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synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
413 lines
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413 lines
12 KiB
module main
import os
import term
import time
const vexe_path = os.getenv('VEXE')
const vroot = os.dir(vexe_path)
const vexe = os.quoted_path(vexe_path)
const args_string = os.args[1..].join(' ')
const vargs = args_string.all_before('test-all')
const vtest_nocleanup = os.getenv('VTEST_NOCLEANUP').bool()
fn main() {
mut commands := get_all_commands()
// summary
sw := time.new_stopwatch()
for mut cmd in commands {
spent := sw.elapsed().milliseconds()
oks := commands.filter(it.ecode == 0)
fails := commands.filter(it.ecode != 0)
println(term.header_left(term_highlight('Summary of `v test-all`:'), '-'))
println(term_highlight('Total runtime: ${spent} ms'))
for ocmd in oks {
msg := if ocmd.okmsg != '' { ocmd.okmsg } else { ocmd.line }
println(term.colorize(term.green, '> OK: ${msg} '))
for fcmd in fails {
msg := if fcmd.errmsg != '' { fcmd.errmsg } else { fcmd.line }
println(term.failed('> Failed:') + ' ${msg}')
if fails.len > 0 {
enum RunCommandKind {
const expect_nothing = '<nothing>'
const starts_with_nothing = '<nothing>'
const ends_with_nothing = '<nothing>'
const contains_nothing = '<nothing>'
struct Command {
line string
label string // when set, the label will be printed *before* cmd.line is executed
ecode int
okmsg string
errmsg string
rmfile string
runcmd RunCommandKind = .system
expect string = expect_nothing
starts_with string = starts_with_nothing
ends_with string = ends_with_nothing
contains string = contains_nothing
output string
fn get_all_commands() []Command {
mut res := []Command{}
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} examples/hello_world.v'
okmsg: 'V can compile hello world.'
rmfile: 'examples/hello_world'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -o hhww.c examples/hello_world.v'
okmsg: 'V can output a .c file, without compiling further.'
rmfile: 'hhww.c'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -skip-unused examples/hello_world.v'
okmsg: 'V can compile hello world with -skip-unused.'
rmfile: 'examples/hello_world'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -skip-unused -profile - examples/hello_world.v'
okmsg: 'V can compile hello world with both -skip-unused and -profile .'
rmfile: 'examples/hello_world'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -e "print(84/2)"'
okmsg: 'V can run code given after `-e`'
runcmd: .execute
expect: '42'
$if linux || macos {
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} run examples/hello_world.v'
okmsg: 'V can run hello world.'
runcmd: .execute
expect: 'Hello, World!\n'
if os.getenv('V_CI_MUSL').len == 0 {
for compiler_name in ['clang', 'gcc'] {
if _ := os.find_abs_path_of_executable(compiler_name) {
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -cc ${compiler_name} -gc boehm run examples/hello_world.v'
okmsg: '`v -cc ${compiler_name} -gc boehm run examples/hello_world.v` works'
runcmd: .execute
expect: 'Hello, World!\n'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} interpret examples/hello_world.v'
okmsg: 'V can interpret hello world.'
runcmd: .execute
expect: 'Hello, World!\n'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} interpret examples/hanoi.v'
okmsg: 'V can interpret hanoi.v'
runcmd: .execute
starts_with: 'Disc 1 from A to C...\n'
ends_with: 'Disc 1 from A to C...\n'
contains: 'Disc 7 from A to C...\n'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -o - examples/hello_world.v | grep "#define V_COMMIT_HASH" > /dev/null'
okmsg: 'V prints the generated source code to stdout with `-o -` .'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} run examples/v_script.vsh > /dev/null'
okmsg: 'V can run the .VSH script file examples/v_script.vsh'
// Note: -experimental is used here, just to suppress the warningss,
// that are otherwise printed by the native backend,
// until globals and hash statements *are implemented*:
$if linux {
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -experimental -b native run examples/native/hello_world.v > /dev/null'
okmsg: 'V compiles and runs examples/native/hello_world.v on the native backend for linux'
// only compilation:
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -os linux -experimental -b native -o hw.linux examples/hello_world.v'
okmsg: 'V compiles hello_world.v on the native backend for linux'
rmfile: 'hw.linux'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -os macos -experimental -b native -o hw.macos examples/hello_world.v'
okmsg: 'V compiles hello_world.v on the native backend for macos'
rmfile: 'hw.macos'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -os windows -experimental -b native -o hw.exe examples/hello_world.v'
okmsg: 'V compiles hello_world.v on the native backend for windows'
rmfile: 'hw.exe'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -b js -o hw.js examples/hello_world.v'
okmsg: 'V compiles hello_world.v on the JS backend'
rmfile: 'hw.js'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -skip-unused -b js -o hw_skip_unused.js examples/hello_world.v'
okmsg: 'V compiles hello_world.v on the JS backend, with -skip-unused'
rmfile: 'hw_skip_unused.js'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -skip-unused examples/2048'
okmsg: 'V can compile 2048 with -skip-unused.'
rmfile: 'examples/2048/2048'
if _ := os.find_abs_path_of_executable('emcc') {
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -os wasm32_emscripten examples/2048'
okmsg: 'V can compile 2048 with -os wasm32_emscripten, using emcc.'
rmfile: 'examples/2048/2048'
} else {
println('> emcc not found, skipping `v -os wasm32_emscripten examples/2048`.')
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -skip-unused -live examples/hot_reload/bounce.v'
okmsg: 'V can compile the hot code reloading bounce.v example with both: -skip-unused -live'
rmfile: 'examples/hot_reload/bounce'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -o vtmp cmd/v'
okmsg: 'V can compile itself.'
rmfile: 'vtmp'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -o vtmp_werror -cstrict cmd/v'
okmsg: 'V can compile itself with -cstrict.'
rmfile: 'vtmp_werror'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -o vtmp_autofree -autofree cmd/v'
okmsg: 'V can compile itself with -autofree.'
rmfile: 'vtmp_autofree'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -o vtmp_prealloc -prealloc cmd/v'
okmsg: 'V can compile itself with -prealloc.'
rmfile: 'vtmp_prealloc'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -o vtmp_unused -skip-unused cmd/v'
okmsg: 'V can compile itself with -skip-unused.'
rmfile: 'vtmp_unused'
$if linux {
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -cc gcc -keepc -freestanding -o bel vlib/os/bare/bare_example_linux.v'
okmsg: 'V can compile with -freestanding on Linux with GCC.'
rmfile: 'bel'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -cc gcc -keepc -freestanding -o str_array vlib/strconv/bare/str_array_example.v'
okmsg: 'V can compile & allocate memory with -freestanding on Linux with GCC.'
rmfile: 'str_array'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} ${vargs} -progress test-cleancode'
okmsg: 'All .v files are invariant when processed with `v fmt`'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} ${vargs} -progress test-fmt'
okmsg: 'All .v files can be processed with `v fmt`. Note: the result may not always be compilable, but `v fmt` should not crash.'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} ${vargs} -progress test-self'
okmsg: 'There are no _test.v file regressions.'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} ${vargs} -progress -W build-tools'
okmsg: 'All tools can be compiled.'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} ${vargs} -progress -W build-examples'
okmsg: 'All examples can be compiled.'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} check-md -hide-warnings .'
label: 'Check ```v ``` code examples and formatting of .MD files...'
okmsg: 'All .md files look good.'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} install nedpals.args'
okmsg: '`v install` works.'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -usecache -cg examples/hello_world.v'
okmsg: '`v -usecache -cg` works.'
rmfile: 'examples/hello_world'
// Note: test that a program that depends on thirdparty libraries with its
// own #flags (tetris depends on gg, which uses sokol) can be compiled
// with -usecache:
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -usecache examples/tetris/tetris.v'
okmsg: '`v -usecache` works.'
rmfile: 'examples/tetris/tetris'
$if macos || linux {
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -o v.c cmd/v && cc -Werror v.c -lpthread -lm && rm -rf a.out'
label: 'v.c should be buildable with no warnings...'
okmsg: 'v.c can be compiled without warnings. This is good :)'
rmfile: 'v.c'
$if linux {
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} vlib/v/tests/bench/bench_stbi_load.v && prlimit -v10485760 vlib/v/tests/bench/bench_stbi_load'
okmsg: 'STBI load does not leak with GC on, when loading images multiple times (use < 10MB)'
runcmd: .execute
contains: 'logo.png 1000 times.'
rmfile: 'vlib/v/tests/bench/bench_stbi_load'
$if !windows {
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -raw-vsh-tmp-prefix tmp vlib/v/tests/script_with_no_extension'
okmsg: 'V can crun a script, that lacks a .vsh extension'
runcmd: .execute
expect: 'Test\n'
rmfile: 'vlib/v/tests/tmp.script_with_no_extension'
res << Command{
line: '${vexe} -raw-vsh-tmp-prefix tmp run vlib/v/tests/script_with_no_extension'
okmsg: 'V can run a script, that lacks a .vsh extension'
runcmd: .execute
expect: 'Test\n'
return res
fn (mut cmd Command) run() {
// Changing the current directory is needed for some of the compiler tests,
// vlib/v/tests/local_test.v and vlib/v/tests/repl/repl_test.v
os.chdir(vroot) or {}
if cmd.label != '' {
println(term.header_left(cmd.label, '*'))
sw := time.new_stopwatch()
if cmd.runcmd == .system {
cmd.ecode = os.system(cmd.line)
cmd.output = ''
if cmd.runcmd == .execute {
res := os.execute(cmd.line)
cmd.ecode = res.exit_code
cmd.output = res.output
spent := sw.elapsed().milliseconds()
mut is_failed := false
mut is_failed_expected := false
mut is_failed_starts_with := false
mut is_failed_ends_with := false
mut is_failed_contains := false
if cmd.ecode != 0 {
is_failed = true
if cmd.expect != expect_nothing {
if cmd.output != cmd.expect {
is_failed = true
is_failed_expected = true
if cmd.starts_with != starts_with_nothing {
if !cmd.output.starts_with(cmd.starts_with) {
is_failed = true
is_failed_starts_with = true
if cmd.ends_with != ends_with_nothing {
if !cmd.output.ends_with(cmd.ends_with) {
is_failed = true
is_failed_ends_with = true
if cmd.contains != contains_nothing {
if !cmd.output.contains(cmd.contains) {
is_failed = true
is_failed_contains = true
run_label := if is_failed { term.failed('FAILED') } else { term_highlight('OK') }
println('> Running: "${cmd.line}" took: ${spent} ms ... ${run_label}')
if is_failed && is_failed_expected {
eprintln('> expected:\n${cmd.expect}')
eprintln('> output:\n${cmd.output}')
if is_failed && is_failed_starts_with {
eprintln('> expected to start with:\n${cmd.starts_with}')
eprintln('> output:\n${cmd.output#[..cmd.starts_with.len]}')
if is_failed && is_failed_ends_with {
eprintln('> expected to end with:\n${cmd.ends_with}')
eprintln('> output:\n${cmd.output#[-cmd.starts_with.len..]}')
if is_failed && is_failed_contains {
eprintln('> expected to contain:\n${cmd.contains}')
eprintln('> output:\n${cmd.output}')
if vtest_nocleanup {
if cmd.rmfile != '' {
mut file_existed := rm_existing(cmd.rmfile)
if os.user_os() == 'windows' {
file_existed = file_existed || rm_existing(cmd.rmfile + '.exe')
if !file_existed {
eprintln('Expected file did not exist: ${cmd.rmfile}')
cmd.ecode = 999
// try to remove a file, return if it existed before the removal attempt
fn rm_existing(path string) bool {
existed := os.exists(path)
os.rm(path) or {}
return existed
fn term_highlight(s string) string {
return term.colorize(term.yellow, term.colorize(term.bold, s))