mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
Alexander Medvednikov e1a6453302 move Complex logic to cmath
It was causing problems with cross compiling for Linux, and it should be
a separate module anyway, just like in Go and Python.
2019-07-10 21:47:13 +02:00

221 lines
4.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module cmath
import math
struct Complex {
re f64
im f64
pub fn complex(re f64, im f64) Complex {
return Complex{re, im}
// To String method
pub fn (c Complex) str() string {
mut out := '$c.re'
out += if c.im >= 0 {
else {
out += 'i'
return out
// Complex Modulus value
// mod() and abs() return the same
pub fn (c Complex) abs() f64 {
return C.hypot(c.re, c.im)
pub fn (c Complex) mod() f64 {
return c.abs()
// Complex Angle
pub fn (c Complex) angle() f64 {
return math.atan2(c.im, c.re)
// Complex Addition c1 + c2
pub fn (c1 Complex) + (c2 Complex) Complex {
return Complex{c1.re + c2.re, c1.im + c2.im}
// Complex Substraction c1 - c2
pub fn (c1 Complex) - (c2 Complex) Complex {
return Complex{c1.re - c2.re, c1.im - c2.im}
// Complex Multiplication c1 * c2
// Currently Not Supported
// pub fn (c1 Complex) * (c2 Complex) Complex {
// return Complex{
// (c1.re * c2.re) + ((c1.im * c2.im) * -1),
// (c1.re * c2.im) + (c1.im * c2.re)
// }
// }
// Complex Division c1 / c2
// Currently Not Supported
// pub fn (c1 Complex) / (c2 Complex) Complex {
// denom := (c2.re * c2.re) + (c2.im * c2.im)
// return Complex {
// ((c1.re * c2.re) + ((c1.im * -c2.im) * -1))/denom,
// ((c1.re * -c2.im) + (c1.im * c2.re))/denom
// }
// }
// Complex Addition c1.add(c2)
pub fn (c1 Complex) add(c2 Complex) Complex {
return c1 + c2
// Complex Subtraction c1.subtract(c2)
pub fn (c1 Complex) subtract(c2 Complex) Complex {
return c1 - c2
// Complex Multiplication c1.multiply(c2)
pub fn (c1 Complex) multiply(c2 Complex) Complex {
return Complex{
(c1.re * c2.re) + ((c1.im * c2.im) * -1),
(c1.re * c2.im) + (c1.im * c2.re)
// Complex Division c1.divide(c2)
pub fn (c1 Complex) divide(c2 Complex) Complex {
denom := (c2.re * c2.re) + (c2.im * c2.im)
return Complex {
((c1.re * c2.re) + ((c1.im * -c2.im) * -1)) / denom,
((c1.re * -c2.im) + (c1.im * c2.re)) / denom
// Complex Conjugate
pub fn (c Complex) conjugate() Complex{
return Complex{c.re, -c.im}
// Complex Additive Inverse
// Based on
// http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Extras/ComplexPrimer/Arithmetic.aspx
pub fn (c Complex) addinv() Complex {
return Complex{-c.re, -c.im}
// Complex Multiplicative Inverse
// Based on
// http://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/Extras/ComplexPrimer/Arithmetic.aspx
pub fn (c Complex) mulinv() Complex {
return Complex {
c.re / (c.re * c.re + c.im * c.im),
-c.im / (c.re * c.re + c.im * c.im)
// Complex Power
// Based on
// https://www.khanacademy.org/math/precalculus/imaginary-and-complex-numbers/multiplying-and-dividing-complex-numbers-in-polar-form/a/complex-number-polar-form-review
pub fn (c Complex) pow(n f64) Complex {
r := math.pow(c.abs(), n)
angle := c.angle()
return Complex {
r * math.cos(n * angle),
r * math.sin(n * angle)
// Complex nth root
pub fn (c Complex) root(n f64) Complex {
return c.pow(1.0 / n)
// Complex Exponential
// Using Euler's Identity
// Based on
// https://www.math.wisc.edu/~angenent/Free-Lecture-Notes/freecomplexnumbers.pdf
pub fn (c Complex) exp() Complex {
a := math.exp(c.re)
return Complex {
a * math.cos(c.im),
a * math.sin(c.im)
// Complex Natural Logarithm
// Based on
// http://www.chemistrylearning.com/logarithm-of-complex-number/
pub fn (c Complex) ln() Complex {
return Complex {
// Complex Sin
// Based on
// http://www.milefoot.com/math/complex/functionsofi.htm
pub fn (c Complex) sin() Complex {
return Complex{
math.sin(c.re) * math.cosh(c.im),
math.cos(c.re) * math.sinh(c.im)
// Complex Cosine
// Based on
// http://www.milefoot.com/math/complex/functionsofi.htm
pub fn (c Complex) cos() Complex {
return Complex{
math.cos(c.re) * math.cosh(c.im),
-(math.sin(c.re) * math.sinh(c.im))
// Complex Tangent
// Based on
// http://www.milefoot.com/math/complex/functionsofi.htm
pub fn (c Complex) tan() Complex {
return c.sin().divide(c.cos())
// Complex Hyperbolic Sin
// Based on
// http://www.milefoot.com/math/complex/functionsofi.htm
pub fn (c Complex) sinh() Complex {
return Complex{
math.cos(c.im) * math.sinh(c.re),
math.sin(c.im) * math.cosh(c.re)
// Complex Hyperbolic Cosine
// Based on
// http://www.milefoot.com/math/complex/functionsofi.htm
pub fn (c Complex) cosh() Complex {
return Complex{
math.cos(c.im) * math.cosh(c.re),
math.sin(c.im) * math.sinh(c.re)
// Complex Hyperbolic Tangent
// Based on
// http://www.milefoot.com/math/complex/functionsofi.htm
pub fn (c Complex) tanh() Complex {
return c.sinh().divide(c.cosh())
// Complex Equals
pub fn (c1 Complex) equals(c2 Complex) bool {
return (c1.re == c2.re) && (c1.im == c2.im)