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2022-03-06 20:01:22 +03:00

304 lines
3.5 KiB

enum Color {
pub fn (c Color) str() string {
return 'tmp'
fn test_match_integers() {
mut a := 3
mut b := 0
match a {
2 {
3 {
b = 3
int(4) {
else {
assert b == 3
assert match 2 {
1 { 2 }
2 { 3 }
else { 5 }
} == 3
assert match 0 {
1 { 2 }
2 { 3 }
else { 5 }
} == 5
assert match 1 {
2 { 0 }
else { 5 }
} == 5
a = 0
match 2 {
0 {
a = 1
1 {
a = 2
else {
a = 3
println('a is $a')
assert a == 3
a = 0
match 1 {
0 {
a = 1
1 {
a = 2
a = a + 2
a = a + 2
else {}
assert a == 6
a = 0
match 1 {
0 {}
else { a = -2 }
assert a == -2
fn test_match_multiple() {
assert match 9 {
1, 2, 3 { '1-3' }
4, 5 { '4-5' }
6...9 { '6-9' }
else { 'other' }
} == '6-9'
fn test_match_range() {
assert match `f` {
`0`...`9` { 'digit' }
`A`...`Z` { 'uppercase' }
`a`...`z` { 'lowercase' }
else { 'other' }
} == 'lowercase'
fn test_match_enums() {
mut b := Color.red
match b {
.red {
b = .green
.green {
b = .blue
else {
println('b is $b.str()')
b = .red
assert b == .green
match b {
.red {
b = .green
else {
println('b is $b.str()')
b = .blue
assert b == .blue
struct Counter {
val int
fn (mut c Counter) next() int {
return c.val
fn test_method_call() {
mut c := Counter{
val: 1
assert match c.next() {
1 { false }
2 { true }
3 { false }
else { true }
type Sum = A1 | B1
struct A1 {
pos int
struct B1 {
val string
fn f(s Sum) string {
match s {
A1 { return typeof(s).name }
B1 { return '' }
return ''
fn test_sum_type_name() {
a := A1{
pos: 22
assert f(a) == 'A1'
fn f_else(s Sum) string {
match s {
A1 { return typeof(s).name }
else { return '' }
fn test_sum_type_else() {
a := A1{
pos: 22
assert f_else(a) == 'A1'
struct Alfa {
char rune = `a`
fn (a Alfa) letter() rune {
return a.char
struct Bravo {
// A field so that Alfa and Bravo structures aren't the same
dummy_field int
pub mut:
// Note: the `char` field is not `pub` or `mut` in all sumtype variants, but using it in aggregates should still work
char rune = `b`
fn (b Bravo) letter() rune {
return b.char
struct Charlie {
char rune = `c`
type NATOAlphabet = Alfa | Bravo | Charlie
fn test_match_sumtype_multiple_types() {
a := Alfa{}
l := NATOAlphabet(a)
match l {
Alfa, Bravo {
assert l.char == `a`
// TODO make methods work
// assert l.letter() == `a`
Charlie {
assert false
// test one branch
match l {
Alfa, Bravo, Charlie {
assert l.char == `a`
fn test_sub_expression() {
b := false && match 1 {
0 { true }
else { true }
assert !b
c := true || match 1 {
0 { false }
else { false }
assert c
const (
one = 'one'
fn test_match_constant_string() {
match one {
one {
assert true
else {
assert false
type WithArray = []WithArray | int
fn test_sumtype_with_array() {
fa := [WithArray(0)]
f := WithArray(fa)
match f {
[]WithArray {
assert true
int {
assert false
match f {
int {
assert false
[]WithArray {
assert true
fn test_match_expression_add() {
a := match true {
true { 1 }
false { 2 }
} + 3
assert a == 4
type LeType = int | string
fn test_noreturn() {
t := LeType(3)
_ := match t {
int {
string {