module cli pub enum FlagType { bool int float string } // Flag holds information for a command line flag. // (flags are also commonly referred to as "options" or "switches") // These are typically denoted in the shell by a short form `-f` and/or a long form `--flag` pub struct Flag { pub mut: flag FlagType name string abbrev string description string global bool required bool value string mut: found bool } // get_all_found returns an array of all `Flag`s found in the command parameters pub fn (flags []Flag) get_all_found() []Flag { return flags.filter(it.found) } // get_bool returns `true` if the flag is set. // get_bool returns an error if the `FlagType` is not boolean. pub fn (flag Flag) get_bool() ?bool { if flag.flag != .bool { return error('$ Invalid flag type `$flag.flag`, expected `bool`') } return flag.value == 'true' } // get_bool returns `true` if the flag specified in `name` is set. // get_bool returns an error if the `FlagType` is not boolean. pub fn (flags []Flag) get_bool(name string) ?bool { flag := flags.get(name) ? return flag.get_bool() } // get_int returns the `int` value argument of the flag. // get_int returns an error if the `FlagType` is not integer. pub fn (flag Flag) get_int() ?int { if flag.flag != .int { return error('$ Invalid flag type `$flag.flag`, expected `int`') } return } // get_int returns the `int` value argument of the flag specified in `name`. // get_int returns an error if the `FlagType` is not integer. pub fn (flags []Flag) get_int(name string) ?int { flag := flags.get(name) ? return flag.get_int() } // get_float returns the `f64` value argument of the flag. // get_float returns an error if the `FlagType` is not floating point. pub fn (flag Flag) get_float() ?f64 { if flag.flag != .float { return error('$ Invalid flag type `$flag.flag`, expected `float`') } return flag.value.f64() } // get_float returns the `f64` value argument of the flag specified in `name`. // get_float returns an error if the `FlagType` is not floating point. pub fn (flags []Flag) get_float(name string) ?f64 { flag := flags.get(name) ? return flag.get_float() } // get_string returns the `string` value argument of the flag. // get_string returns an error if the `FlagType` is not string. pub fn (flag Flag) get_string() ?string { if flag.flag != .string { return error('$ Invalid flag type `$flag.flag`, expected `string`') } return flag.value } // get_string returns the `string` value argument of the flag specified in `name`. // get_string returns an error if the `FlagType` is not string. pub fn (flags []Flag) get_string(name string) ?string { flag := flags.get(name) ? return flag.get_string() } // parse parses flag values from arguments and return // an array of arguments with all consumed elements removed. fn (mut flag Flag) parse(args []string, with_abbrev bool) ?[]string { if flag.matches(args, with_abbrev) { if flag.flag == .bool { new_args := flag.parse_bool(args) ? return new_args } else { new_args := flag.parse_raw(args) ? return new_args } } else { return args } } // matches returns `true` if first arg in `args` matches this flag. fn (mut flag Flag) matches(args []string, with_abbrev bool) bool { if with_abbrev { return ( != '' && args[0] == '--$') || ( != '' && args[0].starts_with('--$')) || (flag.abbrev != '' && args[0] == '-$flag.abbrev') || (flag.abbrev != '' && args[0].starts_with('-$flag.abbrev=')) } else { return ( != '' && args[0] == '-$') || ( != '' && args[0].starts_with('-$')) } } fn (mut flag Flag) parse_raw(args []string) ?[]string { if args[0].len > && args[0].contains('=') { flag.value = args[0].split('=')[1] return args[1..] } else if args.len >= 2 { flag.value = args[1] return args[2..] } return error('Missing argument for `$`') } fn (mut flag Flag) parse_bool(args []string) ?[]string { if args[0].len > && args[0].contains('=') { flag.value = args[0].split('=')[1] return args[1..] } else if args.len >= 2 { if args[1] in ['true', 'false'] { flag.value = args[1] return args[2..] } } flag.value = 'true' return args[1..] } // get returns the `Flag` matching `name` or an error // if it can't be found. fn (flags []Flag) get(name string) ?Flag { for flag in flags { if == name { return flag } } return error('Flag `$name` not found in $flags') } fn (flags []Flag) contains(name string) bool { for flag in flags { if == name || flag.abbrev == name { return true } } return false } fn (flags []Flag) have_abbrev() bool { mut have_abbrev := false for flag in flags { if flag.abbrev != '' { have_abbrev = true } } return have_abbrev }