mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00

333 lines
7.4 KiB

module picoev
import picohttpparser
import time
pub const (
max_fds = 1024
max_queue = 4096
// events
picoev_read = 1
picoev_write = 2
picoev_timeout = 4
picoev_add = 0x40000000
picoev_del = 0x20000000
picoev_readwrite = 3 // 1 xor 2
// Target is a data representation of everything that needs to be associated with a single
// file descriptor (connection)
pub struct Target {
pub mut:
fd int
loop_id int = -1
events u32
cb fn (int, int, voidptr)
// used internally by the kqueue implementation
backend int
pub struct Config {
port int = 8080
cb fn (voidptr, picohttpparser.Request, mut picohttpparser.Response)
err_cb fn (voidptr, picohttpparser.Request, mut picohttpparser.Response, IError) = default_err_cb
user_data voidptr = unsafe { nil }
timeout_secs int = 8
max_headers int = 100
max_read int = 4096
max_write int = 8192
pub struct Picoev {
cb fn (voidptr, picohttpparser.Request, mut picohttpparser.Response)
err_cb fn (voidptr, picohttpparser.Request, mut picohttpparser.Response, IError) = default_err_cb
user_data voidptr = unsafe { nil }
timeout_secs int
max_headers int = 100
max_read int = 4096
max_write int = 8192
loop &LoopType = unsafe { nil }
file_descriptors [max_fds]&Target
timeouts map[int]i64
num_loops int
buf &u8 = unsafe { nil }
idx [1024]int
out &u8 = unsafe { nil }
date string
// init fills the `file_descriptors` array
pub fn (mut pv Picoev) init() {
assert picoev.max_fds > 0
pv.num_loops = 0
for i in 0 .. picoev.max_fds {
pv.file_descriptors[i] = &Target{}
// add adds a file descriptor to the loop
pub fn (mut pv Picoev) add(fd int, events int, timeout int, cb voidptr) int {
assert fd < picoev.max_fds
mut target := pv.file_descriptors[fd]
target.fd = fd
target.cb = cb
target.loop_id = pv.loop.id
target.events = 0
if pv.update_events(fd, events | picoev.picoev_add) != 0 {
return -1
// update timeout
pv.set_timeout(fd, timeout)
return 0
// del removes a file descriptor from the loop
fn (mut pv Picoev) del(fd int) int {
assert fd < picoev.max_fds
mut target := pv.file_descriptors[fd]
$if trace_fd ? {
eprintln('delete ${fd}')
if pv.update_events(fd, picoev.picoev_del) != 0 {
return -1
pv.set_timeout(fd, 0)
target.loop_id = -1
target.fd = 0
return 0
fn (mut pv Picoev) loop_once(max_wait int) int {
pv.loop.now = get_time()
if pv.poll_once(max_wait) != 0 {
return -1
if max_wait != 0 {
pv.loop.now = get_time()
return 0
// set_timeout sets the timeout in seconds for a file descriptor. If a timeout occurs
// the file descriptors target callback is called with a timeout event
[direct_array_access; inline]
fn (mut pv Picoev) set_timeout(fd int, secs int) {
assert fd < picoev.max_fds
if secs != 0 {
pv.timeouts[fd] = pv.loop.now + secs
} else {
// handle_timeout loops over all file descriptors and removes them from the loop
// if they are timed out. Also the file descriptors target callback is called with a
// timeout event
[direct_array_access; inline]
fn (mut pv Picoev) handle_timeout() {
mut to_remove := []int{}
for fd, timeout in pv.timeouts {
if timeout <= pv.loop.now {
to_remove << fd
for fd in to_remove {
target := pv.file_descriptors[fd]
assert target.loop_id == pv.loop.id
unsafe { target.cb(fd, picoev.picoev_timeout, &pv) }
// accept_callback accepts a new connection from `listen_fd` and adds it to the loop
fn accept_callback(listen_fd int, events int, cb_arg voidptr) {
mut pv := unsafe { &Picoev(cb_arg) }
newfd := accept(listen_fd)
if newfd >= picoev.max_fds {
// should never happen
$if trace_fd ? {
eprintln('accept ${newfd}')
if newfd != -1 {
setup_sock(newfd) or {
eprintln('setup_sock failed, fd: ${newfd}, listen_fd: ${listen_fd}, err: ${err.code()}')
pv.err_cb(pv.user_data, picohttpparser.Request{}, mut &picohttpparser.Response{},
pv.add(newfd, picoev.picoev_read, pv.timeout_secs, raw_callback)
// close_conn closes the socket `fd` and removes it from the loop
pub fn (mut pv Picoev) close_conn(fd int) {
fn raw_callback(fd int, events int, context voidptr) {
mut pv := unsafe { &Picoev(context) }
defer {
pv.idx[fd] = 0
if events & picoev.picoev_timeout != 0 {
$if trace_fd ? {
eprintln('timeout ${fd}')
} else if events & picoev.picoev_read != 0 {
pv.set_timeout(fd, pv.timeout_secs)
mut buf := pv.buf
unsafe {
buf += fd * pv.max_read // pointer magic
mut req := picohttpparser.Request{}
// Response init
mut out := pv.out
unsafe {
out += fd * pv.max_write // pointer magic
mut res := picohttpparser.Response{
fd: fd
buf_start: out
buf: out
date: pv.date.str
for {
// Request parsing loop
r := req_read(fd, buf, pv.max_read, pv.idx[fd]) // Get data from socket
if r == 0 {
// connection closed by peer
} else if r == -1 {
if fatal_socket_error(fd) == false {
// fatal error
pv.idx[fd] += r
mut s := unsafe { tos(buf, pv.idx[fd]) }
pret := req.parse_request(s) or {
// Parse error
pv.err_cb(pv.user_data, req, mut &res, err)
if pret > 0 { // Success
assert pret == -2
// request is incomplete, continue the loop
if pv.idx[fd] == sizeof(buf) {
pv.err_cb(pv.user_data, req, mut &res, error('RequestIsTooLongError'))
// Callback (should call .end() itself)
pv.cb(pv.user_data, req, mut &res)
fn default_err_cb(data voidptr, req picohttpparser.Request, mut res picohttpparser.Response, error IError) {
eprintln('picoev: ${error}')
// new creates a `Picoev` struct and initializes the main loop
pub fn new(config Config) &Picoev {
listen_fd := listen(config)
mut pv := &Picoev{
num_loops: 1
cb: config.cb
err_cb: config.err_cb
user_data: config.user_data
timeout_secs: config.timeout_secs
max_headers: config.max_headers
max_read: config.max_read
max_write: config.max_write
buf: unsafe { malloc_noscan(picoev.max_fds * config.max_read + 1) }
out: unsafe { malloc_noscan(picoev.max_fds * config.max_write + 1) }
// epoll for linux
// kqueue for macos and bsd
// select for windows and others
$if linux {
pv.loop = create_epoll_loop(0) or { panic(err) }
} $else $if freebsd || macos {
pv.loop = create_kqueue_loop(0) or { panic(err) }
} $else {
pv.loop = create_select_loop(0) or { panic(err) }
pv.add(listen_fd, picoev.picoev_read, 0, accept_callback)
return pv
// serve starts the Picoev server
pub fn (mut pv Picoev) serve() {
spawn update_date(mut pv)
for {
// update_date updates `date` on `pv` every second.
fn update_date(mut pv Picoev) {
for {
// get GMT (UTC) time for the HTTP Date header
gmt := time.utc()
mut date := gmt.strftime('---, %d --- %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
date = date.replace_once('---', gmt.weekday_str())
date = date.replace_once('---', gmt.smonth())
pv.date = date