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synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
* termio: new termio module move the tcgetattr and tcsetattr functions in a new termio module. The code needed refactoring as different OS have different fields size, position and number for the C.termios structure, which could not be correctly expressed consitently otherwise. It has the positive side effect to reduce the number of unsafe calls. New testing code was also added for the readline module as it is relying of the feature. * apply 2023 copyright to the new files too
572 lines
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572 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Raúl Hernández. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module ui
import os
import time
import term.termios
#include <signal.h>
pub struct C.winsize {
ws_row u16
ws_col u16
const termios_at_startup = get_termios()
fn get_termios() termios.Termios {
mut t := termios.Termios{}
termios.tcgetattr(C.STDIN_FILENO, mut t)
return t
fn get_terminal_size() (u16, u16) {
winsz := C.winsize{}
termios.ioctl(0, termios.flag(C.TIOCGWINSZ), voidptr(&winsz))
return winsz.ws_row, winsz.ws_col
fn restore_terminal_state_signal(_ os.Signal) {
fn restore_terminal_state() {
mut c := unsafe { ctx_ptr }
if unsafe { c != 0 } {
c.paused = true
fn (mut ctx Context) termios_setup() ! {
// store the current title, so restore_terminal_state can get it back
if !ctx.cfg.skip_init_checks && !(os.is_atty(C.STDIN_FILENO) != 0
&& os.is_atty(C.STDOUT_FILENO) != 0) {
return error('not running under a TTY')
mut tios := get_termios()
if ctx.cfg.capture_events {
// Set raw input mode by unsetting ICANON and ECHO,
// as well as disable e.g. ctrl+c and ctrl.z
tios.c_iflag &= termios.invert(C.IGNBRK | C.BRKINT | C.PARMRK | C.IXON)
tios.c_lflag &= termios.invert(C.ICANON | C.ISIG | C.ECHO | C.IEXTEN | C.TOSTOP)
} else {
// Set raw input mode by unsetting ICANON and ECHO
tios.c_lflag &= termios.invert(C.ICANON | C.ECHO)
if ctx.cfg.hide_cursor {
if ctx.cfg.window_title != '' {
if !ctx.cfg.skip_init_checks {
// prevent blocking during the feature detections, but allow enough time for the terminal
// to send back the relevant input data
tios.c_cc[C.VTIME] = 1
tios.c_cc[C.VMIN] = 0
termios.tcsetattr(C.STDIN_FILENO, C.TCSAFLUSH, mut tios)
// feature-test the SU spec
sx, sy := get_cursor_position()
ex, ey := get_cursor_position()
if sx == ex && sy == ey {
// the terminal either ignored or handled the sequence properly, enable SU
ctx.enable_su = true
} else {
ctx.draw_line(sx, sy, ex, ey)
ctx.set_cursor_position(sx, sy)
// feature-test rgb (truecolor) support
ctx.enable_rgb = supports_truecolor()
// Prevent stdin from blocking by making its read time 0
tios.c_cc[C.VTIME] = 0
tios.c_cc[C.VMIN] = 0
termios.tcsetattr(C.STDIN_FILENO, C.TCSAFLUSH, mut tios)
// enable mouse input
if ctx.cfg.use_alternate_buffer {
// switch to the alternate buffer
// clear the terminal and set the cursor to the origin
ctx.window_height, ctx.window_width = get_terminal_size()
// Reset console on exit
os.signal_opt(.tstp, restore_terminal_state_signal) or {}
os.signal_opt(.cont, fn (_ os.Signal) {
mut c := unsafe { ctx_ptr }
if unsafe { c != 0 } {
c.termios_setup() or { panic(err) }
c.window_height, c.window_width = get_terminal_size()
mut event := &Event{
typ: .resized
width: c.window_width
height: c.window_height
c.paused = false
}) or {}
for code in ctx.cfg.reset {
os.signal_opt(code, fn (_ os.Signal) {
mut c := unsafe { ctx_ptr }
if unsafe { c != 0 } {
}) or {}
os.signal_opt(.winch, fn (_ os.Signal) {
mut c := unsafe { ctx_ptr }
if unsafe { c != 0 } {
c.window_height, c.window_width = get_terminal_size()
mut event := &Event{
typ: .resized
width: c.window_width
height: c.window_height
}) or {}
fn get_cursor_position() (int, int) {
mut s := ''
unsafe {
buf := malloc_noscan(25)
len := C.read(C.STDIN_FILENO, buf, 24)
buf[len] = 0
s = tos(buf, len)
a := s[2..].split(';')
if a.len != 2 {
return -1, -1
return a[0].int(), a[1].int()
fn supports_truecolor() bool {
// faster/simpler, but less reliable, check
if os.getenv('COLORTERM') in ['truecolor', '24bit'] {
return true
// set the bg color to some arbirtrary value (#010203), assumed not to be the default
// andquery the current color
mut s := ''
unsafe {
buf := malloc_noscan(25)
len := C.read(C.STDIN_FILENO, buf, 24)
buf[len] = 0
s = tos(buf, len)
return s.contains('1:2:3')
fn termios_reset() {
mut startup := ui.termios_at_startup
termios.tcsetattr(C.STDIN_FILENO, C.TCSAFLUSH, mut startup)
c := ctx_ptr
if unsafe { c != 0 } && c.cfg.use_alternate_buffer {
// TODO: do multiple sleep/read cycles, rather than one big one
fn (mut ctx Context) termios_loop() {
frame_time := 1_000_000 / ctx.cfg.frame_rate
mut init_called := false
mut sw := time.new_stopwatch(auto_start: false)
mut sleep_len := 0
for {
if !init_called {
init_called = true
// println('SLEEPING: $sleep_len')
if sleep_len > 0 {
time.sleep(sleep_len * time.microsecond)
if !ctx.paused {
if ctx.cfg.event_fn != unsafe { nil } {
unsafe {
len := C.read(C.STDIN_FILENO, &u8(ctx.read_buf.data) + ctx.read_buf.len,
ctx.read_buf.cap - ctx.read_buf.len)
ctx.resize_arr(ctx.read_buf.len + len)
if ctx.read_buf.len > 0 {
e := sw.elapsed().microseconds()
sleep_len = frame_time - int(e)
fn (mut ctx Context) parse_events() {
// Stop this from getting stuck in rare cases where something isn't parsed correctly
mut nr_iters := 0
for ctx.read_buf.len > 0 {
if nr_iters > 100 {
mut event := &Event(0)
if ctx.read_buf[0] == 0x1b {
e, len := escape_sequence(ctx.read_buf.bytestr())
event = e
} else {
if ctx.read_all_bytes {
e, len := multi_char(ctx.read_buf.bytestr())
event = e
} else {
event = single_char(ctx.read_buf.bytestr())
if unsafe { event != 0 } {
nr_iters = 0
fn single_char(buf string) &Event {
ch := buf[0]
mut event := &Event{
typ: .key_down
ascii: ch
code: unsafe { KeyCode(ch) }
utf8: ch.ascii_str()
match ch {
// special handling for `ctrl + letter`
// TODO: Fix assoc in V and remove this workaround :/
// 1 ... 26 { event = Event{ ...event, code: KeyCode(96 | ch), modifiers: .ctrl } }
// 65 ... 90 { event = Event{ ...event, code: KeyCode(32 | ch), modifiers: .shift } }
// The bit `or`s here are really just `+`'s, just written in this way for a tiny performance improvement
// don't treat tab, enter as ctrl+i, ctrl+j
1...8, 11...26 {
event = &Event{
typ: event.typ
ascii: event.ascii
utf8: event.utf8
code: unsafe { KeyCode(96 | ch) }
modifiers: .ctrl
65...90 {
event = &Event{
typ: event.typ
ascii: event.ascii
utf8: event.utf8
code: unsafe { KeyCode(32 | ch) }
modifiers: .shift
else {}
return event
fn multi_char(buf string) (&Event, int) {
ch := buf[0]
mut event := &Event{
typ: .key_down
ascii: ch
code: unsafe { KeyCode(ch) }
utf8: buf
match ch {
// special handling for `ctrl + letter`
// TODO: Fix assoc in V and remove this workaround :/
// 1 ... 26 { event = Event{ ...event, code: KeyCode(96 | ch), modifiers: .ctrl } }
// 65 ... 90 { event = Event{ ...event, code: KeyCode(32 | ch), modifiers: .shift } }
// The bit `or`s here are really just `+`'s, just written in this way for a tiny performance improvement
// don't treat tab, enter as ctrl+i, ctrl+j
1...8, 11...26 {
event = &Event{
typ: event.typ
ascii: event.ascii
utf8: event.utf8
code: unsafe { KeyCode(96 | ch) }
modifiers: .ctrl
65...90 {
event = &Event{
typ: event.typ
ascii: event.ascii
utf8: event.utf8
code: unsafe { KeyCode(32 | ch) }
modifiers: .shift
else {}
return event, buf.len
// Gets an entire, independent escape sequence from the buffer
// Normally, this just means reading until the first letter, but there are some exceptions...
fn escape_end(buf string) int {
mut i := 0
for {
if i + 1 == buf.len {
return buf.len
if buf[i].is_letter() || buf[i] == `~` {
if buf[i] == `O` && i + 2 <= buf.len {
n := buf[i + 1]
if (n >= `A` && n <= `D`) || (n >= `P` && n <= `S`) || n == `F` || n == `H` {
return i + 2
return i + 1
// escape hatch to avoid potential issues/crashes, although ideally this should never eval to true
} else if buf[i + 1] == 0x1b {
return i + 1
// this point should be unreachable
assert false
return 0
fn escape_sequence(buf_ string) (&Event, int) {
end := escape_end(buf_)
single := buf_[..end] // read until the end of the sequence
buf := single[1..] // skip the escape character
if buf.len == 0 {
return &Event{
typ: .key_down
ascii: 27
code: .escape
utf8: single
}, 1
if buf.len == 1 {
c := single_char(buf)
mut modifiers := c.modifiers
return &Event{
typ: c.typ
ascii: c.ascii
code: c.code
utf8: single
modifiers: modifiers
}, 2
// ----------------
// Mouse events
// ----------------
// Documentation: https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h2-Mouse-Tracking
if buf.len > 2 && buf[1] == `<` {
split := buf[2..].split(';')
if split.len < 3 {
return &Event(0), 0
typ, x, y := split[0].int(), split[1].int(), split[2].int()
lo := typ & 0b00011
hi := typ & 0b11100
mut modifiers := Modifiers.ctrl
if hi & 4 != 0 {
if hi & 8 != 0 {
if hi & 16 != 0 {
match typ {
0...31 {
last := buf[buf.len - 1]
button := if lo < 3 { unsafe { MouseButton(lo + 1) } } else { MouseButton.unknown }
event := if last == `m` || lo == 3 {
} else {
return &Event{
typ: event
x: x
y: y
button: button
modifiers: modifiers
utf8: single
}, end
32...63 {
button, event := if lo < 3 {
unsafe { MouseButton(lo + 1), EventType.mouse_drag }
} else {
MouseButton.unknown, EventType.mouse_move
return &Event{
typ: event
x: x
y: y
button: button
modifiers: modifiers
utf8: single
}, end
64...95 {
direction := if typ & 1 == 0 { Direction.down } else { Direction.up }
return &Event{
typ: .mouse_scroll
x: x
y: y
direction: direction
modifiers: modifiers
utf8: single
}, end
else {
return &Event{
typ: .unknown
utf8: single
}, end
// ----------------------------
// Special key combinations
// ----------------------------
mut code := KeyCode.null
mut modifiers := Modifiers.ctrl
match buf {
'[A', 'OA' { code = .up }
'[B', 'OB' { code = .down }
'[C', 'OC' { code = .right }
'[D', 'OD' { code = .left }
'[5~', '[[5~' { code = .page_up }
'[6~', '[[6~' { code = .page_down }
'[F', 'OF', '[4~', '[[8~' { code = .end }
'[H', 'OH', '[1~', '[[7~' { code = .home }
'[2~' { code = .insert }
'[3~' { code = .delete }
'OP', '[11~' { code = .f1 }
'OQ', '[12~' { code = .f2 }
'OR', '[13~' { code = .f3 }
'OS', '[14~' { code = .f4 }
'[15~' { code = .f5 }
'[17~' { code = .f6 }
'[18~' { code = .f7 }
'[19~' { code = .f8 }
'[20~' { code = .f9 }
'[21~' { code = .f10 }
'[23~' { code = .f11 }
'[24~' { code = .f12 }
else {}
if buf == '[Z' {
code = .tab
if buf.len == 5 && buf[0] == `[` && buf[1].is_digit() && buf[2] == `;` {
match buf[3] {
`2` { modifiers = .shift }
`3` { modifiers = .alt }
`4` { modifiers = .shift | .alt }
`5` { modifiers = .ctrl }
`6` { modifiers = .ctrl | .shift }
`7` { modifiers = .ctrl | .alt }
`8` { modifiers = .ctrl | .alt | .shift }
else {}
if buf[1] == `1` {
match buf[4] {
`A` { code = KeyCode.up }
`B` { code = KeyCode.down }
`C` { code = KeyCode.right }
`D` { code = KeyCode.left }
`F` { code = KeyCode.end }
`H` { code = KeyCode.home }
`P` { code = KeyCode.f1 }
`Q` { code = KeyCode.f2 }
`R` { code = KeyCode.f3 }
`S` { code = KeyCode.f4 }
else {}
} else if buf[1] == `5` {
code = KeyCode.page_up
} else if buf[1] == `6` {
code = KeyCode.page_down
return &Event{
typ: .key_down
code: code
utf8: single
modifiers: modifiers
}, end