module main import os const vexe = @VEXE const known_skip_patterns_env = os.getenv('VKNOWN_SKIP_PATTERNS') const known_folder_patterns_that_are_not_module_ones = [ 'vlib/sync/bench', '/tests', '/testdata', '/preludes_js', 'vlib/builtin/js', // TODO: fix compiler panic 'vlib/fontstash', // used by `gg` 'vlib/sokol/sfons', // used by `gg`, and by examples/sokol/fonts.v 'vlib/sokol/sapp', // used by `gg`, and many examples/ 'vlib/sokol/gfx', // used by `gg`, `x.ttf` 'vlib/sokol/sgl', // used by `gg` 'vlib/toml', // toml is well tested, even if the top level folder does not have _test.v files, the ones below do 'vlib/v/', // the compiler itself is well tested ] fn main() { mut places := if os.args.len > 1 { os.args#[1..] } else { eprintln('> check the current folder only by default ...') ['.'] } mut known_skip_patterns := known_folder_patterns_that_are_not_module_ones.clone() if known_skip_patterns_env != '' { known_skip_patterns = known_skip_patterns_env.split(',').filter(it != '') } for path in places { eprintln('> Checking folder: `$path` ...') mut found := 0 files := os.walk_ext(path, '.v') mut v_files := map[string]int{} mut v_test_files := map[string]int{} for f in files { folder := os.to_slash(os.dir(f)) if known_skip_patterns.any(f.contains(it)) { continue } if f.ends_with('.v') { v_files[folder]++ } if f.ends_with('_test.v') { v_test_files[folder]++ } } eprintln('> Found ${v_files.len:5} potential V module folders (containing .v files).') for folder, n_v_files in v_files { n_test_v_files := v_test_files[folder] if n_v_files > 1 && n_test_v_files == 0 { println('> ${n_test_v_files:5} _test.v files, with ${n_v_files:5} .v files, in folder: $folder') compilation := os.execute('${os.quoted_path(vexe)} -shared -W -Wfatal-errors -check ${os.quoted_path(folder)}') if compilation.exit_code != 0 { eprintln('> $folder has parser/checker errors!') eprintln(compilation.output) } found++ } } eprintln('> Found $found module folders without _test.v files in `$path` .') } }