mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00

533 lines
26 KiB

import math.big
fn test_integer_from_int() {
assert big.integer_from_int(0).hex() == '0'
assert big.integer_from_int(1).hex() == '1'
assert big.integer_from_int(255).hex() == 'ff'
assert big.integer_from_int(127).hex() == '7f'
assert big.integer_from_int(1024).hex() == '400'
assert big.integer_from_int(2147483647).hex() == '7fffffff'
fn test_integer_from_u64() {
assert big.integer_from_u64(0).hex() == '0'
assert big.integer_from_u64(1).hex() == '1'
assert big.integer_from_u64(255).hex() == 'ff'
assert big.integer_from_u64(127).hex() == '7f'
assert big.integer_from_u64(1024).hex() == '400'
assert big.integer_from_u64(4294967295).hex() == 'ffffffff'
assert big.integer_from_u64(4398046511104).hex() == '40000000000'
max_value := big.integer_from_u64(u64(-1))
assert max_value.hex() == 'ffffffffffffffff'
fn test_integer_from_bytes() {
assert big.integer_from_bytes([]).hex() == '0'
assert big.integer_from_bytes([u8(0)]).hex() == '0'
assert big.integer_from_bytes([u8(0x13), 0x37]).hex() == '1337'
assert big.integer_from_bytes([u8(0x13), 0x37, 0xca]).hex() == '1337ca'
assert big.integer_from_bytes([u8(0x13), 0x37, 0xca, 0xfe]).hex() == '1337cafe'
assert big.integer_from_bytes([u8(0x13), 0x37, 0xca, 0xfe, 0xba]).hex() == '1337cafeba'
assert big.integer_from_bytes([u8(0x13), 0x37, 0xca, 0xfe, 0xba, 0xbe]).hex() == '1337cafebabe'
mut bytes := []u8{cap: 1024}
mut expected := ''
for i := 0; i < bytes.cap; i++ {
bytes << u8(i)
expected = expected + u8(i).hex()
assert big.integer_from_bytes(bytes).hex() == expected.trim_left('0')
fn test_bytes() {
result1, sign1 := big.integer_from_u64(0x1337cafebabe).bytes()
assert result1 == [u8(0x13), 0x37, 0xca, 0xfe, 0xba, 0xbe]
assert sign1 == 1
mut bytes := []u8{cap: 1024}
mut expected := ''
for i := 0; i < bytes.cap; i++ {
bytes << u8(i | 1)
expected = expected + u8(i).hex()
result2, sign2 := big.integer_from_bytes(bytes).bytes()
assert result2 == bytes
assert sign2 == 1
fn test_addition() {
a := big.integer_from_int(2)
b := big.integer_from_int(3)
c := a + b
assert c.hex() == '5'
assert (big.integer_from_int(1024) + big.integer_from_int(1024)).hex() == '800'
fib1 := big.integer_from_string('84885164052257330097714121751630835360966663883732297726369399') or {
panic('Cannot read decimal')
fib2 := big.integer_from_string('137347080577163115432025771710279131845700275212767467264610201') or {
panic('Cannot read decimal')
assert (fib1 + fib2).str() == '222232244629420445529739893461909967206666939096499764990979600'
fn test_subtraction() {
a := big.integer_from_int(2)
b := big.integer_from_int(3)
assert (a - b).hex() == '-1'
assert (b - a).hex() == '1'
c := big.integer_from_int(1024)
assert (c - c) == big.zero_int
assert big.integer_from_int(-37) - big.integer_from_int(-54) == big.integer_from_int(17)
fn test_multiplication() {
a := big.integer_from_int(2)
b := big.integer_from_int(3)
c := big.integer_from_int(6)
assert a * b == c
assert big.integer_from_int(-869) * big.integer_from_int(789) == big.integer_from_int(-685641)
e := big.integer_from_u32(1024)
e2 := e * e
e4 := e2 * e2
e8 := e2 * e2 * e2 * e2
e9 := e8 + big.one_int
d := ((e9 * e9) + b) * c
assert e4.hex() == '10000000000'
assert e8.hex() == '100000000000000000000'
assert e9.hex() == '100000000000000000001'
assert d.hex() == '60000000000000000000c00000000000000000018'
fn test_division() {
a := big.integer_from_u64(2)
b := big.integer_from_u64(3)
c := b / a
assert c.hex() == '1'
assert (b % a).hex() == '1'
e := big.integer_from_u64(1024) // dec(1024) == hex(0x400)
ee := e / e
assert ee.hex() == '1'
assert (e / a).hex() == '200'
assert (e / (a * a)).hex() == '100'
assert (b / a).hex() == '1'
fn test_mod() {
assert (big.integer_from_u64(13) % big.integer_from_u64(10)).int() == 3
assert (big.integer_from_u64(13) % big.integer_from_u64(9)).int() == 4
assert (big.integer_from_u64(7) % big.integer_from_u64(5)).int() == 2
struct DivisionTest {
dividend string
divisor string
quotient string
remainder string
const divmod_test_data = [
DivisionTest{'13', '10', '1', '3'},
DivisionTest{'13', '9', '1', '4'},
DivisionTest{'7', '5', '1', '2'},
DivisionTest{'2103180314840157', '1631403814113', '1289', '300798448500'},
DivisionTest{'21408410031413414147401', '3130541314113413', '6838564', '2900204736088469'}
// vfmt off
// vfmt on
fn test_divmod() {
for t in divmod_test_data {
a := big.integer_from_string(t.dividend) or { panic('Cannot read decimal') }
b := big.integer_from_string(t.divisor) or { panic('Cannot read decimal') }
eq := big.integer_from_string(t.quotient) or { panic('Cannot read decimal') }
er := big.integer_from_string(t.remainder) or { panic('Cannot read decimal') }
q, r := a.div_mod(b)
assert q == eq
assert r == er
fn test_comparison() {
values := [-3, 13, 52, 6, 41]
for value in values {
x := big.integer_from_int(value)
assert x == x
assert x <= x
assert x >= x
a := big.integer_from_int(-45)
b := big.integer_from_int(35)
assert a < b
assert a <= b
assert b > a
assert b >= a
fn test_conversion() {
ten := big.integer_from_int(10)
mut n := big.integer_from_u64(u64(-1))
mut digits := []rune{}
for n.signum != 0 {
quot, rem := n.div_mod(ten)
digits << rune(rem.int()) + `0`
n = quot
assert digits.reverse().string() == '18446744073709551615'
fn test_integer_from_string() {
a := big.integer_from_string('00000000') or { panic('Zero int test fails') }
assert a == big.zero_int
b := big.integer_from_radix('00', 4) or { panic('Zero int test fails') }
assert b == big.zero_int
assert a == b
string_values := ['0', '1', '0012', '1349173614', '+24', '-325']
int_values := [0, 1, 12, 1349173614, 24, -325]
for index in 0 .. string_values.len {
x := big.integer_from_string(string_values[index]) or {
panic('Could not convert decimal string')
y := big.integer_from_int(int_values[index])
assert x == y
imin := big.integer_from_string('-2147483648') or {
panic('Minimum signed 32-bit int test fails.')
assert imin.int() == -2147483648
imax := big.integer_from_string('2147483647') or {
panic('Maximum signed 32-bit int test fails.')
assert imax.int() == 2147483647
fn test_integer_from_powers_of_2() {
assert (big.integer_from_radix('101010', 2) or { panic('Cannot read binary') }).int() == 42
assert (big.integer_from_radix('1010', 2) or { panic('Cannot read binary') }).int() == 10
assert (big.integer_from_radix('-0000101', 2) or { panic('Cannot read binary') }).int() == -5
assert (big.integer_from_radix('CAFE', 16) or { panic('Cannot read hexadecimal') }).int() == 0xCAFE
assert (big.integer_from_radix('DED', 16) or { panic('Cannot read hexadecimal') }).int() == 0xDED
assert (big.integer_from_radix('-abcd', 16) or { panic('Cannot read hexadecimal') }).int() == -0xabcd
fn test_from_and_to_hex() {
assert (big.integer_from_radix('123', 16) or { panic('Cannot read hexadecimal') }).hex() == '123'
for i in 1 .. 33 {
input := 'e'.repeat(i)
output := (big.integer_from_radix(input, 16) or { panic('Cannot read hexadecimal') }).hex()
assert input == output
assert (big.integer_from_string('0') or { panic('Cannot read decimal') }).str() == '0'
fn test_str() {
assert big.integer_from_u64(255).str() == '255'
assert big.integer_from_u64(127).str() == '127'
assert big.integer_from_u64(1024).str() == '1024'
assert big.integer_from_u64(4294967295).str() == '4294967295'
assert big.integer_from_u64(4398046511104).str() == '4398046511104'
assert big.integer_from_u64(u64(-1)).str() == '18446744073709551615'
assert (big.integer_from_radix('e'.repeat(80), 16) or { panic('Cannot read hexadecimal') }).str() == '1993587900192849410235353592424915306962524220866209251950572167300738410728597846688097947807470'
fn test_exponentiation() {
a := big.integer_from_int(2)
assert a.pow(0).int() == 1
assert a.pow(1).int() == 2
assert a.pow(5).int() == 32
assert a.pow(10).int() == 1024
assert a.pow(30).int() == 1073741824
exp_array := [u32(5), 7, 234, 524, 291, 13051]
for exp in exp_array {
expected := '1' + '0'.repeat(int(exp))
actual := a.pow(exp)
assert actual.binary_str() == expected
result := '66325146064916587705822805477951823674769212922003325230500180789514487101799702287247301347816140714887582527826252837635296749781071351621748491469338347097923896026211183517655658952346069454893422558286798338709431368762851475568899541999504754550056265493269010870696623999709399529395247064542825851568385196637089440522882877102429945439977107582295420418108331098961838419917230847980056560488541780255425015021238743932289115066701337398107639567748102191005710201353615093246958907555634902309636451244444952203735074916066229982498598205421944122042066749035283837586883383420374291325389757869347147357807188516650352693616763867685354382631931356465247637321960345782811272139101785279798666504361229957479336436466489780129445016691164329417001378480690804715301830926348058624'
assert big.integer_from_int(324).pow(u32(315)).str() == result
fn test_mod_exponentiation() {
divisor := big.integer_from_int(632)
assert big.integer_from_int(324).mod_pow(u32(315), divisor) == big.integer_from_int(512)
a := big.integer_from_int(65)
b := big.integer_from_int(2790)
div := big.integer_from_int(3233)
assert a.mod_pow(17, div) == b
assert b.mod_pow(413, div) == a
struct BigModPowTest {
base string
exponent string
modulus string
expected string
const big_mod_pow_test_data = [
// vfmt off
BigModPowTest{ // passed to mod_pow
BigModPowTest{ // odd modulus
BigModPowTest{ // even modulus
BigModPowTest{ // power of 2 modulus
// vfmt on
fn test_big_mod_pow() {
for t in big_mod_pow_test_data {
a := big.integer_from_string(t.base) or { panic('Could not read decimal') }
x := big.integer_from_string(t.exponent) or { panic('Could not read decimal') }
m := big.integer_from_string(t.modulus) or { panic('Could not read decimal') }
r := big.integer_from_string(t.expected) or { panic('Could not read decimal') }
assert a.big_mod_pow(x, m) or { panic(err) } == r
fn test_gcd() {
assert big.integer_from_int(0).gcd(big.integer_from_int(0)) == big.zero_int
assert big.integer_from_int(10).gcd(big.integer_from_int(0)) == big.integer_from_int(10)
assert big.integer_from_int(0).gcd(big.integer_from_int(-18)) == big.integer_from_int(18)
assert big.integer_from_int(51).gcd(big.integer_from_int(22)) == big.one_int
assert big.integer_from_int(98).gcd(big.integer_from_int(56)) == big.integer_from_int(14)
assert big.integer_from_int(98).gcd(big.integer_from_int(56)) == big.integer_from_int(14)
a := big.integer_from_string('67116917544110') or { panic('Could not read decimal') }
b := big.integer_from_string('60943431483592') or { panic('Could not read decimal') }
c := big.integer_from_string('6299482') or { panic('Could not read decimal') }
assert a.gcd(b) == c
fn test_factorial() {
f5 := big.integer_from_u64(5).factorial()
assert f5.hex() == '78'
f100 := big.integer_from_u64(100).factorial()
assert f100.hex() == '1b30964ec395dc24069528d54bbda40d16e966ef9a70eb21b5b2943a321cdf10391745570cca9420c6ecb3b72ed2ee8b02ea2735c61a000000000000000000000000'
fn test_inc_and_dec() {
mut a := big.integer_from_int(2)
mut b := big.integer_from_int(3)
mut c := big.integer_from_int(4)
assert a == b
assert b == c
fn test_lshift() {
assert big.integer_from_int(45).lshift(2) == big.integer_from_int(45 * 4)
assert big.integer_from_int(45).lshift(3) == big.integer_from_int(45 * 8)
assert big.integer_from_int(45).lshift(4) == big.integer_from_int(45 * 16)
assert big.integer_from_int(45).lshift(5) == big.integer_from_int(45 * 32)
assert big.integer_from_u64(0xabcedabcde).lshift(20) == big.integer_from_u64(0xabcedabcde00000)
assert big.integer_from_bytes([u8(1), 1, 1]).lshift(56) == big.integer_from_bytes([
fn test_rshift() {
assert big.integer_from_int(45).rshift(3) == big.integer_from_int(5)
assert big.integer_from_int(0x13374956).rshift(16) == big.integer_from_int(0x1337)
assert big.integer_from_bytes([
]).rshift(56) == big.integer_from_bytes([u8(1), 1, 1])
fn test_isqrt() {
for i in 0 .. 1000 {
a := big.integer_from_int(i)
b := big.integer_from_int(i * i)
assert b.isqrt() == a
values := [
for value in values {
a := big.integer_from_string(value) or { panic('Cannot read from decimal') }
b := a * a
assert b.isqrt() == a
fn test_bitwise_ops() {
a := big.integer_from_int(1).lshift(512)
b := a - big.one_int
assert a.bitwise_and(b) == big.zero_int
assert b.bitwise_xor(b) == big.zero_int
assert b.bitwise_or(b) == b
assert b.bitwise_and(b) == b
assert b.bitwise_not() == big.zero_int
fn test_get_bit() {
x := big.integer_from_int(42)
assert x.get_bit(0) == false
assert x.get_bit(1) == true
assert x.get_bit(2) == false
assert x.get_bit(3) == true
assert x.get_bit(4) == false
assert x.get_bit(5) == true
assert x.get_bit(10) == false
values := ['1001001001001010010010100100100101011101001001010',
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000', '1110010', '0001001']
for value in values {
a := big.integer_from_radix(value, 2) or { panic('Could not read binary') }
bits := []bool{len: value.len, init: value[value.len - 1 - index] == `1`}
for i in 0 .. value.len {
assert a.get_bit(i) == bits[i]
fn test_set_bit() {
mut a := big.integer_from_int(32)
a.set_bit(1, true)
assert a.int() == 34
a.set_bit(1, false)
a.set_bit(3, true)
assert a.int() == 40
a.set_bit(50, true)
assert a == big.one_int.lshift(50) + big.integer_from_int(40)
b := a
a.set_bit(100, false)
assert a == b
fn test_bit_len() ? {
assert big.zero_int.bit_len() == 0
assert big.one_int.bit_len() == 1
assert big.integer_from_u32(0xffffffff).bit_len() == 32
assert big.one_int.lshift(1239).bit_len() == 1240
mut num := big.integer_from_string('4338476092346017364013796407961305761039463198075691378460917856')!
assert num.bit_len() == 212
for num.bit_len() > 0 {
num = num.rshift(8)
assert true
struct ModInverseTest {
value string
modulus string
const mod_inverse_test_data = [
ModInverseTest{'1234567', '458948883992'},
ModInverseTest{'239487239847', '2410312426921032588552076022197566074856950548502459942654116941958108831682612228890093858261341614673227141477904012196503648957050582631942730706805009223062734745341073406696246014589361659774041027169249453200378729434170325843778659198143763193776859869524088940195577346119843545301547043747207749969763750084308926339295559968882457872412993810129130294592999947926365264059284647209730384947211681434464714438488520940127459844288859336526896320919633919'},
fn test_mod_inverse() ? {
for t in mod_inverse_test_data {
a := big.integer_from_string(t.value) or { panic('Could not read decimal') }
m := big.integer_from_string(t.modulus) or { panic('Could not read decimal') }
r := a.mod_inverse(m) or { panic('No multiplicative inverse in ring Z/mZ') }
assert (r * a) % m == big.one_int