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synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
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580 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module table
// import (
// v.ast
// )
pub struct Table {
// struct_fields map[string][]string
pub mut:
types []TypeSymbol
// type_idxs Hashmap
type_idxs map[string]int
unresolved_idxs map[string]int
local_vars []Var
scope_level int
var_idx int
// fns Hashmap
fns map[string]Fn
consts map[string]Var
tmp_cnt int
imports []string
pub struct Fn {
name string
args []Var
return_type Type
is_variadic bool
is_c bool
pub struct Var {
name string
idx int
is_mut bool
is_const bool
is_global bool
scope_level int
typ Type
pub fn new_table() &Table {
mut t := &Table{
types: make(0, 400, sizeof(TypeSymbol))
return t
pub fn (t &Table) find_var_idx(name string) int {
for i, var in t.local_vars {
if var.name == name {
return i
return -1
pub fn (t &Table) find_var(name string) ?Var {
for i in 0 .. t.var_idx {
if t.local_vars[i].name == name {
return t.local_vars[i]
// println(t.names)
for var in t.local_vars {
if var.name == name {
return var
return none
pub fn (t mut Table) register_const(v Var) {
t.consts[v.name] = v
pub fn (t mut Table) register_global(name string, typ Type) {
t.consts[name] = Var{
name: name
typ: typ
is_const: true
is_global: true
// mod: p.mod
// is_mut: true
// idx: -1
pub fn (t mut Table) register_var(v Var) {
typ_sym := t.get_type_symbol(v.typ)
println('register_var: $v.name - $typ_sym.name')
new_var := {
v |
// t.local_vars << v
if v.line_nr == 0 {
new_var.token_idx = p.cur_tok_index()
new_var.line_nr = p.cur_tok().line_nr
// Expand the array
if t.var_idx >= t.local_vars.len {
t.local_vars << new_var
else {
t.local_vars[t.var_idx] = new_var
pub fn (t mut Table) open_scope() {
pub fn (t mut Table) close_scope() {
// println('close_scope level=$f.scope_level var_idx=$f.var_idx')
// Move back `var_idx` (pointer to the end of the array) till we reach
// the previous scope level. This effectivly deletes (closes) current
// scope.
mut i := t.var_idx - 1
for ; i >= 0; i-- {
var := t.local_vars[i]
if p.pref.autofree && (v.is_alloc || (v.is_arg && v.typ == 'string')) {
// && !p.pref.is_test {
// if p.fileis('mem.v') {
// println(v.name + ' $v.is_arg scope=$v.scope_level cur=$p.cur_fn.scope_level')}
if var.scope_level != t.scope_level {
// && !v.is_arg {
if p.cur_fn.defer_text.last() != '' {
// p.cur_fn.defer_text[f] = ''
// p.cur_fn.defer_text = p.cur_fn.defer_text[..p.cur_fn.scope_level + 1]
t.var_idx = i + 1
// println('close_scope new var_idx=$f.var_idx\n')
pub fn (p mut Table) clear_vars() {
// shared a := [1, 2, 3]
p.var_idx = 0
if p.local_vars.len > 0 {
// ///if p.pref.autofree {
// p.local_vars.free()
// ///}
p.local_vars = []
p.tmp_cnt = 0
pub fn (t &Table) find_fn(name string) ?Fn {
f := t.fns[name]
if f.name.str != 0 {
return f
return none
pub fn (t &Table) find_const(name string) ?Var {
f := t.consts[name]
if f.name.str != 0 {
return f
return none
pub fn (t mut Table) register_fn(new_fn Fn) {
// println('reg fn $new_fn.name nr_args=$new_fn.args.len')
t.fns[new_fn.name] = new_fn
pub fn (t &Table) register_method(typ &TypeSymbol, new_fn Fn) bool {
// println('register method `$new_fn.name` type=$typ.name idx=$typ.idx')
println('register method `$new_fn.name` type=$typ.name')
mut t1 := typ
mut methods := typ.methods
methods << new_fn
t1.methods = methods
return true
pub fn (t mut Table) new_tmp_var() string {
return 'tmp$t.tmp_cnt'
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) has_method(name string) bool {
t.find_method(name) or {
return false
return true
pub fn (t &TypeSymbol) find_method(name string) ?Fn {
for method in t.methods {
if method.name == name {
return method
return none
pub fn (s &TypeSymbol) has_field(name string) bool {
s.find_field(name) or {
return false
return true
pub fn (s &TypeSymbol) find_field(name string) ?Field {
match s.info {
Struct {
for field in it.fields {
if field.name == name {
return field
else {}
return none
pub fn (t &Table) struct_has_field(s &TypeSymbol, name string) bool {
if !isnil(s.parent) {
println('struct_has_field($s.name, $name) types.len=$t.types.len s.parent=$s.parent.name')
else {
println('struct_has_field($s.name, $name) types.len=$t.types.len s.parent=none')
if _ := t.struct_find_field(s, name) {
return true
return false
pub fn (t &Table) struct_find_field(s &TypeSymbol, name string) ?Field {
if !isnil(s.parent) {
println('struct_find_field($s.name, $name) types.len=$t.types.len s.parent=$s.parent.name')
else {
println('struct_find_field($s.name, $name) types.len=$t.types.len s.parent=none')
if field := s.find_field(name) {
return field
if !isnil(s.parent) {
if field := s.parent.find_field(name) {
println('got parent $s.parent.name')
return field
return none
pub fn (t &Table) find_type_idx(name string) int {
return t.type_idxs[name]
pub fn (t &Table) find_type(name string) ?TypeSymbol {
idx := t.type_idxs[name]
if idx > 0 {
return t.types[idx]
return none
pub fn (t &Table) get_type_symbol(typ Type) &TypeSymbol {
idx := type_idx(typ)
if idx < 0 {
unresolved_idx := -idx
return &TypeSymbol{
parent: 0
kind: .unresolved
name: 'unresolved-$unresolved_idx'
else if idx > 0 {
return &t.types[idx]
// this should never happen
panic('get_type_symbol: invalid type $idx')
// this will override or register builtin type
// allows prexisitng types added in register_builtins
// to be overriden with their real type info
pub fn (t mut Table) register_builtin_type_symbol(typ TypeSymbol) int {
existing_idx := t.type_idxs[typ.name]
if existing_idx > 0 {
if existing_idx >= string_type_idx {
if existing_idx == string_type_idx {
existing_type := &t.types[existing_idx]
t.types[existing_idx] = {
typ |
else {
t.types[existing_idx] = typ
return existing_idx
return t.register_type_symbol(typ)
pub fn (t mut Table) register_type_symbol(typ TypeSymbol) int {
existing_idx := t.type_idxs[typ.name]
if existing_idx > 0 {
ex_type := t.types[existing_idx]
match ex_type.kind {
.placeholder {
// override placeholder
println('overriding type placeholder `$typ.name`')
t.types[existing_idx] = {
typ |
return existing_idx
else {
if ex_type.kind == typ.kind {
return existing_idx
// panic('cannot register type `$typ.name`, another type with this name exists')
return -1
typ_idx := t.types.len
t.types << typ
t.type_idxs[typ.name] = typ_idx
return typ_idx
pub fn (t &Table) known_type(name string) bool {
_ = t.find_type(name) or {
return false
return true
pub fn (t mut Table) find_or_register_map(key_type, value_type Type) int {
key_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(key_type)
val_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(value_type)
name := map_name(key_type_sym, val_type_sym)
// existing
existing_idx := t.type_idxs[name]
if existing_idx > 0 {
return existing_idx
// register
map_typ := TypeSymbol{
parent: &t.types[map_type_idx]
kind: .map
name: name
info: Map{
key_type: key_type
value_type: value_type
return t.register_type_symbol(map_typ)
pub fn (t mut Table) find_or_register_array(elem_type Type, nr_dims int) int {
elem_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(elem_type)
name := array_name(elem_type_sym, nr_dims)
// existing
existing_idx := t.type_idxs[name]
if existing_idx > 0 {
return existing_idx
// register
array_type := TypeSymbol{
parent: &t.types[array_type_idx]
kind: .array
name: name
info: Array{
elem_type: elem_type
nr_dims: nr_dims
return t.register_type_symbol(array_type)
pub fn (t mut Table) find_or_register_array_fixed(elem_type Type, size int, nr_dims int) int {
elem_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(elem_type)
name := array_fixed_name(elem_type_sym, size, nr_dims)
// existing
existing_idx := t.type_idxs[name]
if existing_idx > 0 {
return existing_idx
// register
array_fixed_type := TypeSymbol{
parent: 0
kind: .array_fixed
name: name
info: ArrayFixed{
elem_type: elem_type
size: size
nr_dims: nr_dims
return t.register_type_symbol(array_fixed_type)
pub fn (t mut Table) find_or_register_multi_return(mr_typs []Type) int {
mut name := 'multi_return'
for mr_typ in mr_typs {
mr_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(mr_typ)
name += '_$mr_type_sym.name'
// existing
existing_idx := t.type_idxs[name]
if existing_idx > 0 {
return existing_idx
// register
mr_type := TypeSymbol{
parent: 0
kind: .multi_return
name: name
info: MultiReturn{
types: mr_typs
return t.register_type_symbol(mr_type)
pub fn (t mut Table) add_placeholder_type(name string) int {
ph_type := TypeSymbol{
parent: 0
kind: .placeholder
name: name
// println('added placeholder: $name - $ph_type.idx')
return t.register_type_symbol(ph_type)
pub fn (t &Table) check(got, expected Type) bool {
got_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(got)
exp_type_sym := t.get_type_symbol(expected)
got_idx := type_idx(got)
exp_idx := type_idx(expected)
println('check: $got_type_sym.name, $exp_type_sym.name')
if exp_type_sym.kind == .voidptr {
return true
if got_type_sym.kind in [.voidptr, .byteptr, .charptr, .int] && exp_type_sym.kind in [.voidptr, .byteptr, .charptr] {
return true
if got_type_sym.is_int() && exp_type_sym.is_int() {
return true
if got_type_sym.kind == .array_fixed && exp_type_sym.kind == .byteptr {
info := got_type_sym.info as ArrayFixed
if type_idx(info.elem_type) == byte_type_idx {
return true
// if expected.name == 'array' {
// return true
// }
if got_idx != exp_idx/*&& got.typ.name != expected.typ.name*/ {
return false
return true
pub fn (t &Table) get_expr_typ(expr ast.Expr) TypeSymbol {
match expr {
ast.ArrayInit {
return it.typ
ast.IndexExpr {
return t.get_expr_typ(it.left)
ast.CallExpr {
func := t.find_fn(it.name) or {
return void_typ
return func.return_typ
ast.MethodCallExpr {
ti := t.get_expr_typ(it.expr)
func := t.find_method(typ.idx, it.name) or {
return void_type
return func.return_typ
ast.Ident {
if it.kind == .variable {
info := it.info as ast.IdentVar
if info.typ.kind != .unresolved {
return info.ti
return t.get_expr_typ(info.expr)
return types.void_typ
ast.StructInit {
return it.ti
ast.StringLiteral {
return types.string_typ
ast.IntegerLiteral {
return types.int_typ
ast.SelectorExpr {
ti := t.get_expr_typ(it.expr)
kind := t.types[typ.idx].kind
if typ.kind == .placeholder {
println(' ##### PH $typ.name')
if !(kind in [.placeholder, .struct_]) {
return types.void_typ
struct_ := t.types[typ.idx]
struct_info := struct_.info as types.Struct
for field in struct_info.fields {
if field.name == it.field {
return field.ti
if struct_.parent_idx != 0 {
parent := t.types[struct_.parent_idx]
parent_info := parent.info as types.Struct
for field in parent_info.fields {
if field.name == it.field {
return field.ti
return types.void_typ
ast.InfixExpr {
return t.get_expr_typ(it.left)
else {
return types.void_typ