name: Path Testing CI on: push: paths-ignore: - "**.md" pull_request: paths-ignore: - "**.md" concurrency: group: build-paths-${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.sha }} cancel-in-progress: true jobs: space-paths-linux: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 timeout-minutes: 30 env: MY_V_PATH: '你好 my $path, @с интервали' steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: path: ${{env.MY_V_PATH}} - name: Build V run: | echo '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}' ls -la cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}' ls -la make - name: v doctor run: | cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}' ./v doctor - name: v tests run: | cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}' ./v test vlib/builtin vlib/os space-paths-macos: runs-on: macOS-latest timeout-minutes: 30 env: MY_V_PATH: '你好 my $path, @с интервали' steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: path: ${{env.MY_V_PATH}} - name: Build V run: | echo '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}' ls -la cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}' ls -la make - name: v doctor run: | cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}' ./v doctor - name: v tests run: | cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}' ./v test vlib/builtin vlib/os space-paths-windows: runs-on: windows-2022 timeout-minutes: 30 env: MY_V_PATH: 'path with some $punctuation, and some spaces' ## NB: the following paths do not work for now: ##### MY_V_PATH: '你好 my $path, @с интервали' ##### MY_V_PATH: 'path with some $punctuation, and some spaces ' ## tcc has a problem interpreting paths with non latin letters in them, ## by default, but that can be solved with passing -Bthirdparty/tcc ## but after that V fails self building with: ####### builder error: cannot write to folder ####### D:\a\v\v\你好 my $path, @с интервали: No such file or directory ## and that happens even for gcc builds, not just tcc ones steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: path: ${{env.MY_V_PATH}} - name: Build V run: | echo '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}' dir cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}' dir .\make.bat -tcc - name: v doctor run: | cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}' ./v doctor - name: v tests run: | cd '${{env.MY_V_PATH}}' ./v test vlib/builtin vlib/os