mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
penguindark e4bd2306da
sokol: upgrade to latest version, add program icon support (#11559)
* updated sokol_gfx.h to the last version: 16d7b2e

* merged sokol_app and update enums.v

* added missing icons structs

* try to fixing Mac keyboard problems

* added v patch marker to sokol_app.h

* upgrade for sokol_gl.h, sokol_fontstash.h

* manage sgl_load_default_pipeline

* added load_default_pipeline() for sokol coherence

* vfmt sapp_structs.c.v

Co-authored-by: Delyan Angelov <delian66@gmail.com>
2021-09-21 09:55:06 +03:00

92 lines
3.6 KiB

module sgl
// setup/shutdown/misc
fn C.sgl_setup(desc &C.sgl_desc_t)
fn C.sgl_shutdown()
fn C.sgl_error() C.sgl_error_t
fn C.sgl_defaults()
fn C.sgl_rad(deg f32) f32
fn C.sgl_deg(rad f32) f32
// create and destroy pipeline objects
fn C.sgl_make_pipeline(desc &C.sg_pipeline_desc) C.sgl_pipeline
fn C.sgl_destroy_pipeline(pip C.sgl_pipeline)
// render state functions
fn C.sgl_viewport(x int, y int, w int, h int, origin_top_left bool)
fn C.sgl_viewportf(x f32, y f32, w f32, h f32, origin_top_left bool)
fn C.sgl_scissor_rect(x int, y int, w int, h int, origin_top_left bool)
fn C.sgl_scissor_rectf(x f32, y f32, w f32, h f32, origin_top_left bool)
fn C.sgl_enable_texture()
fn C.sgl_disable_texture()
fn C.sgl_texture(img C.sg_image)
// pipeline stack functions
fn C.sgl_load_default_pipeline()
fn C.sgl_load_pipeline(pip C.sgl_pipeline)
fn C.sgl_push_pipeline()
fn C.sgl_pop_pipeline()
// matrix stack functions
fn C.sgl_matrix_mode_modelview()
fn C.sgl_matrix_mode_projection()
fn C.sgl_matrix_mode_texture()
fn C.sgl_load_identity()
fn C.sgl_load_matrix(m [16]f32)
fn C.sgl_load_transpose_matrix(m [16]f32)
fn C.sgl_mult_matrix(m [16]f32)
fn C.sgl_mult_transpose_matrix(m [16]f32)
fn C.sgl_rotate(angle_rad f32, x f32, y f32, z f32)
fn C.sgl_scale(x f32, y f32, z f32)
fn C.sgl_translate(x f32, y f32, z f32)
fn C.sgl_frustum(l f32, r f32, b f32, t f32, n f32, f f32)
fn C.sgl_ortho(l f32, r f32, b f32, t f32, n f32, f f32)
fn C.sgl_perspective(fov_y f32, aspect f32, z_near f32, z_far f32)
fn C.sgl_lookat(eye_x f32, eye_y f32, eye_z f32, center_x f32, center_y f32, center_z f32, up_x f32, up_y f32, up_z f32)
fn C.sgl_push_matrix()
fn C.sgl_pop_matrix()
// these functions only set the internal 'current texcoord / color' (valid inside or outside begin/end)
fn C.sgl_t2f(u f32, v f32)
fn C.sgl_c3f(r f32, g f32, b f32)
fn C.sgl_c4f(r f32, g f32, b f32, a f32)
fn C.sgl_c3b(r byte, g byte, b byte)
fn C.sgl_c4b(r byte, g byte, b byte, a byte)
fn C.sgl_c1i(rgba u32)
// define primitives, each begin/end is one draw command
fn C.sgl_begin_points()
fn C.sgl_begin_lines()
fn C.sgl_begin_line_strip()
fn C.sgl_begin_triangles()
fn C.sgl_begin_triangle_strip()
fn C.sgl_begin_quads()
fn C.sgl_v2f(x f32, y f32)
fn C.sgl_v3f(x f32, y f32, z f32)
fn C.sgl_v2f_t2f(x f32, y f32, u f32, v f32)
fn C.sgl_v3f_t2f(x f32, y f32, z f32, u f32, v f32)
fn C.sgl_v2f_c3f(x f32, y f32, r f32, g f32, b f32)
fn C.sgl_v2f_c3b(x f32, y f32, r byte, g byte, b byte)
fn C.sgl_v2f_c4f(x f32, y f32, r f32, g f32, b f32, a f32)
fn C.sgl_v2f_c4b(x f32, y f32, r byte, g byte, b byte, a byte)
fn C.sgl_v2f_c1i(x f32, y f32, rgba u32)
fn C.sgl_v3f_c3f(x f32, y f32, z f32, r f32, g f32, b f32)
fn C.sgl_v3f_c3b(x f32, y f32, z f32, r byte, g byte, b byte)
fn C.sgl_v3f_c4f(x f32, y f32, z f32, r f32, g f32, b f32, a f32)
fn C.sgl_v3f_c4b(x f32, y f32, z f32, r byte, g byte, b byte, a byte)
fn C.sgl_v3f_c1i(x f32, y f32, z f32, rgba u32)
fn C.sgl_v2f_t2f_c3f(x f32, y f32, u f32, v f32, r f32, g f32, b f32)
fn C.sgl_v2f_t2f_c3b(x f32, y f32, u f32, v f32, r byte, g byte, b byte)
fn C.sgl_v2f_t2f_c4f(x f32, y f32, u f32, v f32, r f32, g f32, b f32, a f32)
fn C.sgl_v2f_t2f_c4b(x f32, y f32, u f32, v f32, r byte, g byte, b byte, a byte)
fn C.sgl_v2f_t2f_c1i(x f32, y f32, u f32, v f32, rgba u32)
fn C.sgl_v3f_t2f_c3f(x f32, y f32, z f32, u f32, v f32, r f32, g f32, b f32)
fn C.sgl_v3f_t2f_c3b(x f32, y f32, z f32, u f32, v f32, r byte, g byte, b byte)
fn C.sgl_v3f_t2f_c4f(x f32, y f32, z f32, u f32, v f32, r f32, g f32, b f32, a f32)
fn C.sgl_v3f_t2f_c4b(x f32, y f32, z f32, u f32, v f32, r byte, g byte, b byte, a byte)
fn C.sgl_v3f_t2f_c1i(x f32, y f32, z f32, u f32, v f32, rgba u32)
fn C.sgl_end()
// render everything
fn C.sgl_draw()