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synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
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379 lines
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module checker
import v.ast
import v.pref
import v.util
import v.token
import strings
pub fn (mut c Checker) match_expr(mut node ast.MatchExpr) ast.Type {
node.is_expr = c.expected_type != ast.void_type
node.expected_type = c.expected_type
if mut node.cond is ast.ParExpr && !c.pref.translated && !c.file.is_translated {
c.error('unnecessary `()` in `match` condition, use `match expr {` instead of `match (expr) {`.',
if node.is_expr {
c.expected_expr_type = c.expected_type
defer {
c.expected_expr_type = ast.void_type
cond_type := c.expr(node.cond)
// we setting this here rather than at the end of the method
// since it is used in c.match_exprs() it saves checking twice
node.cond_type = ast.mktyp(cond_type)
if (node.cond is ast.Ident && (node.cond as ast.Ident).is_mut)
|| (node.cond is ast.SelectorExpr && (node.cond as ast.SelectorExpr).is_mut) {
c.ensure_type_exists(node.cond_type, node.pos) or { return ast.void_type }
c.check_expr_opt_call(node.cond, cond_type)
cond_type_sym := c.table.sym(cond_type)
node.is_sum_type = cond_type_sym.kind in [.interface_, .sum_type]
c.match_exprs(mut node, cond_type_sym)
c.expected_type = cond_type
mut first_iteration := true
mut ret_type := ast.void_type
mut nbranches_with_return := 0
mut nbranches_without_return := 0
for branch in node.branches {
if node.is_expr {
} else {
c.smartcast_mut_pos = token.Pos{}
c.smartcast_cond_pos = token.Pos{}
if node.is_expr {
if branch.stmts.len == 0 && ret_type != ast.void_type {
c.error('`match` expression requires an expression as the last statement of every branch',
// If the last statement is an expression, return its type
if branch.stmts.len > 0 {
mut stmt := branch.stmts.last()
if mut stmt is ast.ExprStmt {
if node.is_expr {
c.expected_type = node.expected_type
expr_type := c.expr(stmt.expr)
stmt.typ = expr_type
if first_iteration {
if node.is_expr && (node.expected_type.has_flag(.optional)
|| node.expected_type.has_flag(.result)
|| c.table.type_kind(node.expected_type) in [.sum_type, .multi_return]) {
c.check_match_branch_last_stmt(stmt, node.expected_type, expr_type)
ret_type = node.expected_type
} else {
ret_type = expr_type
} else if node.is_expr && ret_type.idx() != expr_type.idx() {
c.check_match_branch_last_stmt(stmt, ret_type, expr_type)
} else {
if node.is_expr && ret_type != ast.void_type {
c.error('`match` expression requires an expression as the last statement of every branch',
first_iteration = false
if has_return := c.has_return(branch.stmts) {
if has_return {
} else {
if nbranches_with_return > 0 {
if nbranches_with_return == node.branches.len {
// an exhaustive match, and all branches returned
c.returns = true
if nbranches_without_return > 0 {
// some of the branches did not return
c.returns = false
node.return_type = ret_type
cond_var := c.get_base_name(&node.cond)
if cond_var != '' {
mut cond_is_auto_heap := false
for branch in node.branches {
if v := branch.scope.find_var(cond_var) {
if v.is_auto_heap {
cond_is_auto_heap = true
if cond_is_auto_heap {
for branch in node.branches {
mut v := branch.scope.find_var(cond_var) or { continue }
v.is_auto_heap = true
return ret_type
fn (mut c Checker) check_match_branch_last_stmt(last_stmt ast.ExprStmt, ret_type ast.Type, expr_type ast.Type) {
if !c.check_types(ret_type, expr_type) && !c.check_types(expr_type, ret_type) {
ret_sym := c.table.sym(ret_type)
is_noreturn := is_noreturn_callexpr(last_stmt.expr)
if !(ret_sym.kind == .sum_type && (ret_type.has_flag(.generic)
|| c.table.is_sumtype_or_in_variant(ret_type, expr_type))) && !is_noreturn {
expr_sym := c.table.sym(expr_type)
if expr_sym.kind == .multi_return && ret_sym.kind == .multi_return {
ret_types := ret_sym.mr_info().types
expr_types := expr_sym.mr_info().types.map(ast.mktyp(it))
if expr_types == ret_types {
c.error('return type mismatch, it should be `$ret_sym.name`', last_stmt.pos)
fn (mut c Checker) match_exprs(mut node ast.MatchExpr, cond_type_sym ast.TypeSymbol) {
// branch_exprs is a histogram of how many times
// an expr was used in the match
mut branch_exprs := map[string]int{}
for branch_i, _ in node.branches {
mut branch := node.branches[branch_i]
mut expr_types := []ast.TypeNode{}
for k, expr in branch.exprs {
mut key := ''
if expr is ast.RangeExpr {
mut low := i64(0)
mut high := i64(0)
c.expected_type = node.expected_type
low_expr := expr.low
high_expr := expr.high
final_cond_sym := c.table.final_sym(node.cond_type)
if low_expr is ast.IntegerLiteral {
if high_expr is ast.IntegerLiteral
&& (final_cond_sym.is_int() || final_cond_sym.info is ast.Enum) {
low = low_expr.val.i64()
high = high_expr.val.i64()
if low > high {
c.error('start value is higher than end value', branch.pos)
} else {
c.error('mismatched range types - $expr.low is an integer, but $expr.high is not',
} else if low_expr is ast.CharLiteral {
if high_expr is ast.CharLiteral && final_cond_sym.kind in [.u8, .char, .rune] {
low = low_expr.val[0]
high = high_expr.val[0]
if low > high {
c.error('start value is higher than end value', branch.pos)
} else {
typ := c.table.type_to_str(c.expr(node.cond))
c.error('mismatched range types - trying to match `$node.cond`, which has type `$typ`, against a range of `rune`',
} else {
typ := c.table.type_to_str(c.expr(expr.low))
c.error('cannot use type `$typ` in match range', branch.pos)
high_low_cutoff := 1000
if high - low > high_low_cutoff {
c.warn('more than $high_low_cutoff possibilities ($low ... $high) in match range',
for i in low .. high + 1 {
key = i.str()
val := if key in branch_exprs { branch_exprs[key] } else { 0 }
if val == 1 {
c.error('match case `$key` is handled more than once', branch.pos)
branch_exprs[key] = val + 1
match expr {
ast.TypeNode {
key = c.table.type_to_str(expr.typ)
expr_types << expr
ast.EnumVal {
key = expr.val
else {
key = expr.str()
val := if key in branch_exprs { branch_exprs[key] } else { 0 }
if val == 1 {
c.error('match case `$key` is handled more than once', branch.pos)
c.expected_type = node.cond_type
expr_type := c.expr(expr)
if expr_type.idx() == 0 {
// parser failed, stop checking
expr_type_sym := c.table.sym(expr_type)
if cond_type_sym.kind == .interface_ {
// This generates a memory issue with TCC
// Needs to be checked later when TCC errors are fixed
// Current solution is to move expr.pos() to its own statement
// c.type_implements(expr_type, c.expected_type, expr.pos())
expr_pos := expr.pos()
if c.type_implements(expr_type, c.expected_type, expr_pos) {
if !expr_type.is_ptr() && !expr_type.is_pointer() && !c.inside_unsafe {
if expr_type_sym.kind != .interface_ {
c.mark_as_referenced(mut &branch.exprs[k], true)
} else if cond_type_sym.info is ast.SumType {
if expr_type !in cond_type_sym.info.variants {
expr_str := c.table.type_to_str(expr_type)
expect_str := c.table.type_to_str(node.cond_type)
sumtype_variant_names := cond_type_sym.info.variants.map(c.table.type_to_str_using_aliases(it,
suggestion := util.new_suggestion(expr_str, sumtype_variant_names)
c.error(suggestion.say('`$expect_str` has no variant `$expr_str`'),
} else if cond_type_sym.info is ast.Alias && expr_type_sym.info is ast.Struct {
expr_str := c.table.type_to_str(expr_type)
expect_str := c.table.type_to_str(node.cond_type)
c.error('cannot match alias type `$expect_str` with `$expr_str`', expr.pos())
} else if !c.check_types(expr_type, node.cond_type) {
expr_str := c.table.type_to_str(expr_type)
expect_str := c.table.type_to_str(node.cond_type)
c.error('cannot match `$expect_str` with `$expr_str`', expr.pos())
branch_exprs[key] = val + 1
// when match is type matching, then register smart cast for every branch
if expr_types.len > 0 {
if cond_type_sym.kind in [.sum_type, .interface_] {
mut expr_type := ast.Type(0)
if expr_types.len > 1 {
mut agg_name := strings.new_builder(20)
mut agg_cname := strings.new_builder(20)
for i, expr in expr_types {
if i > 0 {
agg_name.write_string(' | ')
type_str := c.table.type_to_str(expr.typ)
name := if c.is_builtin_mod { type_str } else { '${c.mod}.$type_str' }
name := agg_name.str()
existing_idx := c.table.type_idxs[name]
if existing_idx > 0 {
expr_type = existing_idx
} else {
expr_type = c.table.register_sym(ast.TypeSymbol{
name: name
cname: agg_cname.str()
kind: .aggregate
mod: c.mod
info: ast.Aggregate{
sum_type: node.cond_type
types: expr_types.map(it.typ)
} else {
expr_type = expr_types[0].typ
c.smartcast(node.cond, node.cond_type, expr_type, mut branch.scope)
// check that expressions are exhaustive
// this is achieved either by putting an else
// or, when the match is on a sum type or an enum
// by listing all variants or values
mut is_exhaustive := true
mut unhandled := []string{}
if node.cond_type == ast.bool_type {
variants := ['true', 'false']
for v in variants {
if v !in branch_exprs {
is_exhaustive = false
unhandled << '`$v`'
} else {
match cond_type_sym.info {
ast.SumType {
for v in cond_type_sym.info.variants {
v_str := c.table.type_to_str(v)
if v_str !in branch_exprs {
is_exhaustive = false
unhandled << '`$v_str`'
ast.Enum {
for v in cond_type_sym.info.vals {
if v !in branch_exprs {
is_exhaustive = false
unhandled << '`.$v`'
else {
is_exhaustive = false
mut else_branch := node.branches.last()
mut has_else := else_branch.is_else
if !has_else {
for i, branch in node.branches {
if branch.is_else && i != node.branches.len - 1 {
c.error('`else` must be the last branch of `match`', branch.pos)
else_branch = branch
has_else = true
if is_exhaustive {
if has_else && !c.pref.translated && !c.file.is_translated {
c.error('match expression is exhaustive, `else` is unnecessary', else_branch.pos)
if has_else {
mut err_details := 'match must be exhaustive'
if unhandled.len > 0 {
err_details += ' (add match branches for: '
if unhandled.len < c.match_exhaustive_cutoff_limit {
err_details += unhandled.join(', ')
} else {
remaining := unhandled.len - c.match_exhaustive_cutoff_limit
err_details += unhandled[0..c.match_exhaustive_cutoff_limit].join(', ')
if remaining > 0 {
err_details += ', and $remaining others ...'
err_details += ' or `else {}` at the end)'
} else {
err_details += ' (add `else {}` at the end)'
c.error(err_details, node.pos)