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synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
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module main
import crypto.hmac
import crypto.sha256
import crypto.bcrypt
import encoding.base64
import json
import databases
import time
struct JwtHeader {
alg string
typ string
struct JwtPayload {
sub string // (subject) = Entity to whom the token belongs, usually the user ID;
iss string // (issuer) = Token issuer;
exp string // (expiration) = Timestamp of when the token will expire;
iat time.Time // (issued at) = Timestamp of when the token was created;
aud string // (audience) = Token recipient, represents the application that will use it.
name string
roles string
permissions string
fn (mut app App) service_auth(username string, password string) !string {
mut db := databases.create_db_connection() or {
defer {
db.close() or { panic(err) }
users := sql db {
select from User where username == username
user := users.first()
if user.username != username {
return error('user not found')
if !user.active {
return error('user is not active')
bcrypt.compare_hash_and_password(password.bytes(), user.password.bytes()) or {
return error('Failed to auth user, ${err}')
token := make_token(user)
return token
fn make_token(user User) string {
secret := 'SECRET_KEY' // os.getenv('SECRET_KEY')
jwt_header := JwtHeader{'HS256', 'JWT'}
jwt_payload := JwtPayload{
sub: '${user.id}'
name: '${user.username}'
iat: time.now()
header := base64.url_encode(json.encode(jwt_header).bytes())
payload := base64.url_encode(json.encode(jwt_payload).bytes())
signature := base64.url_encode(hmac.new(secret.bytes(), '${header}.${payload}'.bytes(),
sha256.sum, sha256.block_size).bytestr().bytes())
jwt := '${header}.${payload}.${signature}'
return jwt
fn auth_verify(token string) bool {
if token == '' {
return false
secret := 'SECRET_KEY' // os.getenv('SECRET_KEY')
token_split := token.split('.')
signature_mirror := hmac.new(secret.bytes(), '${token_split[0]}.${token_split[1]}'.bytes(),
sha256.sum, sha256.block_size).bytestr().bytes()
signature_from_token := base64.url_decode(token_split[2])
return hmac.equal(signature_from_token, signature_mirror)
// return true