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synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
289 lines
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289 lines
6.8 KiB
module unix
import time
import os
import net
const (
unix_default_read_timeout = 30 * time.second
unix_default_write_timeout = 30 * time.second
connect_timeout = 5 * time.second
msg_nosignal = 0x4000
struct StreamSocket {
handle int
path string
struct StreamConn {
pub mut:
sock StreamSocket
write_deadline time.Time
read_deadline time.Time
read_timeout time.Duration
write_timeout time.Duration
struct StreamListener {
pub mut:
sock StreamSocket
accept_timeout time.Duration
accept_deadline time.Time
fn error_code() int {
return C.errno
fn new_stream_socket() ?StreamSocket {
sockfd := net.socket_error(C.socket(net.AddrFamily.unix, net.SocketType.tcp, 0)) ?
mut s := StreamSocket{
handle: sockfd
return s
fn (mut s StreamSocket) close() ? {
return shutdown(s.handle)
fn (mut s StreamSocket) @select(test Select, timeout time.Duration) ?bool {
return @select(s.handle, test, timeout)
fn (mut s StreamSocket) connect(a string) ? {
if a.len >= max_sun_path {
return error('Socket path too long! Max length: ${max_sun_path - 1} chars.')
mut addr := C.sockaddr_un{}
unsafe { C.memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(C.sockaddr_un)) }
addr.sun_family = u16(C.AF_UNIX)
unsafe { C.strncpy(&addr.sun_path[0], &char(a.str), max_sun_path) }
size := C.SUN_LEN(&addr)
res := C.connect(s.handle, voidptr(&addr), size)
// if res != 1 {
// return none
if res == 0 {
_ := error_code()
write_result := s.@select(.write, unix.connect_timeout) ?
if write_result {
// succeeded
except_result := s.@select(.except, unix.connect_timeout) ?
if except_result {
return net.err_connect_failed
// otherwise we timed out
return net.err_connect_timed_out
pub fn listen_stream(sock string) ?&StreamListener {
if sock.len >= max_sun_path {
return error('Socket path too long! Max length: ${max_sun_path - 1} chars.')
mut s := new_stream_socket() ?
s.path = sock
mut addr := C.sockaddr_un{}
unsafe { C.memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(C.sockaddr_un)) }
addr.sun_family = u16(C.AF_UNIX)
unsafe { C.strncpy(&addr.sun_path[0], &char(sock.str), max_sun_path) }
size := C.SUN_LEN(&addr)
if os.exists(sock) {
os.rm(sock) ?
net.socket_error(C.bind(s.handle, voidptr(&addr), size)) ?
os.chmod(sock, 0o777) ?
net.socket_error(C.listen(s.handle, 128)) ?
return &StreamListener{
sock: s
pub fn connect_stream(path string) ?&StreamConn {
mut s := new_stream_socket() ?
s.connect(path) ?
return &StreamConn{
sock: s
read_timeout: unix.unix_default_read_timeout
write_timeout: unix.unix_default_write_timeout
pub fn (mut l StreamListener) accept() ?&StreamConn {
mut new_handle := C.accept(l.sock.handle, 0, 0)
if new_handle <= 0 {
l.wait_for_accept() ?
new_handle = C.accept(l.sock.handle, 0, 0)
if new_handle == -1 || new_handle == 0 {
return error('accept failed')
new_sock := StreamSocket{
handle: new_handle
return &StreamConn{
sock: new_sock
read_timeout: unix.unix_default_read_timeout
write_timeout: unix.unix_default_write_timeout
pub fn (c &StreamListener) accept_deadline() ?time.Time {
if c.accept_deadline.unix != 0 {
return c.accept_deadline
return error('no deadline')
pub fn (mut c StreamListener) set_accept_deadline(deadline time.Time) {
c.accept_deadline = deadline
pub fn (c &StreamListener) accept_timeout() time.Duration {
return c.accept_timeout
pub fn (mut c StreamListener) set_accept_timeout(t time.Duration) {
c.accept_timeout = t
pub fn (mut c StreamListener) wait_for_accept() ? {
return wait_for_read(c.sock.handle, c.accept_deadline, c.accept_timeout)
pub fn (mut c StreamListener) close() ? {
os.rm(c.sock.path) ?
c.sock.close() ?
pub fn (mut c StreamConn) close() ? {
c.sock.close() ?
// write_ptr blocks and attempts to write all data
pub fn (mut c StreamConn) write_ptr(b &byte, len int) ?int {
$if trace_unix ? {
'>>> StreamConn.write_ptr | c.sock.handle: $c.sock.handle | b: ${ptr_str(b)} len: $len |\n' +
unsafe { b.vstring_with_len(len) })
unsafe {
mut ptr_base := &byte(b)
mut total_sent := 0
for total_sent < len {
ptr := ptr_base + total_sent
remaining := len - total_sent
mut sent := C.send(c.sock.handle, ptr, remaining, unix.msg_nosignal)
if sent < 0 {
code := error_code()
if code == int(error_ewouldblock) {
c.wait_for_write() ?
} else {
net.wrap_error(code) ?
total_sent += sent
return total_sent
// write blocks and attempts to write all data
pub fn (mut c StreamConn) write(bytes []byte) ?int {
return c.write_ptr(bytes.data, bytes.len)
// write_string blocks and attempts to write all data
pub fn (mut c StreamConn) write_string(s string) ?int {
return c.write_ptr(s.str, s.len)
pub fn (mut c StreamConn) read_ptr(buf_ptr &byte, len int) ?int {
mut res := wrap_read_result(C.recv(c.sock.handle, voidptr(buf_ptr), len, 0)) ?
$if trace_unix ? {
eprintln('<<< StreamConn.read_ptr | c.sock.handle: $c.sock.handle | buf_ptr: ${ptr_str(buf_ptr)} len: $len | res: $res')
if res > 0 {
return res
code := error_code()
if code == int(error_ewouldblock) {
c.wait_for_read() ?
res = wrap_read_result(C.recv(c.sock.handle, voidptr(buf_ptr), len, 0)) ?
$if trace_unix ? {
eprintln('<<< StreamConn.read_ptr | c.sock.handle: $c.sock.handle | buf_ptr: ${ptr_str(buf_ptr)} len: $len | res: $res')
return net.socket_error(res)
} else {
net.wrap_error(code) ?
return net.socket_error(code)
pub fn (mut c StreamConn) read(mut buf []byte) ?int {
return c.read_ptr(buf.data, buf.len)
pub fn (mut c StreamConn) read_deadline() ?time.Time {
if c.read_deadline.unix == 0 {
return c.read_deadline
return none
pub fn (mut c StreamConn) set_read_deadline(deadline time.Time) {
c.read_deadline = deadline
pub fn (mut c StreamConn) write_deadline() ?time.Time {
if c.write_deadline.unix == 0 {
return c.write_deadline
return none
pub fn (mut c StreamConn) set_write_deadline(deadline time.Time) {
c.write_deadline = deadline
pub fn (c &StreamConn) read_timeout() time.Duration {
return c.read_timeout
pub fn (mut c StreamConn) set_read_timeout(t time.Duration) {
c.read_timeout = t
pub fn (c &StreamConn) write_timeout() time.Duration {
return c.write_timeout
pub fn (mut c StreamConn) set_write_timeout(t time.Duration) {
c.write_timeout = t
pub fn (mut c StreamConn) wait_for_read() ? {
return wait_for_read(c.sock.handle, c.read_deadline, c.read_timeout)
pub fn (mut c StreamConn) wait_for_write() ? {
return wait_for_write(c.sock.handle, c.write_deadline, c.write_timeout)
pub fn (c StreamConn) str() string {
s := c.sock.str().replace('\n', ' ').replace(' ', ' ')
return 'StreamConn{ write_deadline: $c.write_deadline, read_deadline: $c.read_deadline, read_timeout: $c.read_timeout, write_timeout: $c.write_timeout, sock: $s }'