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2019-08-31 00:54:53 +03:00

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// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Linux version
// Will serve as more advanced input method
// Based on the work of https://github.com/AmokHuginnsson/replxx
module readline
#include <termios.h>
struct termios {
c_iflag int
c_oflag int
c_cflag int
c_lflag int
c_cc [12]int //NCCS == 12. Cant use the defined value here
struct Readline {
pub mut:
is_raw bool
orig_termios termios
// Toggle raw mode of the terminal by changing its attributes
pub fn (r mut Readline) enable_raw_mode() {
if ( C.tcgetattr(0, &r.orig_termios) == -1 ) {
panic('No tty')
mut raw := r.orig_termios
raw.c_iflag &= ~( C.BRKINT | C.ICRNL | C.INPCK | C.ISTRIP | C.IXON )
raw.c_cflag |= ( C.CS8 )
raw.c_lflag &= ~( C.ECHO | C.ICANON | C.IEXTEN | C.ISIG )
raw.c_cc[C.VMIN] = 1
raw.c_cc[C.VTIME] = 0
C.tcsetattr(0, C.TCSADRAIN, &raw)
r.is_raw = true
// Not catching the SIGUSER (CTRL+C) Signal
pub fn (r Readline) enable_raw_mode2() {
if ( C.tcgetattr(0, &r.orig_termios) == -1 ) {
panic('No tty')
mut raw := r.orig_termios
raw.c_iflag &= ~( C.BRKINT | C.ICRNL | C.INPCK | C.ISTRIP | C.IXON )
raw.c_cflag |= ( C.CS8 )
raw.c_lflag &= ~( C.ECHO | C.ICANON | C.IEXTEN )
raw.c_cc[C.VMIN] = 1
raw.c_cc[C.VTIME] = 0
C.tcsetattr(0, C.TCSADRAIN, &raw)
// Reset back the terminal to its default value
pub fn (r Readline) disable_raw_mode() {
if r.is_raw {
C.tcsetattr(0, C.TCSADRAIN, &r.orig_termios)
// Read single char
fn (r Readline) read_char() byte {
return C.getchar()
// Delete character in the string and in the terminal
fn (r Readline) delete_character(s string, cursor int) string {
print('\b \b')
return s.left(cursor - 1) + s.right(cursor)
pub fn (r Readline) read_line() string {
mut s := ''
mut cursor := 0
for {
c := r.read_char()
// Check if ending string
if c == `\0` || c == 0x3 || c == 0x4 || c == 255 {
// Check if backspace
if c == `\b` || c == 127 {
if cursor > 0 {
s = r.delete_character(s, cursor)
} else {
// Add new character according to cursor position
s = s.left(cursor) + c.str() + s.right(cursor)
// Check if enter
if c == `\n` || c == `\r` {
} else {
return s