mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
Enzo Baldisserri 323ca2b3bb
checker: check duplicates on match with no else
Refactor match duplication test to work even if there is not else, and to include every expression.
Add tests for duplicate expressions in match.
2020-04-24 17:04:39 +03:00

1230 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module os
#include <sys/stat.h> // #include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
struct dirent {
d_ino int
d_off int
d_reclen u16
d_type byte
d_name [256]byte
struct C.dirent {
d_name byteptr
fn C.readdir(voidptr) C.dirent
pub const (
args = []string
MAX_PATH = 4096
pub struct File {
cfile voidptr // Using void* instead of FILE*
fd int
opened bool
struct FileInfo {
name string
size int
struct C.stat {
st_size int
st_mode u32
st_mtime int
struct C.DIR {}
// struct C.dirent {
// d_name byteptr
// }
struct C.sigaction {
sa_mask int
sa_sigaction int
sa_flags int
fn C.getline(voidptr, voidptr, voidptr) int
fn C.ftell(fp voidptr) int
fn C.sigaction(int, voidptr, int)
fn C.open(charptr, int, int) int
fn C.fdopen(int, string) voidptr
pub fn (f File) is_opened() bool {
return f.opened
// read_bytes reads an amount of bytes from the beginning of the file
pub fn (f &File) read_bytes(size int) []byte {
return f.read_bytes_at(size, 0)
// read_bytes_at reads an amount of bytes at the given position in the file
pub fn (f &File) read_bytes_at(size, pos int) []byte {
mut arr := [`0`].repeat(size)
C.fseek(f.cfile, pos, C.SEEK_SET)
nreadbytes := C.fread(arr.data, 1, size, f.cfile)
C.fseek(f.cfile, 0, C.SEEK_SET)
return arr[0..nreadbytes]
pub fn read_bytes(path string) ?[]byte {
mut fp := vfopen(path, 'rb')
if isnil(fp) {
return error('failed to open file "$path"')
C.fseek(fp, 0, C.SEEK_END)
fsize := C.ftell(fp)
mut res := [`0`].repeat(fsize)
nr_read_elements := C.fread(res.data, fsize, 1, fp)
return res[0..nr_read_elements * fsize]
// read_file reads the file in `path` and returns the contents.
pub fn read_file(path string) ?string {
mode := 'rb'
mut fp := vfopen(path, mode)
if isnil(fp) {
return error('failed to open file "$path"')
defer { C.fclose(fp) }
C.fseek(fp, 0, C.SEEK_END)
fsize := C.ftell(fp)
// C.fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) // same as `C.rewind(fp)` below
mut str := &byte(0)
unsafe { str = malloc(fsize + 1) }
C.fread(str, fsize, 1, fp)
str[fsize] = 0
return string(str,fsize)
// file_size returns the size of the file located in `path`.
pub fn file_size(path string) int {
mut s := C.stat{}
$if windows {
C._wstat(path.to_wide(), voidptr(&s))
} $else {
C.stat(charptr(path.str), &s)
return s.st_size
pub fn mv(old, new string) {
$if windows {
C._wrename(old.to_wide(), new.to_wide())
} $else {
C.rename(charptr(old.str), charptr(new.str))
fn C.CopyFile(&u32, &u32, int) int
// TODO implement actual cp for linux
pub fn cp(old, new string) ?bool {
$if windows {
_old := old.replace('/', '\\')
_new := new.replace('/', '\\')
C.CopyFile(_old.to_wide(), _new.to_wide(), false)
result := C.GetLastError()
if result == 0 {
return true
else {
return error_with_code('failed to copy $old to $new', int(result))
} $else {
os.system('cp "$old" "$new"')
return true // TODO make it return true or error when cp for linux is implemented
pub fn cp_r(osource_path, odest_path string, overwrite bool) ?bool {
panic('Use `os.cp_all` instead of `os.cp_r`')
pub fn cp_all(osource_path, odest_path string, overwrite bool) ?bool {
source_path := os.real_path(osource_path)
dest_path := os.real_path(odest_path)
if !os.exists(source_path) {
return error("Source path doesn\'t exist")
// single file copy
if !os.is_dir(source_path) {
adjusted_path := if os.is_dir(dest_path) {os.join_path(dest_path,os.file_name(source_path)) } else { dest_path }
if os.exists(adjusted_path) {
if overwrite {
else {
return error('Destination file path already exist')
os.cp(source_path, adjusted_path) or {
return error(err)
return true
if !os.is_dir(dest_path) {
return error('Destination path is not a valid directory')
files := os.ls(source_path) or {
return error(err)
for file in files {
sp := os.join_path(source_path, file)
dp := os.join_path(dest_path, file)
if os.is_dir(sp) {
os.mkdir(dp) or {
cp_all(sp, dp, overwrite) or {
return true
// mv_by_cp first copies the source file, and if it is copied successfully, deletes the source file.
// mv_by_cp may be used when you are not sure that the source and target are on the same mount/partition.
pub fn mv_by_cp(source string, target string) ?bool {
os.cp(source, target) or {
return error(err)
return true
fn vfopen(path, mode string) &C.FILE {
$if windows {
return C._wfopen(path.to_wide(), mode.to_wide())
} $else {
return C.fopen(charptr(path.str), charptr(mode.str))
// read_lines reads the file in `path` into an array of lines.
pub fn read_lines(path string) ?[]string {
buf := read_file(path) or {
return error(err)
return buf.split_into_lines()
fn read_ulines(path string) ?[]ustring {
lines := read_lines(path) or {
return error(err)
// mut ulines := new_array(0, lines.len, sizeof(ustring))
mut ulines := []ustring
for myline in lines {
// ulines[i] = ustr
ulines << myline.ustring()
return ulines
pub fn open_append(path string) ?File {
mut file := File{}
$if windows {
wpath := path.replace('/', '\\').to_wide()
mode := 'ab'
file = File{
cfile: C._wfopen(wpath, mode.to_wide())
} $else {
cpath := path.str
file = File{
cfile: C.fopen(charptr(cpath), 'ab')
if isnil(file.cfile) {
return error('failed to create(append) file "$path"')
file.opened = true
return file
// open_file can be used to open or create a file with custom flags and permissions and returns a `File` object
pub fn open_file(path string, mode string, options ...int) ?File {
mut flags := 0
for m in mode {
match m {
`r` { flags |= O_RDONLY }
`w` { flags |= O_CREATE | O_TRUNC }
`a` { flags |= O_CREATE | O_APPEND }
`s` { flags |= O_SYNC }
`n` { flags |= O_NONBLOCK }
`c` { flags |= O_NOCTTY }
`+` { flags |= O_RDWR }
else {}
mut permission := 0o666
if options.len > 0 {
permission = options[0]
$if windows {
if permission < 0o600 {
permission = 0x0100
else {
permission = 0x0100 | 0x0080
mut p := path
$if windows {
p = path.replace('/', '\\')
fd := C.open(charptr(p.str), flags, permission)
if fd == -1 {
return error(posix_get_error_msg(C.errno))
cfile := C.fdopen(fd, charptr(mode.str))
if isnil(cfile) {
return error('Failed to open or create file "$path"')
return File{
cfile: cfile
fd: fd
opened: true
pub fn (f mut File) write_bytes_at(data voidptr, size, pos int) {
//$if linux {
//$else {
C.fseek(f.cfile, pos, C.SEEK_SET)
C.fwrite(data, 1, size, f.cfile)
C.fseek(f.cfile, 0, C.SEEK_END)
pub fn (f mut File) flush() {
if !f.opened {
// system starts the specified command, waits for it to complete, and returns its code.
fn vpopen(path string) voidptr {
// *C.FILE {
$if windows {
mode := 'rb'
wpath := path.to_wide()
return C._wpopen(wpath, mode.to_wide())
} $else {
cpath := path.str
return C.popen(cpath, 'r')
fn posix_wait4_to_exit_status(waitret int) (int,bool) {
$if windows {
return waitret,false
} $else {
mut ret := 0
mut is_signaled := true
// (see man system, man 2 waitpid: C macro WEXITSTATUS section)
if C.WIFEXITED(waitret) {
ret = C.WEXITSTATUS(waitret)
is_signaled = false
else if C.WIFSIGNALED(waitret) {
ret = C.WTERMSIG(waitret)
is_signaled = true
return ret,is_signaled
// posix_get_error_msg return error code representation in string.
pub fn posix_get_error_msg(code int) string {
ptr_text := C.strerror(code) // voidptr?
if ptr_text == 0 {
return ''
return tos3(ptr_text)
fn vpclose(f voidptr) int {
$if windows {
return C._pclose(f)
} $else {
ret,_ := posix_wait4_to_exit_status(C.pclose(f))
return ret
pub struct Result {
exit_code int
output string
// stderr string // TODO
// `system` works like `exec()`, but only returns a return code.
pub fn system(cmd string) int {
// if cmd.contains(';') || cmd.contains('&&') || cmd.contains('||') || cmd.contains('\n') {
// TODO remove panic
// panic(';, &&, || and \\n are not allowed in shell commands')
// }
mut ret := 0
$if windows {
// overcome bug in system & _wsystem (cmd) when first char is quote `"`
wcmd := if cmd.len > 1 && cmd[0] == `"` && cmd[1] != `"` { '"$cmd"' } else { cmd }
ret = C._wsystem(wcmd.to_wide())
} $else {
ret = C.system(cmd.str)
if ret == -1 {
$if !windows {
pret,is_signaled := posix_wait4_to_exit_status(ret)
if is_signaled {
println('Terminated by signal ${ret:2d} (' + sigint_to_signal_name(pret) + ')')
ret = pret
return ret
pub fn sigint_to_signal_name(si int) string {
// POSIX signals:
match si {
1 {
return 'SIGHUP'
2 {
return 'SIGINT'
3 {
return 'SIGQUIT'
4 {
return 'SIGILL'
6 {
return 'SIGABRT'
8 {
return 'SIGFPE'
9 {
return 'SIGKILL'
11 {
return 'SIGSEGV'
13 {
return 'SIGPIPE'
14 {
return 'SIGALRM'
15 {
return 'SIGTERM'
else {}
$if linux {
// From `man 7 signal` on linux:
match si {
// TODO dependent on platform
// works only on x86/ARM/most others
10 /*, 30, 16 */ {
return 'SIGUSR1'
12 /*, 31, 17 */ {
return 'SIGUSR2'
17 /*, 20, 18 */ {
return 'SIGCHLD'
18 /*, 19, 25 */ {
return 'SIGCONT'
19 /*, 17, 23 */ {
return 'SIGSTOP'
20 /*, 18, 24 */ {
return 'SIGTSTP'
21 /*, 26 */ {
return 'SIGTTIN'
22 /*, 27 */ {
return 'SIGTTOU'
// /////////////////////////////
5 {
return 'SIGTRAP'
7 {
return 'SIGBUS'
else {}
return 'unknown'
const (
F_OK = 0
X_OK = 1
W_OK = 2
R_OK = 4
// exists returns true if `path` exists.
pub fn exists(path string) bool {
$if windows {
p := path.replace('/', '\\')
return C._waccess(p.to_wide(), F_OK) != -1
} $else {
return C.access(path.str, F_OK) != -1
// `is_executable` returns `true` if `path` is executable.
pub fn is_executable(path string) bool {
$if windows {
// NB: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/reference/access-waccess?view=vs-2019
// i.e. there is no X bit there, the modes can be:
// 00 Existence only
// 02 Write-only
// 04 Read-only
// 06 Read and write
p := os.real_path( path )
return ( os.exists( p ) && p.ends_with('.exe') )
$if solaris {
statbuf := C.stat{}
if C.stat(path.str, &statbuf) != 0 {
return false
return (int(statbuf.st_mode) & ( S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH )) != 0
return C.access(path.str, X_OK) != -1
// `is_writable_folder` - `folder` exists and is writable to the process
pub fn is_writable_folder(folder string) ?bool {
if !os.exists(folder) {
return error('`$folder` does not exist')
if !os.is_dir(folder) {
return error('`folder` is not a folder')
tmp_perm_check := os.join_path(folder, 'tmp_perm_check')
f := os.open_file(tmp_perm_check, 'w+', 0o700) or {
return error('cannot write to folder `$folder`: $err')
return true
// `is_writable` returns `true` if `path` is writable.
pub fn is_writable(path string) bool {
$if windows {
p := path.replace('/', '\\')
return C._waccess(p.to_wide(), W_OK) != -1
} $else {
return C.access(path.str, W_OK) != -1
// `is_readable` returns `true` if `path` is readable.
pub fn is_readable(path string) bool {
$if windows {
p := path.replace('/', '\\')
return C._waccess(p.to_wide(), R_OK) != -1
} $else {
return C.access(path.str, R_OK) != -1
pub fn file_exists(_path string) bool {
panic('Use `os.exists` instead of `os.file_exists`')
// rm removes file in `path`.
pub fn rm(path string) {
$if windows {
} $else {
// C.unlink(path.cstr())
// rmdir removes a specified directory.
pub fn rmdir(path string) {
$if !windows {
} $else {
pub fn rmdir_recursive(path string) {
panic('Use `os.rmdir_all` instead of `os.rmdir_recursive`')
pub fn rmdir_all(path string) {
items := os.ls(path) or {
for item in items {
if os.is_dir(os.join_path(path, item)) {
rmdir_all(os.join_path(path, item))
os.rm(os.join_path(path, item))
pub fn is_dir_empty(path string) bool {
items := os.ls(path) or {
return true
return items.len == 0
fn print_c_errno() {
e := C.errno
se := tos_clone(byteptr(C.strerror(C.errno)))
println('errno=$e err=$se')
pub fn file_ext(path string) string {
pos := path.last_index('.') or {
return ''
return path[pos..]
pub fn dir(path string) string {
pos := path.last_index(path_separator) or {
return '.'
return path[..pos]
pub fn base_dir(path string) string {
posx := path.last_index(path_separator) or {
return path
// NB: *without* terminating /
return path[..posx]
pub fn file_name(path string) string {
return path.all_after(path_separator)
// get_line returns a one-line string from stdin
pub fn get_line() string {
str := get_raw_line()
$if windows {
return str.trim_right('\r\n')
} $else {
return str.trim_right('\n')
// get_raw_line returns a one-line string from stdin along with '\n' if there is any
pub fn get_raw_line() string {
$if windows {
unsafe {
max_line_chars := 256
buf := malloc(max_line_chars * 2)
h_input := C.GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
mut bytes_read := 0
if is_atty(0) > 0 {
C.ReadConsole(h_input, buf, max_line_chars * 2, &bytes_read, 0)
return string_from_wide2(&u16(buf), bytes_read)
mut offset := 0
for {
pos := buf + offset
res := C.ReadFile(h_input, pos, 1, &bytes_read, 0)
if !res || bytes_read == 0 {
if *pos == `\n` || *pos == `\r` {
return string(buf, offset)
} $else {
max := size_t(0)
mut buf := charptr(0)
nr_chars := C.getline(&buf, &max, C.stdin)
//defer { unsafe{ free(buf) } }
if nr_chars == 0 || nr_chars == -1 {
return ''
return tos3(buf)
//res := tos_clone(buf)
//return res
pub fn get_lines() []string {
mut line := ''
mut inputstr := []string
for {
line = get_line()
if line.len <= 0 {
line = line.trim_space()
inputstr << line
return inputstr
pub fn get_lines_joined() string {
mut line := ''
mut inputstr := ''
for {
line = get_line()
if line.len <= 0 {
line = line.trim_space()
inputstr += line
return inputstr
// user_os returns current user operating system name.
pub fn user_os() string {
$if linux {
return 'linux'
$if macos {
return 'mac'
$if windows {
return 'windows'
$if freebsd {
return 'freebsd'
$if openbsd {
return 'openbsd'
$if netbsd {
return 'netbsd'
$if dragonfly {
return 'dragonfly'
$if android {
return 'android'
$if solaris {
return 'solaris'
$if haiku {
return 'haiku'
return 'unknown'
// home_dir returns path to user's home directory.
pub fn home_dir() string {
$if windows {
return os.getenv('USERPROFILE') + os.path_separator
} $else {
//println('home_dir() call')
//res:= os.getenv('HOME') + os.path_separator
return os.getenv('HOME') + os.path_separator
// write_file writes `text` data to a file in `path`.
pub fn write_file(path, text string) {
mut f := os.create(path) or {
// clear clears current terminal screen.
pub fn clear() {
$if !windows {
pub fn on_segfault(f voidptr) {
$if windows {
$if macos {
mut sa := C.sigaction{}
C.memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(C.sigaction_size))
sa.sa_sigaction = f
sa.sa_flags = C.SA_SIGINFO
C.sigaction(C.SIGSEGV, &sa, 0)
fn C.getpid() int
fn C.proc_pidpath(int, byteptr, int) int
fn C.readlink() int
// executable returns the path name of the executable that started the current
// process.
pub fn executable() string {
$if linux {
mut result := vcalloc(MAX_PATH)
count := C.readlink('/proc/self/exe', result, MAX_PATH)
if count < 0 {
eprintln('os.executable() failed at reading /proc/self/exe to get exe path')
return executable_fallback()
return string(result)
$if windows {
max := 512
mut result := &u16(vcalloc(max * 2)) // MAX_PATH * sizeof(wchar_t)
len := C.GetModuleFileName(0, result, max)
return string_from_wide2(result, len)
$if macos {
mut result := vcalloc(MAX_PATH)
pid := C.getpid()
ret := proc_pidpath(pid, result, MAX_PATH)
if ret <= 0 {
eprintln('os.executable() failed at calling proc_pidpath with pid: $pid . proc_pidpath returned $ret ')
return executable_fallback()
return string(result)
$if freebsd {
mut result := vcalloc(MAX_PATH)
mib := [1/* CTL_KERN */, 14/* KERN_PROC */, 12/* KERN_PROC_PATHNAME */, -1]
size := MAX_PATH
C.sysctl(mib.data, 4, result, &size, 0, 0)
return string(result)
// "Sadly there is no way to get the full path of the executed file in OpenBSD."
$if openbsd {}
$if solaris {}
$if haiku {}
$if netbsd {
mut result := vcalloc(MAX_PATH)
count := C.readlink('/proc/curproc/exe', result, MAX_PATH)
if count < 0 {
eprintln('os.executable() failed at reading /proc/curproc/exe to get exe path')
return executable_fallback()
return string(result,count)
$if dragonfly {
mut result := vcalloc(MAX_PATH)
count := C.readlink('/proc/curproc/file', result, MAX_PATH)
if count < 0 {
eprintln('os.executable() failed at reading /proc/curproc/file to get exe path')
return executable_fallback()
return string(result,count)
return executable_fallback()
// executable_fallback is used when there is not a more platform specific and accurate implementation
// it relies on path manipulation of os.args[0] and os.wd_at_startup, so it may not work properly in
// all cases, but it should be better, than just using os.args[0] directly.
fn executable_fallback() string {
if os.args.len == 0 {
// we are early in the bootstrap, os.args has not been initialized yet :-|
return ''
mut exepath := os.args[0]
if !os.is_abs_path(exepath) {
if exepath.contains( os.path_separator ) {
exepath = os.join_path(os.wd_at_startup, exepath)
// no choice but to try to walk the PATH folders :-| ...
foundpath := os.find_abs_path_of_executable(exepath) or { '' }
if foundpath.len > 0 {
exepath = foundpath
exepath = os.real_path(exepath)
return exepath
// find_exe_path walks the environment PATH, just like most shell do, it returns
// the absolute path of the executable if found
pub fn find_abs_path_of_executable(exepath string) ?string {
if os.is_abs_path(exepath) {
return exepath
mut res := ''
env_path_delimiter := if os.user_os() == 'windows' { ';' } else { ':' }
paths := os.getenv('PATH').split(env_path_delimiter)
for p in paths {
found_abs_path := os.join_path( p, exepath )
if os.exists( found_abs_path ) && os.is_executable( found_abs_path ) {
res = found_abs_path
if res.len>0 {
return res
return error('failed to find executable')
pub fn dir_exists(path string) bool {
panic('Use `os.is_dir` instead of `os.dir_exists`')
// is_dir returns a boolean indicating whether the given path is a directory.
pub fn is_dir(path string) bool {
$if windows {
_path := path.replace('/', '\\')
attr := C.GetFileAttributesW(_path.to_wide())
return false
if int(attr) & C.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY != 0 {
return true
return false
} $else {
statbuf := C.stat{}
if C.stat(path.str, &statbuf) != 0 {
return false
// ref: https://code.woboq.org/gcc/include/sys/stat.h.html
val:= int(statbuf.st_mode) & S_IFMT
return val == S_IFDIR
// is_link returns a boolean indicating whether the given path is a link.
pub fn is_link(path string) bool {
$if windows {
return false // TODO
} $else {
statbuf := C.stat{}
if C.lstat(path.str, &statbuf) != 0 {
return false
return int(statbuf.st_mode) & S_IFMT == S_IFLNK
// chdir changes the current working directory to the new directory path.
pub fn chdir(path string) {
$if windows {
} $else {
// getwd returns the absolute path name of the current directory.
pub fn getwd() string {
$if windows {
max := 512 // MAX_PATH * sizeof(wchar_t)
buf := &u16(vcalloc(max * 2))
if C._wgetcwd(buf, max) == 0 {
return ''
return string_from_wide(buf)
} $else {
buf := vcalloc(512)
if C.getcwd(buf, 512) == 0 {
return ''
return string(buf)
// Returns the full absolute path for fpath, with all relative ../../, symlinks and so on resolved.
// See http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/realpath.html
// Also https://insanecoding.blogspot.com/2007/11/pathmax-simply-isnt.html
// and https://insanecoding.blogspot.com/2007/11/implementing-realpath-in-c.html
// NB: this particular rabbit hole is *deep* ...
pub fn real_path(fpath string) string {
mut fullpath := vcalloc(MAX_PATH)
mut ret := charptr(0)
$if windows {
ret = C._fullpath(fullpath, fpath.str, MAX_PATH)
if ret == 0 {
return fpath
} $else {
ret = C.realpath(fpath.str, fullpath)
if ret == 0 {
return fpath
return string(fullpath)
// is_abs_path returns true if `path` is absolute.
pub fn is_abs_path(path string) bool {
$if windows {
return path[0] == `/` || // incase we're in MingGW bash
(path[0].is_letter() && path[1] == `:`)
return path[0] == `/`
// join returns path as string from string parameter(s).
pub fn join_path(base string, dirs ...string) string {
mut result := []string
result << base.trim_right('\\/')
for d in dirs {
result << d
return result.join(path_separator)
// walk_ext returns a recursive list of all file paths ending with `ext`.
pub fn walk_ext(path, ext string) []string {
if !os.is_dir(path) {
return []
mut files := os.ls(path) or {
return []
mut res := []string
separator := if path.ends_with(os.path_separator) { '' } else { os.path_separator }
for i, file in files {
if file.starts_with('.') {
p := path + separator + file
if os.is_dir(p) && !os.is_link(p) {
res << walk_ext(p, ext)
else if file.ends_with(ext) {
res << p
return res
// walk recursively traverses the given directory path.
// When a file is encountred it will call the callback function with current file as argument.
pub fn walk(path string, f fn(path string)) {
if !os.is_dir(path) {
mut files := os.ls(path) or {
for file in files {
p := path + os.path_separator + file
if os.is_dir(p) && !os.is_link(p) {
walk(p, f)
else if os.exists(p) {
pub fn signal(signum int, handler voidptr) {
C.signal(signum, handler)
fn C.fork() int
fn C.wait() int
pub fn fork() int {
mut pid := -1
$if !windows {
pid = C.fork()
$if windows {
panic('os.fork not supported in windows') // TODO
return pid
pub fn wait() int {
mut pid := -1
$if !windows {
pid = C.wait(0)
$if windows {
panic('os.wait not supported in windows') // TODO
return pid
pub fn file_last_mod_unix(path string) int {
attr := C.stat{}
// # struct stat attr;
C.stat(path.str, &attr)
// # stat(path.str, &attr);
return attr.st_mtime
// # return attr.st_mtime ;
pub fn log(s string) {
println('os.log: ' + s)
pub fn flush_stdout() {
panic('Use `os.flush` instead of `os.flush_stdout`')
pub fn flush() {
pub fn mkdir_all(path string) {
mut p := if path.starts_with(os.path_separator) { os.path_separator } else { '' }
for subdir in path.split(os.path_separator) {
p += subdir + os.path_separator
if !os.is_dir(p) {
os.mkdir(p) or {
// cache_dir returns the path to a *writable* user specific folder, suitable for writing non-essential data.
pub fn cache_dir() string {
// See: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html
// There is a single base directory relative to which user-specific non-essential
// (cached) data should be written. This directory is defined by the environment
// variable $XDG_CACHE_HOME.
// $XDG_CACHE_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user specific
// non-essential data files should be stored. If $XDG_CACHE_HOME is either not set
// or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.cache should be used.
$if !windows {
xdg_cache_home := os.getenv('XDG_CACHE_HOME')
if xdg_cache_home != '' {
return xdg_cache_home
cdir := os.home_dir() + '.cache'
if !os.is_dir(cdir) && !os.is_link(cdir) {
os.mkdir(cdir) or {
return cdir
// tmpdir returns the path to a folder, that is suitable for storing temporary files
pub fn temp_dir() string {
mut path := os.getenv('TMPDIR')
$if windows {
if path == '' {
// TODO see Qt's implementation?
// https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qdir.html#tempPath
// https://github.com/qt/qtbase/blob/e164d61ca8263fc4b46fdd916e1ea77c7dd2b735/src/corelib/io/qfilesystemengine_win.cpp#L1275
path = os.getenv('TEMP')
if path == '' {
path = os.getenv('TMP')
if path == '' {
path = 'C:/tmp'
if path == '' {
path = os.cache_dir()
if path == '' {
path = '/tmp'
return path
pub fn chmod(path string, mode int) {
C.chmod(path.str, mode)
pub const (
wd_at_startup = getwd()
// resource_abs_path returns an absolute path, for the given `path`
// (the path is expected to be relative to the executable program)
// See https://discordapp.com/channels/592103645835821068/592294828432424960/630806741373943808
// It gives a convenient way to access program resources like images, fonts, sounds and so on,
// *no matter* how the program was started, and what is the current working directory.
pub fn resource_abs_path(path string) string {
mut base_path := os.real_path(os.dir(os.executable()))
vresource := os.getenv('V_RESOURCE_PATH')
if vresource.len != 0 {
base_path = vresource
return os.real_path(os.join_path(base_path, path))