mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00

298 lines
7.3 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module main
import os
import os.cmdline
import v.vet
import v.pref
import v.parser
import v.token
import v.ast
import term
struct Vet {
opt Options
errors []vet.Error
warns []vet.Error
notices []vet.Error
file string
struct Options {
is_force bool
is_werror bool
is_verbose bool
show_warnings bool
use_color bool
doc_private_fns_too bool
const term_colors = term.can_show_color_on_stderr()
fn main() {
vet_options := cmdline.options_after(os.args, ['vet'])
mut vt := Vet{
opt: Options{
is_force: '-force' in vet_options
is_werror: '-W' in vet_options
is_verbose: '-verbose' in vet_options || '-v' in vet_options
show_warnings: '-hide-warnings' !in vet_options && '-w' !in vet_options
use_color: '-color' in vet_options || (term_colors && '-nocolor' !in vet_options)
doc_private_fns_too: '-p' in vet_options
mut paths := cmdline.only_non_options(vet_options)
vtmp := os.getenv('VTMP')
if vtmp != '' {
// `v test-cleancode` passes also `-o tmpfolder` as well as all options in VFLAGS
paths = paths.filter(!it.starts_with(vtmp))
for path in paths {
if !os.exists(path) {
eprintln('File/folder ${path} does not exist')
if os.is_file(path) {
if os.is_dir(path) {
vt.vprintln("vetting folder: '${path}' ...")
vfiles := os.walk_ext(path, '.v')
vvfiles := os.walk_ext(path, '.vv')
mut files := []string{}
files << vfiles
files << vvfiles
for file in files {
vfmt_err_count := vt.errors.filter(it.fix == .vfmt).len
for n in vt.notices {
if vt.opt.show_warnings {
for w in vt.warns {
for err in vt.errors {
if vfmt_err_count > 0 {
eprintln('Note: You can run `v fmt -w file.v` to fix these errors automatically')
if vt.errors.len > 0 {
// vet_file vets the file read from `path`.
fn (mut vt Vet) vet_file(path string) {
if !vt.opt.is_force && (path.contains('/tests/') || path.contains('/slow_tests/')) {
// skip all /tests/ files, since usually their content is not
// important enough to be documented/vetted, and they may even
// contain intentionally invalid code.
vt.vprintln("skipping test file: '${path}' ...")
vt.file = path
mut prefs := pref.new_preferences()
prefs.is_vet = true
prefs.is_vsh = path.ends_with('.vsh')
table := ast.new_table()
vt.vprintln("vetting file '${path}'...")
_, errors, notices := parser.parse_vet_file(path, table, prefs)
// Transfer errors from scanner and parser
vt.errors << errors
vt.notices << notices
// Scan each line in file for things to improve
source_lines := os.read_lines(vt.file) or { []string{} }
for lnumber, line in source_lines {
vt.vet_line(source_lines, line, lnumber)
// vet_line vets the contents of `line` from `vet.file`.
fn (mut vt Vet) vet_line(lines []string, line string, lnumber int) {
vt.vet_fn_documentation(lines, line, lnumber)
// vet_fn_documentation ensures that functions are documented
fn (mut vt Vet) vet_fn_documentation(lines []string, line string, lnumber int) {
if line.starts_with('fn C.') {
is_pub_fn := line.starts_with('pub fn ')
is_fn := is_pub_fn || line.starts_with('fn ')
if !is_fn {
if line.starts_with('fn main') {
if !(is_pub_fn || vt.opt.doc_private_fns_too) {
// Scan function declarations for missing documentation
if lnumber > 0 {
collect_tags := fn (line string) []string {
mut cleaned := line.all_before('/')
cleaned = cleaned.replace_each(['[', '', ']', '', ' ', ''])
return cleaned.split(',')
ident_fn_name := fn (line string) string {
mut fn_idx := line.index(' fn ') or { return '' }
if line.len < fn_idx + 5 {
return ''
mut tokens := line[fn_idx + 4..].split(' ')
// Skip struct identifier
if tokens.first().starts_with('(') {
fn_idx = line.index(')') or { return '' }
tokens = line[fn_idx..].split(' ')
if tokens.len > 1 {
tokens = [tokens[1]]
if tokens.len > 0 {
function_name_with_generic_parameters := tokens[0].all_before('(')
return function_name_with_generic_parameters.all_before('[')
return ''
mut line_above := lines[lnumber - 1]
mut tags := []string{}
if !line_above.starts_with('//') {
mut grab := true
for j := lnumber - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
prev_line := lines[j]
if prev_line.contains('}') { // We've looked back to the above scope, stop here
} else if prev_line.starts_with('[') {
tags << collect_tags(prev_line)
} else if prev_line.starts_with('//') { // Single-line comment
grab = false
if grab {
clean_line := line.all_before_last('{').trim(' ')
vt.warn('Function documentation seems to be missing for "${clean_line}".',
lnumber, .doc)
} else {
fn_name := ident_fn_name(line)
mut grab := true
for j := lnumber - 1; j >= 0; j-- {
mut prev_prev_line := ''
if j - 1 >= 0 {
prev_prev_line = lines[j - 1]
prev_line := lines[j]
if prev_line.starts_with('//') {
if prev_line.starts_with('// ${fn_name} ') {
grab = false
} else if prev_line.starts_with('// ${fn_name}')
&& !prev_prev_line.starts_with('//') {
grab = false
clean_line := line.all_before_last('{').trim(' ')
vt.warn('The documentation for "${clean_line}" seems incomplete.',
lnumber, .doc)
if prev_line.contains('}') { // We've looked back to the above scope, stop here
} else if prev_line.starts_with('[') {
tags << collect_tags(prev_line)
if grab {
clean_line := line.all_before_last('{').trim(' ')
vt.warn('A function name is missing from the documentation of "${clean_line}".',
lnumber, .doc)
fn (vt &Vet) vprintln(s string) {
if !vt.opt.is_verbose {
fn (vt &Vet) e2string(err vet.Error) string {
mut kind := '${err.kind}:'
mut location := '${err.file_path}:${err.pos.line_nr}:'
if vt.opt.use_color {
kind = match err.kind {
.warning { term.magenta(kind) }
.error { term.red(kind) }
.notice { term.yellow(kind) }
kind = term.bold(kind)
location = term.bold(location)
return '${location} ${kind} ${err.message}'
fn (mut vt Vet) error(msg string, line int, fix vet.FixKind) {
pos := token.Pos{
line_nr: line + 1
vt.errors << vet.Error{
message: msg
file_path: vt.file
pos: pos
kind: .error
fix: fix
typ: .default
fn (mut vt Vet) warn(msg string, line int, fix vet.FixKind) {
pos := token.Pos{
line_nr: line + 1
mut w := vet.Error{
message: msg
file_path: vt.file
pos: pos
kind: .warning
fix: fix
typ: .default
if vt.opt.is_werror {
w.kind = .error
vt.errors << w
} else {
vt.warns << w
fn (mut vt Vet) notice(msg string, line int, fix vet.FixKind) {
pos := token.Pos{
line_nr: line + 1
vt.notices << vet.Error{
message: msg
file_path: vt.file
pos: pos
kind: .notice
fix: fix
typ: .default