mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00

210 lines
4.9 KiB

module pkgconfig
import flag
import strings
pub struct Main {
pub mut:
opt &MainOptions
res string
has_actions bool
struct MainOptions {
modversion bool
description bool
help bool
debug bool
listall bool
exists bool
variables bool
requires bool
atleast string
atleastpc string
exactversion string
version bool
cflags bool
cflags_only_path bool
cflags_only_other bool
stat1c bool
libs bool
libs_only_link bool
libs_only_path bool
libs_only_other bool
args []string
fn desc(mod string) ?string {
options := Options{
norecurse: true
mut pc := load(mod, options) or {
return error('cannot parse')
return pc.description
pub fn main(args []string) ?&Main {
mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(args)
mut m := &Main{
opt: parse_options(mut fp)
opt := m.opt
if opt.help {
m.res = fp.usage().replace('- ,', ' ')
} else if opt.version {
m.res = version
} else if opt.listall {
mut modules := list()
if opt.description {
for mod in modules {
d := desc(mod) or {
pad := strings.repeat(` `, 20 - mod.len)
m.res += '$mod $pad $d\n'
} else {
m.res = modules.join('\n')
} else if opt.args.len == 0 {
return error('No packages given')
return m
pub fn (mut m Main) run() ?string {
options := Options{
debug: m.opt.debug
// m.opt = options
opt := m.opt
mut pc := &PkgConfig(0)
mut res := m.res
for arg in opt.args {
mut pcdep := load(arg, options) or {
if !opt.exists {
return error(err)
if opt.description {
if res != '' {
res += '\n'
res += pcdep.description
if pc != 0 {
} else {
pc = pcdep
if opt.exists {
return res
if opt.exactversion != '' {
if pc.version != opt.exactversion {
return error('version mismatch')
return res
if opt.atleast != '' {
if pc.atleast(opt.atleast) {
return error('version mismatch')
return res
if opt.atleastpc != '' {
if atleast(opt.atleastpc) {
return error('version mismatch')
return res
if opt.variables {
for k, _ in pc.vars {
res += '$k\n'
if opt.requires {
res += pc.requires.join('\n')
mut r := []string{}
if opt.cflags_only_path {
r << filter(pc.cflags, '-I', '')
if opt.cflags_only_other {
r << filter(pc.cflags, '-I', '-I')
if opt.cflags {
r << pc.cflags.join(' ')
if opt.libs_only_link {
r << filter(pc.libs, '-l', '')
if opt.libs_only_path {
r << filter(pc.libs, '-L', '')
if opt.libs_only_other {
r << filter(pc.libs, '-l', '-L')
if opt.libs {
if opt.stat1c {
r << pc.libs_private.join(' ')
} else {
r << pc.libs.join(' ')
if opt.modversion {
r << pc.version
return res + r.join(' ')
fn filter(libs []string, prefix string, prefix2 string) string {
mut res := ''
if prefix2 != '' {
for lib in libs {
if !lib.starts_with(prefix) && !lib.starts_with(prefix2) {
res += ' $lib'
} else {
for lib in libs {
if lib.starts_with(prefix) {
res += ' $lib'
return res
fn parse_options(mut fp flag.FlagParser) &MainOptions {
return &MainOptions{
description: fp.bool('description', `d`, false, 'show pkg module description')
modversion: fp.bool('modversion', `V`, false, 'show version of module')
help: fp.bool('help', `h`, false, 'show this help message')
debug: fp.bool('debug', `D`, false, 'show debug information')
listall: fp.bool('list-all', `l`, false, 'list all pkgmodules')
exists: fp.bool('exists', `e`, false, 'return 0 if pkg exists')
variables: fp.bool('print-variables', `V`, false, 'display variable names')
requires: fp.bool('print-requires', `r`, false, 'display requires of the module')
atleast: fp.string('atleast-version', `a`, '', 'return 0 if pkg version is at least the given one')
atleastpc: fp.string('atleast-pkgconfig-version', `A`, '', 'return 0 if pkgconfig version is at least the given one')
exactversion: fp.string('exact-version', ` `, '', 'return 0 if pkg version is at least the given one')
version: fp.bool('version', `v`, false, 'show version of this tool')
cflags: fp.bool('cflags', `c`, false, 'output all pre-processor and compiler flags')
cflags_only_path: fp.bool('cflags-only-I', `I`, false, 'show only -I flags from CFLAGS')
cflags_only_other: fp.bool('cflags-only-other', ` `, false, 'show cflags without -I')
stat1c: fp.bool('static', `s`, false, 'show --libs for static linking')
libs: fp.bool('libs', `l`, false, 'output all linker flags')
libs_only_link: fp.bool('libs-only-l', ` `, false, 'show only -l from ldflags')
libs_only_path: fp.bool('libs-only-L', `L`, false, 'show only -L from ldflags')
libs_only_other: fp.bool('libs-only-other', ` `, false, 'show flags not containing -l or -L')
args: fp.args