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741 lines
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module testing
import os
import os.cmdline
import time
import term
import benchmark
import sync
import sync.pool
import v.pref
import v.util.vtest
import runtime
pub const github_job = os.getenv('GITHUB_JOB')
pub const show_start = os.getenv('VTEST_SHOW_START') == '1'
pub const hide_skips = os.getenv('VTEST_HIDE_SKIP') == '1'
pub const hide_oks = os.getenv('VTEST_HIDE_OK') == '1'
pub const fail_fast = os.getenv('VTEST_FAIL_FAST') == '1'
pub const fail_flaky = os.getenv('VTEST_FAIL_FLAKY') == '1'
pub const test_only = os.getenv('VTEST_ONLY').split_any(',')
pub const test_only_fn = os.getenv('VTEST_ONLY_FN').split_any(',')
pub const is_node_present = os.execute('node --version').exit_code == 0
pub const all_processes = get_all_processes()
fn get_all_processes() []string {
$if windows {
return []
} $else {
return os.execute('ps ax').output.split_any('\r\n')
pub struct TestSession {
pub mut:
files []string
skip_files []string
vexe string
vroot string
vtmp_dir string
vargs string
fail_fast bool
benchmark benchmark.Benchmark
rm_binaries bool = true
silent_mode bool
show_stats bool
progress_mode bool
root_relative bool // used by CI runs, so that the output is stable everywhere
nmessages chan LogMessage // many publishers, single consumer/printer
nmessage_idx int // currently printed message index
failed_cmds shared []string
reporter Reporter = Reporter(NormalReporter{})
pub fn (mut ts TestSession) add_failed_cmd(cmd string) {
lock ts.failed_cmds {
ts.failed_cmds << cmd
pub fn (mut ts TestSession) show_list_of_failed_tests() {
rlock ts.failed_cmds {
struct MessageThreadContext {
file string
flow_id string
fn (mut ts TestSession) append_message(kind MessageKind, msg string, mtc MessageThreadContext) {
ts.nmessages <- LogMessage{
file: mtc.file
flow_id: mtc.flow_id
message: msg
kind: kind
when: time.now()
fn (mut ts TestSession) append_message_with_duration(kind MessageKind, msg string, d time.Duration, mtc MessageThreadContext) {
ts.nmessages <- LogMessage{
file: mtc.file
flow_id: mtc.flow_id
message: msg
kind: kind
when: time.now()
took: d
pub fn (mut ts TestSession) session_start(message string) {
ts.reporter.session_start(message, mut ts)
pub fn (mut ts TestSession) session_stop(message string) {
ts.reporter.session_stop(message, mut ts)
pub fn (mut ts TestSession) print_messages() {
mut test_idx := 0
mut print_msg_time := time.new_stopwatch()
for {
// get a message from the channel of messages to be printed:
mut rmessage := <-ts.nmessages
// first sent *all events* to the output reporter, so it can then process them however it wants:
ts.reporter.report(ts.nmessage_idx, rmessage)
if rmessage.kind in [.cmd_begin, .cmd_end] {
// The following events, are sent before the test framework has determined,
// what the full completion status is. They can also be repeated multiple times,
// for tests that are flaky and need repeating.
if rmessage.kind == .sentinel {
// a sentinel for stopping the printing thread
if !ts.silent_mode && ts.progress_mode {
if rmessage.kind != .info {
// info events can also be repeated, and should be ignored when determining
// the total order of the current test file, in the following replacements:
msg := rmessage.message.replace_each([
is_ok := rmessage.kind == .ok
time_passed := print_msg_time.elapsed().seconds()
if time_passed > 10 && ts.silent_mode && is_ok {
// Even if OK tests are suppressed,
// show *at least* 1 result every 10 seconds,
// otherwise the CI can seem stuck ...
ts.reporter.progress(ts.nmessage_idx, msg)
if ts.progress_mode {
if is_ok && !ts.silent_mode {
ts.reporter.update_last_line(ts.nmessage_idx, msg)
} else {
ts.reporter.update_last_line_and_move_to_next(ts.nmessage_idx, msg)
if !ts.silent_mode || !is_ok {
// normal expanded mode, or failures in -silent mode
ts.reporter.message(ts.nmessage_idx, msg)
pub fn new_test_session(_vargs string, will_compile bool) TestSession {
mut skip_files := []string{}
if will_compile {
// Skip the call_v_from_c files. They need special instructions for compilation.
// Check the README.md for detailed information.
skip_files << 'examples/call_v_from_c/v_test_print.v'
skip_files << 'examples/call_v_from_c/v_test_math.v'
$if msvc {
skip_files << 'vlib/v/tests/const_comptime_eval_before_vinit_test.v' // _constructor used
$if solaris {
skip_files << 'examples/gg/gg2.v'
skip_files << 'examples/pico/pico.v'
skip_files << 'examples/sokol/fonts.v'
skip_files << 'examples/sokol/drawing.v'
$if macos {
skip_files << 'examples/database/mysql.v'
skip_files << 'examples/database/orm.v'
skip_files << 'examples/database/psql/customer.v'
$if windows {
skip_files << 'examples/database/mysql.v'
skip_files << 'examples/database/orm.v'
skip_files << 'examples/smtp/mail.v' // requires OpenSSL
skip_files << 'examples/websocket/ping.v' // requires OpenSSL
skip_files << 'examples/websocket/client-server/client.v' // requires OpenSSL
skip_files << 'examples/websocket/client-server/server.v' // requires OpenSSL
skip_files << 'vlib/v/tests/websocket_logger_interface_should_compile_test.v' // requires OpenSSL
$if tinyc {
skip_files << 'examples/database/orm.v' // try fix it
$if windows {
// TODO: remove when closures on windows are supported...
skip_files << 'examples/pendulum-simulation/animation.v'
skip_files << 'examples/pendulum-simulation/full.v'
skip_files << 'examples/pendulum-simulation/parallel.v'
skip_files << 'examples/pendulum-simulation/parallel_with_iw.v'
skip_files << 'examples/pendulum-simulation/sequential.v'
if testing.github_job == 'ubuntu-docker-musl' {
skip_files << 'vlib/net/openssl/openssl_compiles_test.v'
if testing.github_job == 'tests-sanitize-memory-clang' {
skip_files << 'vlib/net/openssl/openssl_compiles_test.v'
if testing.github_job == 'windows-tcc' {
// TODO: fix these by adding declarations for the missing functions in the prebuilt tcc
skip_files << 'vlib/net/mbedtls/mbedtls_compiles_test.v'
skip_files << 'vlib/net/ssl/ssl_compiles_test.v'
if testing.github_job != 'sokol-shaders-can-be-compiled' {
// These examples need .h files that are produced from the supplied .glsl files,
// using by the shader compiler tools in https://github.com/floooh/sokol-tools-bin/archive/pre-feb2021-api-changes.tar.gz
skip_files << 'examples/sokol/simple_shader_glsl/simple_shader.v'
skip_files << 'examples/sokol/02_cubes_glsl/cube_glsl.v'
skip_files << 'examples/sokol/03_march_tracing_glsl/rt_glsl.v'
skip_files << 'examples/sokol/04_multi_shader_glsl/rt_glsl.v'
skip_files << 'examples/sokol/05_instancing_glsl/rt_glsl.v'
// Skip obj_viewer code in the CI
skip_files << 'examples/sokol/06_obj_viewer/show_obj.v'
if testing.github_job != 'ubuntu-tcc' {
skip_files << 'examples/c_interop_wkhtmltopdf.v' // needs installation of wkhtmltopdf from https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/packaging/releases
skip_files << 'examples/call_v_from_python/test.v' // the example only makes sense to be compiled, when python is installed
// the ttf_test.v is not interactive, but needs X11 headers to be installed, which is done only on ubuntu-tcc for now
skip_files << 'vlib/x/ttf/ttf_test.v'
skip_files << 'vlib/vweb/vweb_app_test.v' // imports the `sqlite` module, which in turn includes sqlite3.h
if testing.github_job != 'audio-examples' {
skip_files << 'examples/sokol/sounds/melody.v'
skip_files << 'examples/sokol/sounds/wav_player.v'
skip_files << 'examples/sokol/sounds/simple_sin_tones.v'
$if !macos {
skip_files << 'examples/macos_tray/tray.v'
// examples/wasm/mandelbrot/mandelbrot.v requires special compilation flags: `-b wasm -os browser`, skip it for now:
skip_files << 'examples/wasm/mandelbrot/mandelbrot.v'
// TODO: always build the wasm_builder in the future, not just when it was build manually before:
wasm_builder_executable := $if !windows {
} $else {
if !os.exists(wasm_builder_executable) {
skip_files << os.join_path('cmd/tools/builders/wasm_builder.v')
vargs := _vargs.replace('-progress', '')
vexe := pref.vexe_path()
vroot := os.dir(vexe)
new_vtmp_dir := setup_new_vtmp_folder()
if term.can_show_color_on_stderr() {
os.setenv('VCOLORS', 'always', true)
mut ts := TestSession{
vexe: vexe
vroot: vroot
skip_files: skip_files
fail_fast: testing.fail_fast
show_stats: '-stats' in vargs.split(' ')
vargs: vargs
vtmp_dir: new_vtmp_dir
silent_mode: _vargs.contains('-silent')
progress_mode: _vargs.contains('-progress')
return ts
fn (mut ts TestSession) handle_test_runner_option() {
test_runner := cmdline.option(os.args, '-test-runner', 'normal')
if test_runner !in pref.supported_test_runners {
eprintln('v test: `-test-runner ${test_runner}` is not using one of the supported test runners: ${pref.supported_test_runners_list()}')
test_runner_implementation_file := os.join_path(ts.vroot, 'cmd/tools/modules/testing/output_${test_runner}.v')
if !os.exists(test_runner_implementation_file) {
eprintln('v test: using `-test-runner ${test_runner}` needs ${test_runner_implementation_file} to exist, and contain a valid testing.Reporter implementation for that runner. See `cmd/tools/modules/testing/output_dump.v` for an example.')
match test_runner {
'normal' {
// default, nothing to do
'dump' {
ts.reporter = DumpReporter{}
'teamcity' {
ts.reporter = TeamcityReporter{}
else {
dump('just set ts.reporter to an instance of your own struct here')
pub fn (mut ts TestSession) init() {
ts.benchmark = benchmark.new_benchmark_no_cstep()
pub fn (mut ts TestSession) add(file string) {
ts.files << file
pub fn (mut ts TestSession) test() {
// Ensure that .tmp.c files generated from compiling _test.v files,
// are easy to delete at the end, *without* affecting the existing ones.
current_wd := os.getwd()
if current_wd == os.wd_at_startup && current_wd == ts.vroot {
ts.root_relative = true
mut remaining_files := []string{}
for dot_relative_file in ts.files {
file := os.real_path(dot_relative_file)
$if windows {
if file.contains('sqlite') || file.contains('httpbin') {
$if !macos {
if file.contains('customer') {
$if msvc {
if file.contains('asm') {
remaining_files << dot_relative_file
remaining_files = vtest.filter_vtest_only(remaining_files, fix_slashes: false)
ts.files = remaining_files
mut njobs := runtime.nr_jobs()
if remaining_files.len < njobs {
njobs = remaining_files.len
ts.benchmark.njobs = njobs
mut pool_of_test_runners := pool.new_pool_processor(callback: worker_trunner)
// ensure that the nmessages queue/channel, has enough capacity for handling many messages across threads, without blocking
ts.nmessages = chan LogMessage{cap: 10000}
ts.nmessage_idx = 0
printing_thread := spawn ts.print_messages()
ts.reporter.worker_threads_start(remaining_files, mut ts)
// all the testing happens here:
pool_of_test_runners.work_on_pointers(unsafe { remaining_files.pointers() })
ts.append_message(.sentinel, '', MessageThreadContext{ flow_id: '-1' }) // send the sentinel
ts.reporter.worker_threads_finish(mut ts)
// cleanup generated .tmp.c files after successful tests:
if ts.benchmark.nfail == 0 {
if ts.rm_binaries {
os.rmdir_all(ts.vtmp_dir) or {}
// remove empty session folders:
if os.ls(ts.vtmp_dir) or { [] }.len == 0 {
os.rmdir_all(ts.vtmp_dir) or {}
fn worker_trunner(mut p pool.PoolProcessor, idx int, thread_id int) voidptr {
mut ts := unsafe { &TestSession(p.get_shared_context()) }
if ts.fail_fast {
if ts.failed_cmds.len > 0 {
return pool.no_result
tmpd := ts.vtmp_dir
// tls_bench is used to format the step messages/timings
mut tls_bench := unsafe { &benchmark.Benchmark(p.get_thread_context(idx)) }
if isnil(tls_bench) {
tls_bench = benchmark.new_benchmark_pointer()
p.set_thread_context(idx, tls_bench)
tls_bench.no_cstep = true
tls_bench.njobs = ts.benchmark.njobs
mut relative_file := os.real_path(p.get_item[string](idx))
mut cmd_options := [ts.vargs]
mut run_js := false
is_fmt := ts.vargs.contains('fmt')
is_vet := ts.vargs.contains('vet')
produces_file_output := !(is_fmt || is_vet)
if relative_file.ends_with('js.v') {
if produces_file_output {
cmd_options << ' -b js'
run_js = true
if relative_file.contains('global') && !is_fmt {
cmd_options << ' -enable-globals'
if ts.root_relative {
relative_file = relative_file.replace(ts.vroot + os.path_separator, '')
file := os.real_path(relative_file)
mtc := MessageThreadContext{
file: file
flow_id: thread_id.str()
normalised_relative_file := relative_file.replace('\\', '/')
// Ensure that the generated binaries will be stored in the temporary folder.
// Remove them after a test passes/fails.
fname := os.file_name(file)
generated_binary_fname := if os.user_os() == 'windows' && !run_js {
fname.replace('.v', '.exe')
} else if !run_js {
fname.replace('.v', '')
} else {
fname.replace('.v', '')
generated_binary_fpath := os.join_path_single(tmpd, generated_binary_fname)
if produces_file_output {
if ts.rm_binaries {
os.rm(generated_binary_fpath) or {}
cmd_options << ' -o ${os.quoted_path(generated_binary_fpath)}'
cmd := '${os.quoted_path(ts.vexe)} ' + cmd_options.join(' ') + ' ${os.quoted_path(file)}'
if relative_file.replace('\\', '/') in ts.skip_files {
if !testing.hide_skips {
ts.append_message(.skip, tls_bench.step_message_skip(normalised_relative_file),
return pool.no_result
if ts.show_stats {
ts.append_message(.cmd_begin, cmd, mtc)
d_cmd := time.new_stopwatch()
mut status := os.system(cmd)
mut cmd_duration := d_cmd.elapsed()
ts.append_message_with_duration(.cmd_end, '', cmd_duration, mtc)
if status != 0 {
details := get_test_details(file)
os.setenv('VTEST_RETRY_MAX', '${details.retry}', true)
for retry := 1; retry <= details.retry; retry++ {
ts.append_message(.info, ' [stats] retrying ${retry}/${details.retry} of ${relative_file} ; known flaky: ${details.flaky} ...',
os.setenv('VTEST_RETRY', '${retry}', true)
ts.append_message(.cmd_begin, cmd, mtc)
d_cmd_2 := time.new_stopwatch()
status = os.system(cmd)
cmd_duration = d_cmd_2.elapsed()
ts.append_message_with_duration(.cmd_end, '', cmd_duration, mtc)
if status == 0 {
unsafe {
goto test_passed_system
time.sleep(500 * time.millisecond)
if details.flaky && !testing.fail_flaky {
ts.append_message(.info, ' *FAILURE* of the known flaky test file ${relative_file} is ignored, since VTEST_FAIL_FLAKY is 0 . Retry count: ${details.retry} .',
unsafe {
goto test_passed_system
return pool.no_result
} else {
} else {
if testing.show_start {
ts.append_message(.info, ' starting ${relative_file} ...',
ts.append_message(.cmd_begin, cmd, mtc)
d_cmd := time.new_stopwatch()
mut r := os.execute(cmd)
mut cmd_duration := d_cmd.elapsed()
ts.append_message_with_duration(.cmd_end, r.output, cmd_duration, mtc)
if r.exit_code < 0 {
ts.append_message_with_duration(.fail, tls_bench.step_message_fail(normalised_relative_file),
cmd_duration, mtc)
return pool.no_result
if r.exit_code != 0 {
details := get_test_details(file)
os.setenv('VTEST_RETRY_MAX', '${details.retry}', true)
for retry := 1; retry <= details.retry; retry++ {
ts.append_message(.info, ' retrying ${retry}/${details.retry} of ${relative_file} ; known flaky: ${details.flaky} ...',
os.setenv('VTEST_RETRY', '${retry}', true)
ts.append_message(.cmd_begin, cmd, mtc)
d_cmd_2 := time.new_stopwatch()
r = os.execute(cmd)
cmd_duration = d_cmd_2.elapsed()
ts.append_message_with_duration(.cmd_end, r.output, cmd_duration, mtc)
if r.exit_code == 0 {
unsafe {
goto test_passed_execute
if details.flaky && !testing.fail_flaky {
ts.append_message(.info, ' *FAILURE* of the known flaky test file ${relative_file} is ignored, since VTEST_FAIL_FLAKY is 0 . Retry count: ${details.retry} .',
unsafe {
goto test_passed_execute
ending_newline := if r.output.ends_with('\n') { '\n' } else { '' }
ts.append_message_with_duration(.fail, tls_bench.step_message_fail('${normalised_relative_file}\n${r.output.trim_space()}${ending_newline}'),
cmd_duration, mtc)
} else {
if !testing.hide_oks {
ts.append_message_with_duration(.ok, tls_bench.step_message_ok(normalised_relative_file),
cmd_duration, mtc)
if produces_file_output && ts.rm_binaries {
os.rm(generated_binary_fpath) or {}
return pool.no_result
pub fn vlib_should_be_present(parent_dir string) {
vlib_dir := os.join_path_single(parent_dir, 'vlib')
if !os.is_dir(vlib_dir) {
eprintln('${vlib_dir} is missing, it must be next to the V executable')
pub fn prepare_test_session(zargs string, folder string, oskipped []string, main_label string) TestSession {
vexe := pref.vexe_path()
parent_dir := os.dir(vexe)
vargs := zargs.replace(vexe, '')
if vargs.len > 0 {
eprintln('v compiler args: "${vargs}"')
mut session := new_test_session(vargs, true)
files := os.walk_ext(os.join_path_single(parent_dir, folder), '.v')
mut mains := []string{}
mut skipped := oskipped.clone()
next_file: for f in files {
fnormalised := f.replace('\\', '/')
// Note: a `testdata` folder, is the preferred name of a folder, containing V code,
// that you *do not want* the test framework to find incidentally for various reasons,
// for example module import tests, or subtests, that are compiled/run by other parent tests
// in specific configurations, etc.
if fnormalised.contains('testdata/') || fnormalised.contains('modules/')
|| fnormalised.contains('preludes/') {
$if windows {
// skip pico and process/command examples on windows
if fnormalised.ends_with('examples/pico/pico.v')
|| fnormalised.ends_with('examples/process/command.v') {
c := os.read_file(f) or { panic(err) }
maxc := if c.len > 500 { 500 } else { c.len }
start := c[0..maxc]
if start.contains('module ') && !start.contains('module main') {
skipped_f := f.replace(os.join_path_single(parent_dir, ''), '')
skipped << skipped_f
for skip_prefix in oskipped {
skip_folder := skip_prefix + '/'
if fnormalised.starts_with(skip_folder) {
continue next_file
mains << f
session.files << mains
session.skip_files << skipped
return session
pub type FnTestSetupCb = fn (mut session TestSession)
pub fn v_build_failing_skipped(zargs string, folder string, oskipped []string, cb FnTestSetupCb) bool {
main_label := 'Building ${folder} ...'
finish_label := 'building ${folder}'
mut session := prepare_test_session(zargs, folder, oskipped, main_label)
cb(mut session)
return session.failed_cmds.len > 0
pub fn build_v_cmd_failed(cmd string) bool {
res := os.execute(cmd)
if res.exit_code < 0 {
return true
if res.exit_code != 0 {
return true
return false
pub fn building_any_v_binaries_failed() bool {
eheader('Building V binaries...')
eprintln('VFLAGS is: "' + os.getenv('VFLAGS') + '"')
vexe := pref.vexe_path()
parent_dir := os.dir(vexe)
os.chdir(parent_dir) or { panic(err) }
mut failed := false
v_build_commands := ['${vexe} -o v_g -g cmd/v',
'${vexe} -o v_prod_g -prod -g cmd/v', '${vexe} -o v_cg -cg cmd/v',
'${vexe} -o v_prod_cg -prod -cg cmd/v', '${vexe} -o v_prod -prod cmd/v']
mut bmark := benchmark.new_benchmark()
for cmd in v_build_commands {
if build_v_cmd_failed(cmd) {
failed = true
eprintln(bmark.step_message_fail('command: ${cmd} . See details above ^^^^^^^'))
if !testing.hide_oks {
eprintln(bmark.step_message_ok('command: ${cmd}'))
eprintln(bmark.total_message('building v binaries'))
return failed
// setup_new_vtmp_folder creates a new nested folder inside VTMP, then resets VTMP to it,
// so that V programs/tests will write their temporary files to new location.
// The new nested folder, and its contents, will get removed after all tests/programs succeed.
pub fn setup_new_vtmp_folder() string {
now := time.sys_mono_now()
new_vtmp_dir := os.join_path(os.vtmp_dir(), 'tsession_${sync.thread_id().hex()}_${now}')
os.mkdir_all(new_vtmp_dir) or { panic(err) }
os.setenv('VTMP', new_vtmp_dir, true)
return new_vtmp_dir
pub struct TestDetails {
pub mut:
retry int
flaky bool // when flaky tests fail, the whole run is still considered successfull, unless VTEST_FAIL_FLAKY is 1
pub fn get_test_details(file string) TestDetails {
mut res := TestDetails{}
lines := os.read_lines(file) or { [] }
for line in lines {
if line.starts_with('// vtest retry:') {
res.retry = line.all_after(':').trim_space().int()
if line.starts_with('// vtest flaky:') {
res.flaky = line.all_after(':').trim_space().bool()
return res
pub fn find_started_process(pname string) !string {
for line in testing.all_processes {
if line.contains(pname) {
return line
return error('could not find process matching ${pname}')
pub fn eheader(msg string) {
eprintln(term.header_left(msg, '-'))
pub fn header(msg string) {
println(term.header_left(msg, '-'))