 request_timeout = 408 conflict = 409 gone = 410 length_required = 411 precondition_failed = 412 request_entity_too_large = 413 request_uri_too_long = 414 unsupported_media_type = 415 requested_range_not_satisfiable = 416 expectation_failed = 417 im_a_teapot = 418 misdirected_request = 421 unprocessable_entity = 422 locked = 423 failed_dependency = 424 unordered_collection = 425 upgrade_required = 426 precondition_required = 428 too_many_requests = 429 request_header_fields_too_large = 431 unavailable_for_legal_reasons = 451 client_closed_request = 499 internal_server_error = 500 not_implemented = 501 bad_gateway = 502 service_unavailable = 503 gateway_timeout = 504 http_version_not_supported = 505 variant_also_negotiates = 506 insufficient_storage = 507 loop_detected = 508 bandwidth_limit_exceeded = 509 not_extended = 510 network_authentication_required = 511 } // status_from_int returns the corresponding enum field of Status // given the `code` in integer value. pub fn status_from_int(code int) Status { return match code { 100 { Status.cont } 101 { Status.switching_protocols } 102 { Status.processing } 103 { Status.checkpoint_draft } 104...199 { Status.unassigned } 200 { Status.ok } 201 { Status.created } 202 { Status.accepted } 203 { Status.non_authoritative_information } 204 { Status.no_content } 205 { Status.reset_content } 206 { Status.partial_content } 207 { Status.multi_status } 208 { Status.already_reported } 209...225 { Status.unassigned } 226 { Status.im_used } 227...299 { Status.unassigned } 300 { Status.multiple_choices } 301 { Status.moved_permanently } 302 { Status.found } 303 { Status.see_other } 304 { Status.not_modified } 305 { Status.use_proxy } 306 { Status.switch_proxy } 307 { Status.temporary_redirect } 308 { Status.permanent_redirect } 309...399 { Status.unassigned } 400 { Status.bad_request } 401 { Status.unauthorized } 402 { Status.payment_required } 403 { Status.forbidden } 404 { Status.not_found } 405 { Status.method_not_allowed } 406 { Status.not_acceptable } 407 { Status.proxy_authentication_required } 408 { Status.request_timeout } 409 { Status.conflict } 410 { Status.gone } 411 { Status.length_required } 412 { Status.precondition_failed } 413 { Status.request_entity_too_large } 414 { Status.request_uri_too_long } 415 { Status.unsupported_media_type } 416 { Status.requested_range_not_satisfiable } 417 { Status.expectation_failed } 418 { Status.im_a_teapot } 419...420 { Status.unassigned } 421 { Status.misdirected_request } 422 { Status.unprocessable_entity } 423 { Status.locked } 424 { Status.failed_dependency } 425 { Status.unordered_collection } 426 { Status.upgrade_required } 428 { Status.precondition_required } 429 { Status.too_many_requests } 431 { Status.request_header_fields_too_large } 432...450 { Status.unassigned } 451 { Status.unavailable_for_legal_reasons } 452...499 { Status.unassigned } 500 { Status.internal_server_error } 501 { Status.not_implemented } 502 { Status.bad_gateway } 503 { Status.service_unavailable } 504 { Status.gateway_timeout } 505 { Status.http_version_not_supported } 506 { Status.variant_also_negotiates } 507 { Status.insufficient_storage } 508 { Status.loop_detected } 509 { Status.bandwidth_limit_exceeded } 510 { Status.not_extended } 511 { Status.network_authentication_required } 512...599 { Status.unassigned } else { Status.unknown } } } // str returns the string representation of Status `code`. pub fn (code Status) str() string { return match code { .cont { 'Continue' } .switching_protocols { 'Switching Protocols' } .processing { 'Processing' } .checkpoint_draft { 'Checkpoint Draft' } .ok { 'OK' } .created { 'Created' } .accepted { 'Accepted' } .non_authoritative_information { 'Non Authoritative Information' } .no_content { 'No Content' } .reset_content { 'Reset Content' } .partial_content { 'Partial Content' } .multi_status { 'Multi Status' } .already_reported { 'Already Reported' } .im_used { 'IM Used' } .multiple_choices { 'Multiple Choices' } .moved_permanently { 'Moved Permanently' } .found { 'Found' } .see_other { 'See Other' } .not_modified { 'Not Modified' } .use_proxy { 'Use Proxy' } .switch_proxy { 'Switch Proxy' } .temporary_redirect { 'Temporary Redirect' } .permanent_redirect { 'Permanent Redirect' } .bad_request { 'Bad Request' } .unauthorized { 'Unauthorized' } .payment_required { 'Payment Required' } .forbidden { 'Forbidden' } .not_found { 'Not Found' } .method_not_allowed { 'Method Not Allowed' } .not_acceptable { 'Not Acceptable' } .proxy_authentication_required { 'Proxy Authentication Required' } .request_timeout { 'Request Timeout' } .conflict { 'Conflict' } .gone { 'Gone' } .length_required { 'Length Required' } .precondition_failed { 'Precondition Failed' } .request_entity_too_large { 'Request Entity Too Large' } .request_uri_too_long { 'Request URI Too Long' } .unsupported_media_type { 'Unsupported Media Type' } .requested_range_not_satisfiable { 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable' } .expectation_failed { 'Expectation Failed' } .im_a_teapot { 'Im a teapot' } .misdirected_request { 'Misdirected Request' } .unprocessable_entity { 'Unprocessable Entity' } .locked { 'Locked' } .failed_dependency { 'Failed Dependency' } .unordered_collection { 'Unordered Collection' } .upgrade_required { 'Upgrade Required' } .precondition_required { 'Precondition Required' } .too_many_requests { 'Too Many Requests' } .request_header_fields_too_large { 'Request Header Fields Too Large' } .unavailable_for_legal_reasons { 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons' } .internal_server_error { 'Internal Server Error' } .not_implemented { 'Not Implemented' } .bad_gateway { 'Bad Gateway' } .service_unavailable { 'Service Unavailable' } .gateway_timeout { 'Gateway Timeout' } .http_version_not_supported { 'HTTP Version Not Supported' } .variant_also_negotiates { 'Variant Also Negotiates' } .insufficient_storage { 'Insufficient Storage' } .loop_detected { 'Loop Detected' } .bandwidth_limit_exceeded { 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded' } .not_extended { 'Not Extended' } .network_authentication_required { 'Network Authentication Required' } .unassigned { 'Unassigned' } else { 'Unknown' } } } // int converts an assigned and known Status to its integral equivalent. // if a Status is unknown or unassigned, this method will return zero pub fn (code Status) int() int { if code in [.unknown, .unassigned] { return 0 } return int(code) } // is_valid returns true if the status code is assigned and known pub fn (code Status) is_valid() bool { number := code.int() return number >= 100 && number < 600 } // is_error will return true if the status code represents either a client or // a server error; otherwise will return false pub fn (code Status) is_error() bool { number := code.int() return number >= 400 && number < 600 } // is_success will return true if the status code represents either an // informational, success, or redirection response; otherwise will return false pub fn (code Status) is_success() bool { number := code.int() return number >= 100 && number < 400 }