mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
2022-11-06 08:22:50 +03:00
bin os,tools: add os.vtmp_dir() 2022-11-03 10:19:51 +02:00
test_samples pkgconfig: fix parsing mid-line comments (#14920) 2022-07-02 11:31:52 +03:00
main.v checker: fix nested struct reference type field initialized check. (fix: #15741) (#15752) 2022-09-15 07:59:31 +03:00
pkgconfig_test.v builtin: change IError msg and code to methods + fix vlib, add a deprecation notice for the old usages (#13041) 2022-02-11 15:52:33 +02:00
pkgconfig.v v.pkgconfig: fix infinite recursion bug when parsing dependencies (#16342) 2022-11-06 08:22:50 +03:00
README.md V 0.3.2 2022-11-01 05:41:13 +03:00


This module implements the pkg-config tool as a library in pure V.


  • Simple API, but still not stable, but shouldnt change much
  • Runs 2x faster than original pkg-config
  • Commandline tool that aims to be compatible with pkg-config
  • Resolve full path for .pc file given a name
  • Recursively parse all the dependencies
  • Find and replace all inner variables
  • Integration with V, so you can just do #pkgconfig r_core


  • 100% compatibility with pkg-config options
  • Strictier pc parsing logic, with better error reporting


The commandline tool is available in vlib/v/pkgconfig/bin/pkgconfig.v

$ ./bin/pkgconfig -h
pkgconfig 0.3.2
Usage: pkgconfig [options] [ARGS]

  -V, --modversion          show version of module
  -d, --description         show pkg module description
  -h, --help                show this help message
  -D, --debug               show debug information
  -l, --list-all            list all pkgmodules
  -e, --exists              return 0 if pkg exists
  -V, --print-variables     display variable names
  -r, --print-requires      display requires of the module
  -a, --atleast-version <string>
                            return 0 if pkg version is at least the given one
      --exact-version <string>
                            return 0 if pkg version is at least the given one
  -v, --version             show version of this tool
  -c, --cflags              output all pre-processor and compiler flags
  -I, --cflags-only-I       show only -I flags from CFLAGS
      --cflags-only-other   show cflags without -I
  -s, --static              show --libs for static linking
  -l, --libs                output all linker flags
      --libs-only-l         show only -l from ldflags
  -L, --libs-only-L         show only -L from ldflags
      --libs-only-other     show flags not containing -l or -L

Using the API in your own programs:

import v.pkgconfig

opt := pkgconfig.Options{}
mut pc := pkgconfig.load('expat', opt) or { panic(err) }

... will produce something like this:

['-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu', '-lexpat']