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module os
// Collection of useful functions for manipulation, validation and analysis of system paths.
// The following functions handle paths depending on the operating system,
// therefore results may be different for certain operating systems.
const (
fslash = `/`
bslash = `\\`
dot = `.`
// is_abs_path returns `true` if the given `path` is absolute.
pub fn is_abs_path(path string) bool {
if path.len == 0 {
return false
$if windows {
return is_device_path(path) || is_drive_rooted(path) || is_normal_path(path)
return path[0] == os.fslash
// win_volume_len returns the length of the
// Windows volume/drive from the given `path`.
fn win_volume_len(path string) int {
plen := path.len
if plen < 2 {
return 0
if has_drive_letter(path) {
return 2
// its UNC path / DOS device path?
if path.len >= 5 && starts_w_slash_slash(path) && !is_slash(path[2]) {
for i := 3; i < plen; i++ {
if is_slash(path[i]) {
if i + 1 >= plen || is_slash(path[i + 1]) {
for ; i < plen; i++ {
if is_slash(path[i]) {
return i
return i
return 0
fn is_slash(b u8) bool {
$if windows {
return b == os.bslash || b == os.fslash
return b == os.fslash
fn is_device_path(path string) bool {
return win_volume_len(path) >= 5 && starts_w_slash_slash(path)
fn has_drive_letter(path string) bool {
return path.len >= 2 && path[0].is_letter() && path[1] == `:`
fn starts_w_slash_slash(path string) bool {
return path.len >= 2 && is_slash(path[0]) && is_slash(path[1])
fn is_drive_rooted(path string) bool {
return path.len >= 3 && has_drive_letter(path) && is_slash(path[2])
// is_normal_path returns `true` if the given
// `path` is NOT a network or Windows device path.
fn is_normal_path(path string) bool {
plen := path.len
if plen == 0 {
return false
return (plen == 1 && is_slash(path[0])) || (plen >= 2 && is_slash(path[0])
&& !is_slash(path[1]))