mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
2021-07-23 12:33:55 +03:00

194 lines
4.5 KiB

import orm
fn test_orm_stmt_gen_update() {
query := orm.orm_stmt_gen('Test', "'", .update, true, '?', 0, orm.QueryData{
fields: ['test', 'a']
data: []
types: []
kinds: []
}, orm.QueryData{
fields: ['id', 'name']
data: []
types: []
kinds: [.ge, .eq]
assert query == "UPDATE 'Test' SET 'test' = ?0, 'a' = ?1 WHERE 'id' >= ?2 AND 'name' = ?3;"
fn test_orm_stmt_gen_insert() {
query := orm.orm_stmt_gen('Test', "'", .insert, true, '?', 0, orm.QueryData{
fields: ['test', 'a']
data: []
types: []
kinds: []
}, orm.QueryData{})
assert query == "INSERT INTO 'Test' ('test', 'a') VALUES (?0, ?1);"
fn test_orm_stmt_gen_delete() {
query := orm.orm_stmt_gen('Test', "'", .delete, true, '?', 0, orm.QueryData{
fields: ['test', 'a']
data: []
types: []
kinds: []
}, orm.QueryData{
fields: ['id', 'name']
data: []
types: []
kinds: [.ge, .eq]
assert query == "DELETE FROM 'Test' WHERE 'id' >= ?0 AND 'name' = ?1;"
fn get_select_fields() []string {
return ['id', 'test', 'abc']
fn test_orm_select_gen() {
query := orm.orm_select_gen(orm.SelectConfig{
table: 'test_table'
fields: get_select_fields()
}, "'", true, '?', 0, orm.QueryData{})
assert query == "SELECT 'id', 'test', 'abc' FROM 'test_table' ORDER BY 'id' ASC;"
fn test_orm_select_gen_with_limit() {
query := orm.orm_select_gen(orm.SelectConfig{
table: 'test_table'
fields: get_select_fields()
has_limit: true
}, "'", true, '?', 0, orm.QueryData{})
assert query == "SELECT 'id', 'test', 'abc' FROM 'test_table' ORDER BY 'id' ASC LIMIT ?0;"
fn test_orm_select_gen_with_where() {
query := orm.orm_select_gen(orm.SelectConfig{
table: 'test_table'
fields: get_select_fields()
has_where: true
}, "'", true, '?', 0, orm.QueryData{
fields: ['abc', 'test']
kinds: [.eq, .gt]
is_and: [true]
assert query == "SELECT 'id', 'test', 'abc' FROM 'test_table' WHERE 'abc' = ?0 AND 'test' > ?1 ORDER BY 'id' ASC;"
fn test_orm_select_gen_with_order() {
query := orm.orm_select_gen(orm.SelectConfig{
table: 'test_table'
fields: get_select_fields()
has_order: true
order_type: .desc
}, "'", true, '?', 0, orm.QueryData{})
assert query == "SELECT 'id', 'test', 'abc' FROM 'test_table' ORDER BY '' DESC;"
fn test_orm_select_gen_with_offset() {
query := orm.orm_select_gen(orm.SelectConfig{
table: 'test_table'
fields: get_select_fields()
has_offset: true
}, "'", true, '?', 0, orm.QueryData{})
assert query == "SELECT 'id', 'test', 'abc' FROM 'test_table' ORDER BY 'id' ASC OFFSET ?0;"
fn test_orm_select_gen_with_all() {
query := orm.orm_select_gen(orm.SelectConfig{
table: 'test_table'
fields: get_select_fields()
has_limit: true
has_order: true
order_type: .desc
has_offset: true
has_where: true
}, "'", true, '?', 0, orm.QueryData{
fields: ['abc', 'test']
kinds: [.eq, .gt]
is_and: [true]
assert query == "SELECT 'id', 'test', 'abc' FROM 'test_table' WHERE 'abc' = ?0 AND 'test' > ?1 ORDER BY '' DESC LIMIT ?2 OFFSET ?3;"
fn test_orm_table_gen() {
query := orm.orm_table_gen('test_table', "'", true, 0, [
name: 'id'
typ: 7
default_val: '10'
attrs: [
name: 'primary'
name: 'sql'
has_arg: true
arg: 'serial'
kind: .plain
name: 'test'
typ: 18
name: 'abc'
typ: 8
default_val: '6754'
], sql_type_from_v, false) or { panic(err) }
assert query == "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'test_table' ('id' SERIAL DEFAULT 10, 'test' TEXT, 'abc' INT64 DEFAULT 6754, PRIMARY KEY('id'));"
alt_query := orm.orm_table_gen('test_table', "'", true, 0, [
name: 'id'
typ: 7
default_val: '10'
attrs: [
name: 'primary'
name: 'sql'
has_arg: true
arg: 'serial'
kind: .plain
name: 'test'
typ: 18
name: 'abc'
typ: 8
default_val: '6754'
], sql_type_from_v, true) or { panic(err) }
assert alt_query == "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name='test_table' and xtype='U') CREATE TABLE 'test_table' ('id' SERIAL DEFAULT 10, 'test' TEXT, 'abc' INT64 DEFAULT 6754, PRIMARY KEY('id'));"
fn sql_type_from_v(typ int) ?string {
return if typ in orm.nums {
} else if typ in orm.num64 {
} else if typ in orm.float {
} else if typ == orm.string {
} else if typ == -1 {
} else {
error('Unknown type $typ')