mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
2023-05-27 23:33:46 +02:00

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// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module pref
import os
import v.vcache
pub const (
default_module_path = os.vmodules_dir()
pub fn new_preferences() &Preferences {
mut p := &Preferences{}
return p
fn (mut p Preferences) expand_lookup_paths() {
if p.vroot == '' {
// Location of all vlib files
p.vroot = os.dir(vexe_path())
vlib_path := os.join_path(p.vroot, 'vlib')
if p.lookup_path.len == 0 {
p.lookup_path = ['@vlib', '@vmodules']
mut expanded_paths := []string{}
for path in p.lookup_path {
match path {
'@vlib' { expanded_paths << vlib_path }
'@vmodules' { expanded_paths << os.vmodules_paths() }
else { expanded_paths << path }
p.lookup_path = expanded_paths
pub fn (mut p Preferences) fill_with_defaults() {
if p.arch == ._auto {
p.arch = get_host_arch()
rpath := os.real_path(p.path)
if p.out_name == '' {
filename := os.file_name(rpath).trim_space()
mut base := filename.all_before_last('.')
if base == '' {
// The file name is just `.v` or `.vsh` or `.*`
base = filename
target_dir := if os.is_dir(rpath) { rpath } else { os.dir(rpath) }
if p.raw_vsh_tmp_prefix != '' {
p.out_name = os.join_path(target_dir, p.raw_vsh_tmp_prefix + '.' + base)
} else {
p.out_name = os.join_path(target_dir, base)
// Do *NOT* be tempted to generate binaries in the current work folder,
// when -o is not given by default, like Go, Clang, GCC etc do.
// These compilers also are frequently used with an external build system,
// in part because of that shortcoming, to ensure that they work in a
// predictable work folder/environment.
// In comparison, with V, building an executable by default places it
// next to its source code, so that it can be used directly with
// functions like `os.resource_abs_path()` and `os.executable()` to
// locate resources relative to it. That enables running examples like
// this:
// `./v run examples/flappylearning/`
// instead of:
// `./v -o examples/flappylearning/flappylearning run examples/flappylearning/`
// This topic comes up periodically from time to time on Discord, and
// many CI breakages already happened, when someone decides to make V
// behave in this aspect similarly to the dumb behaviour of other
// compilers.
// If you do decide to break it, please *at the very least*, test it
// extensively, and make a PR about it, instead of commiting directly
// and breaking the CI, VC, and users doing `v up`.
if rpath == '${p.vroot}/cmd/v' && os.is_dir('vlib/compiler') {
// Building V? Use v2, since we can't overwrite a running
// executable on Windows + the precompiled V is more
// optimized.
println('Saving the resulting V executable in `./v2`')
println('Use `v -o v cmd/v` if you want to replace current ' + 'V executable.')
p.out_name = 'v2'
rpath_name := os.file_name(rpath)
p.building_v = !p.is_repl && (rpath_name == 'v' || rpath_name == 'vfmt.v')
if p.gc_mode == .unknown {
if p.backend != .c || p.building_v || p.is_bare || p.ccompiler == 'msvc' {
p.gc_mode = .no_gc
p.build_options << ['-gc', 'none']
} else {
// enable the GC by default
p.gc_mode = .boehm_full_opt
// NOTE: these are added to p.compile_defines[_all]
// more than once when building modules for usecache
if p.is_debug {
if p.os == .wasm32_emscripten {
// TODO: remove after `$if wasm32_emscripten {` works
if p.os == ._auto {
// No OS specifed? Use current system
p.os = if p.backend != .wasm { get_host_os() } else { .wasi }
if p.ccompiler == '' {
p.ccompiler_type = cc_from_string(p.ccompiler)
p.is_test = p.path.ends_with('_test.v') || p.path.ends_with('_test.vv')
|| p.path.all_before_last('.v').all_before_last('.').ends_with('_test')
p.is_vsh = p.path.ends_with('.vsh') || p.raw_vsh_tmp_prefix != ''
p.is_script = p.is_vsh || p.path.ends_with('.v') || p.path.ends_with('.vv')
if p.third_party_option == '' {
p.third_party_option = p.cflags
$if !windows {
if !p.third_party_option.contains('-fPIC') {
p.third_party_option += ' -fPIC'
// Prepare the cache manager. All options that can affect the generated cached .c files
// should go into res.cache_manager.vopts, which is used as a salt for the cache hash.
vhash := @VHASH
p.cache_manager = vcache.new_cache_manager([
// ensure that different v versions use separate build artefacts
'${p.backend} | ${p.os} | ${p.ccompiler} | ${p.is_prod} | ${p.sanitize}',
// eprintln('prefs.cache_manager: $p')
// disable use_cache for specific cases:
if os.user_os() == 'windows' {
p.use_cache = false
if p.build_mode == .build_module {
// eprintln('-usecache and build-module flags are not compatible')
p.use_cache = false
if p.is_shared {
// eprintln('-usecache and -shared flags are not compatible')
p.use_cache = false
if p.bare_builtin_dir == '' && p.os == .wasm32 {
p.bare_builtin_dir = os.join_path(p.vroot, 'vlib', 'builtin', 'wasm_bare')
} else if p.bare_builtin_dir == '' {
p.bare_builtin_dir = os.join_path(p.vroot, 'vlib', 'builtin', 'linux_bare')
$if prealloc {
if !p.no_parallel && p.is_verbose {
eprintln('disabling parallel cgen, since V was built with -prealloc')
p.no_parallel = true
fn (mut p Preferences) find_cc_if_cross_compiling() {
if p.os == get_host_os() {
if p.os == .windows && p.ccompiler == 'msvc' {
// Allow for explicit overrides like `v -showcc -cc msvc -os windows file.v`,
// this makes flag passing more easily debuggable on other OSes too, not only
// on windows (building will stop later, when -showcc already could display all
// options).
p.ccompiler = p.vcross_compiler_name()
fn (mut p Preferences) try_to_use_tcc_by_default() {
if p.ccompiler == 'tcc' {
p.ccompiler = default_tcc_compiler()
if p.ccompiler == '' {
// tcc is known to fail several tests on macos, so do not
// try to use it by default, only when it is explicitly set
$if macos {
// use an optimizing compiler (i.e. gcc or clang) on -prod mode
if p.is_prod {
p.ccompiler = default_tcc_compiler()
pub fn default_tcc_compiler() string {
vexe := vexe_path()
vroot := os.dir(vexe)
vtccexe := os.join_path(vroot, 'thirdparty', 'tcc', 'tcc.exe')
if os.exists(vtccexe) {
return vtccexe
return ''
pub fn (mut p Preferences) default_c_compiler() {
// TODO fix $if after 'string'
$if windows {
p.ccompiler = 'gcc'
if p.os == .ios {
$if !ios {
ios_sdk := if p.is_ios_simulator { 'iphonesimulator' } else { 'iphoneos' }
ios_sdk_path_res := os.execute_or_exit('xcrun --sdk ${ios_sdk} --show-sdk-path')
mut isysroot := ios_sdk_path_res.output.replace('\n', '')
arch := if p.is_ios_simulator {
'-arch x86_64 -arch arm64'
} else {
'-arch armv7 -arch armv7s -arch arm64'
// On macOS, /usr/bin/cc is a hardlink/wrapper for xcrun. clang on darwin hosts
// will automatically change the build target based off of the selected sdk, making xcrun -sdk iphoneos pointless
p.ccompiler = '/usr/bin/cc'
p.cflags = '-isysroot ${isysroot} ${arch}' + p.cflags
p.ccompiler = 'cc'
pub fn vexe_path() string {
vexe := os.getenv('VEXE')
if vexe != '' {
return vexe
myexe := os.executable()
mut real_vexe_path := myexe
for {
$if tinyc {
$if x32 {
// TODO: investigate why exactly tcc32 segfaults on os.real_path here,
// and remove this cludge.
real_vexe_path = os.real_path(real_vexe_path)
os.setenv('VEXE', real_vexe_path, true)
return real_vexe_path
pub fn (p &Preferences) vcross_compiler_name() string {
vccname := os.getenv('VCROSS_COMPILER_NAME')
if vccname != '' {
return vccname
if p.os == .windows {
if p.m64 {
return 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc'
return 'i686-w64-mingw32-gcc'
if p.os == .linux {
return 'clang'
if p.os == .wasm32_emscripten {
if os.user_os() == 'windows' {
return 'emcc.bat'
return 'emcc'
if p.backend == .c && !p.out_name.ends_with('.c') {
eprintln('Note: V can only cross compile to windows and linux for now by default.')
eprintln('It will use `cc` as a cross compiler for now, although that will probably fail.')
eprintln('Set `VCROSS_COMPILER_NAME` to the name of your cross compiler, for your target OS: ${p.os} .')
return 'cc'