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// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module checker
import v.ast
import v.util
fn (mut c Checker) struct_decl(mut node ast.StructDecl) {
defer {
mut struct_sym, struct_typ_idx := c.table.find_sym_and_type_idx(node.name)
mut has_generic_types := false
if mut struct_sym.info is ast.Struct {
if node.language == .v && !c.is_builtin_mod && !struct_sym.info.is_anon {
c.check_valid_pascal_case(node.name, 'struct name', node.pos)
for embed in node.embeds {
if embed.typ.has_flag(.generic) {
has_generic_types = true
embed_sym := c.table.sym(embed.typ)
if embed_sym.kind != .struct_ {
c.error('`${embed_sym.name}` is not a struct', embed.pos)
} else {
info := embed_sym.info as ast.Struct
if info.is_heap && !embed.typ.is_ptr() {
struct_sym.info.is_heap = true
// Ensure each generic type of the embed was declared in the struct's definition
if node.generic_types.len > 0 && embed.typ.has_flag(.generic) {
embed_generic_names := c.table.generic_type_names(embed.typ)
node_generic_names := node.generic_types.map(c.table.type_to_str(it))
for name in embed_generic_names {
if name !in node_generic_names {
struct_generic_names := node_generic_names.join(', ')
c.error('generic type name `${name}` is not mentioned in struct `${node.name}[${struct_generic_names}]`',
if struct_sym.info.is_minify {
for attr in node.attrs {
if attr.name == 'typedef' && node.language != .c {
c.error('`typedef` attribute can only be used with C structs', node.pos)
// Update .default_expr_typ for all fields in the struct:
util.timing_start('Checker.struct setting default_expr_typ')
old_expected_type := c.expected_type
for mut field in node.fields {
if field.has_default_expr {
c.expected_type = field.typ
field.default_expr_typ = c.expr(field.default_expr)
for mut symfield in struct_sym.info.fields {
if symfield.name == field.name {
symfield.default_expr_typ = field.default_expr_typ
c.expected_type = old_expected_type
util.timing_measure_cumulative('Checker.struct setting default_expr_typ')
for i, field in node.fields {
if field.typ.has_flag(.result) {
c.error('struct field does not support storing result', field.option_pos)
c.ensure_type_exists(field.typ, field.type_pos) or { return }
c.ensure_generic_type_specify_type_names(field.typ, field.type_pos) or { return }
if field.typ.has_flag(.generic) {
has_generic_types = true
if node.language == .v {
c.check_valid_snake_case(field.name, 'field name', field.pos)
sym := c.table.sym(field.typ)
for j in 0 .. i {
if field.name == node.fields[j].name {
c.error('field name `${field.name}` duplicate', field.pos)
if field.typ != 0 {
if !field.typ.is_ptr() {
if c.table.unaliased_type(field.typ) == struct_typ_idx {
c.error('field `${field.name}` is part of `${node.name}`, they can not both have the same type',
if sym.kind == .struct_ {
info := sym.info as ast.Struct
if info.is_heap && !field.typ.is_ptr() {
struct_sym.info.is_heap = true
for ct in info.concrete_types {
ct_sym := c.table.sym(ct)
if ct_sym.kind == .placeholder {
c.error('unknown type `${ct_sym.name}`', field.type_pos)
if sym.kind == .multi_return {
c.error('cannot use multi return as field type', field.type_pos)
if sym.kind == .none_ {
c.error('cannot use `none` as field type', field.type_pos)
if field.has_default_expr {
c.expected_type = field.typ
default_expr_type := c.expr(field.default_expr)
if !field.typ.has_flag(.option) && !field.typ.has_flag(.result) {
c.check_expr_opt_call(field.default_expr, default_expr_type)
struct_sym.info.fields[i].default_expr_typ = default_expr_type
interface_implemented := sym.kind == .interface_
&& c.type_implements(default_expr_type, field.typ, field.pos)
c.check_expected(default_expr_type, field.typ) or {
if sym.kind == .interface_ && interface_implemented {
if !c.inside_unsafe && !default_expr_type.is_real_pointer() {
if c.table.sym(default_expr_type).kind != .interface_ {
c.mark_as_referenced(mut &node.fields[i].default_expr,
} else {
c.error('incompatible initializer for field `${field.name}`: ${err.msg()}',
if field.default_expr.is_nil() {
if !field.typ.is_real_pointer() && c.table.sym(field.typ).kind != .function {
c.error('cannot assign `nil` to a non-pointer field', field.type_pos)
// Check for unnecessary inits like ` = 0` and ` = ''`
if field.typ.is_ptr() {
if field.default_expr is ast.IntegerLiteral {
if !c.inside_unsafe && !c.is_builtin_mod && field.default_expr.val == '0' {
c.warn('default value of `0` for references can only be used inside `unsafe`',
if field.typ in ast.unsigned_integer_type_idxs {
if field.default_expr is ast.IntegerLiteral {
if field.default_expr.val[0] == `-` {
c.error('cannot assign negative value to unsigned integer type',
if field.default_expr is ast.IntegerLiteral {
if field.default_expr.val == '0' {
c.warn('unnecessary default value of `0`: struct fields are zeroed by default',
} else if field.default_expr is ast.StringLiteral {
if field.default_expr.val == '' {
c.warn("unnecessary default value of '': struct fields are zeroed by default",
} else if field.default_expr is ast.BoolLiteral {
if field.default_expr.val == false {
c.warn('unnecessary default value `false`: struct fields are zeroed by default',
// Ensure each generic type of the field was declared in the struct's definition
if node.generic_types.len > 0 && field.typ.has_flag(.generic) {
field_generic_names := c.table.generic_type_names(field.typ)
node_generic_names := node.generic_types.map(c.table.type_to_str(it))
for name in field_generic_names {
if name !in node_generic_names {
struct_generic_names := node_generic_names.join(', ')
c.error('generic type name `${name}` is not mentioned in struct `${node.name}[${struct_generic_names}]`',
if node.generic_types.len == 0 && has_generic_types {
c.error('generic struct `${node.name}` declaration must specify the generic type names, e.g. ${node.name}[T]',
fn minify_sort_fn(a &ast.StructField, b &ast.StructField) int {
if a.typ == b.typ {
return 0
// push all bool fields to the end of the struct
if a.typ == ast.bool_type_idx {
if b.typ == ast.bool_type_idx {
return 0
return 1
} else if b.typ == ast.bool_type_idx {
return -1
mut t := global_table
a_sym := t.sym(a.typ)
b_sym := t.sym(b.typ)
// push all non-flag enums to the end too, just before the bool fields
// TODO: support enums with custom field values as well
if a_sym.info is ast.Enum {
if !a_sym.info.is_flag && !a_sym.info.uses_exprs {
if b_sym.kind == .enum_ {
a_nr_vals := (a_sym.info as ast.Enum).vals.len
b_nr_vals := (b_sym.info as ast.Enum).vals.len
return if a_nr_vals > b_nr_vals {
} else if a_nr_vals < b_nr_vals {
} else {
return 1
} else if b_sym.info is ast.Enum {
if !b_sym.info.is_flag && !b_sym.info.uses_exprs {
return -1
a_size, a_align := t.type_size(a.typ)
b_size, b_align := t.type_size(b.typ)
return if a_align > b_align {
} else if a_align < b_align {
} else if a_size > b_size {
} else if a_size < b_size {
} else {
fn (mut c Checker) struct_init(mut node ast.StructInit) ast.Type {
defer {
if node.typ == ast.void_type {
// short syntax `foo(key:val, key2:val2)`
if c.expected_type == ast.void_type {
c.error('unexpected short struct syntax', node.pos)
return ast.void_type
sym := c.table.sym(c.expected_type)
if sym.kind == .array {
node.typ = c.table.value_type(c.expected_type)
} else {
node.typ = c.expected_type
struct_sym := c.table.sym(node.typ)
if struct_sym.info is ast.Struct {
// check if the generic param types have been defined
for ct in struct_sym.info.concrete_types {
ct_sym := c.table.sym(ct)
if ct_sym.kind == .placeholder {
c.error('unknown type `${ct_sym.name}`', node.pos)
if struct_sym.info.generic_types.len > 0 && struct_sym.info.concrete_types.len == 0
&& !node.is_short_syntax {
if c.table.cur_concrete_types.len == 0 {
c.error('generic struct init must specify type parameter, e.g. Foo[int]',
} else if node.generic_types.len == 0 {
c.error('generic struct init must specify type parameter, e.g. Foo[T]',
} else if node.generic_types.len > 0
&& node.generic_types.len != struct_sym.info.generic_types.len {
c.error('generic struct init expects ${struct_sym.info.generic_types.len} generic parameter, but got ${node.generic_types.len}',
} else if node.generic_types.len > 0 && c.table.cur_fn != unsafe { nil } {
for gtyp in node.generic_types {
if !gtyp.has_flag(.generic) {
gtyp_name := c.table.sym(gtyp).name
if gtyp_name !in c.table.cur_fn.generic_names {
cur_generic_names := '(' + c.table.cur_fn.generic_names.join(',') + ')'
c.error('generic struct init type parameter `${gtyp_name}` must be within the parameters `${cur_generic_names}` of the current generic function',
if node.generic_types.len > 0 && struct_sym.info.generic_types.len == 0 {
c.error('a non generic struct `${node.typ_str}` used like a generic struct',
} else if struct_sym.info is ast.Alias {
parent_sym := c.table.sym(struct_sym.info.parent_type)
// e.g. ´x := MyMapAlias{}´, should be a cast to alias type ´x := MyMapAlias(map[...]...)´
if parent_sym.kind == .map {
alias_str := c.table.type_to_str(node.typ)
map_str := c.table.type_to_str(struct_sym.info.parent_type)
c.error('direct map alias init is not possible, use `${alias_str}(${map_str}{})` instead',
return ast.void_type
// register generic struct type when current fn is generic fn
if c.table.cur_fn != unsafe { nil } && c.table.cur_fn.generic_names.len > 0 {
c.table.unwrap_generic_type(node.typ, c.table.cur_fn.generic_names, c.table.cur_concrete_types)
c.ensure_type_exists(node.typ, node.pos) or {}
type_sym := c.table.sym(node.typ)
if !c.inside_unsafe && type_sym.kind == .sum_type {
c.note('direct sum type init (`x := SumType{}`) will be removed soon', node.pos)
// Make sure the first letter is capital, do not allow e.g. `x := string{}`,
// but `x := T{}` is ok.
if !c.is_builtin_mod && !c.inside_unsafe && type_sym.language == .v
&& c.table.cur_concrete_types.len == 0 {
pos := type_sym.name.last_index('.') or { -1 }
first_letter := type_sym.name[pos + 1]
if !first_letter.is_capital()
&& (type_sym.kind != .struct_ || !(type_sym.info as ast.Struct).is_anon)
&& type_sym.kind != .placeholder {
c.error('cannot initialize builtin type `${type_sym.name}`', node.pos)
if type_sym.kind == .sum_type && node.fields.len == 1 {
sexpr := node.fields[0].expr.str()
c.error('cast to sum type using `${type_sym.name}(${sexpr})` not `${type_sym.name}{${sexpr}}`',
if type_sym.kind == .interface_ && type_sym.language != .js {
c.error('cannot instantiate interface `${type_sym.name}`', node.pos)
if type_sym.info is ast.Alias {
if type_sym.info.parent_type.is_number() {
c.error('cannot instantiate number type alias `${type_sym.name}`', node.pos)
return ast.void_type
// allow init structs from generic if they're private except the type is from builtin module
if !node.has_update_expr && !type_sym.is_pub && type_sym.kind != .placeholder
&& type_sym.language != .c && (type_sym.mod != c.mod && !(node.typ.has_flag(.generic)
&& type_sym.mod != 'builtin')) {
c.error('type `${type_sym.name}` is private', node.pos)
if type_sym.kind == .struct_ {
info := type_sym.info as ast.Struct
if info.attrs.len > 0 && info.attrs[0].name == 'noinit' && type_sym.mod != c.mod {
c.error('struct `${type_sym.name}` is declared with a `[noinit]` attribute, so ' +
'it cannot be initialized with `${type_sym.name}{}`', node.pos)
if type_sym.name.len == 1 && c.table.cur_fn != unsafe { nil }
&& c.table.cur_fn.generic_names.len == 0 {
c.error('unknown struct `${type_sym.name}`', node.pos)
return ast.void_type
match type_sym.kind {
.placeholder {
c.error('unknown struct: ${type_sym.name}', node.pos)
return ast.void_type
.any {
// `T{ foo: 22 }`
for mut field in node.fields {
field.typ = c.expr(field.expr)
field.expected_type = field.typ
sym := c.table.sym(c.unwrap_generic(node.typ))
if sym.kind == .struct_ {
info := sym.info as ast.Struct
if node.no_keys && node.fields.len != info.fields.len {
fname := if info.fields.len != 1 { 'fields' } else { 'field' }
c.error('initializing struct `${sym.name}` needs `${info.fields.len}` ${fname}, but got `${node.fields.len}`',
// string & array are also structs but .kind of string/array
.struct_, .string, .array, .alias {
mut info := ast.Struct{}
if type_sym.kind == .alias {
info_t := type_sym.info as ast.Alias
sym := c.table.sym(info_t.parent_type)
if sym.kind == .placeholder { // pending import symbol did not resolve
c.error('unknown struct: ${type_sym.name}', node.pos)
return ast.void_type
if sym.kind == .struct_ {
info = sym.info as ast.Struct
} else {
c.error('alias type name: ${sym.name} is not struct type', node.pos)
} else {
info = type_sym.info as ast.Struct
if node.no_keys {
exp_len := info.fields.len
got_len := node.fields.len
if exp_len != got_len && !c.pref.translated {
// XTODO remove !translated check
amount := if exp_len < got_len { 'many' } else { 'few' }
c.error('too ${amount} fields in `${type_sym.name}` literal (expecting ${exp_len}, got ${got_len})',
mut info_fields_sorted := []ast.StructField{}
if node.no_keys {
info_fields_sorted = info.fields.clone()
info_fields_sorted.sort(a.i < b.i)
mut inited_fields := []string{}
for i, mut field in node.fields {
mut field_info := ast.StructField{}
mut field_name := ''
if node.no_keys {
if i >= info.fields.len {
// It doesn't make sense to check for fields that don't exist.
// We should just stop here.
field_info = info_fields_sorted[i]
field_name = field_info.name
node.fields[i].name = field_name
} else {
field_name = field.name
mut exists := true
field_info = c.table.find_field_with_embeds(type_sym, field_name) or {
exists = false
if !exists {
existing_fields := c.table.struct_fields(type_sym).map(it.name)
c.error(util.new_suggestion(field.name, existing_fields).say('unknown field `${field.name}` in struct literal of type `${type_sym.name}`'),
if field_name in inited_fields {
c.error('duplicate field name in struct literal: `${field_name}`',
mut expr_type := ast.Type(0)
mut expected_type := ast.Type(0)
inited_fields << field_name
field_type_sym := c.table.sym(field_info.typ)
expected_type = field_info.typ
c.expected_type = expected_type
expr_type = c.expr(field.expr)
if expr_type == ast.void_type {
c.error('`${field.expr}` (no value) used as value', field.pos)
if !field_info.typ.has_flag(.option) && !field.typ.has_flag(.result) {
expr_type = c.check_expr_opt_call(field.expr, expr_type)
expr_type_sym := c.table.sym(expr_type)
if field_type_sym.kind == .voidptr && expr_type_sym.kind == .struct_
&& !expr_type.is_ptr() {
c.error('allocate on the heap for use in other functions', field.pos)
if field_type_sym.kind == .interface_ {
if c.type_implements(expr_type, field_info.typ, field.pos) {
if !c.inside_unsafe && expr_type_sym.kind != .interface_
&& !expr_type.is_real_pointer() {
c.mark_as_referenced(mut &field.expr, true)
} else if expr_type != ast.void_type && expr_type_sym.kind != .placeholder
&& !field_info.typ.has_flag(.generic) {
c.check_expected(c.unwrap_generic(expr_type), c.unwrap_generic(field_info.typ)) or {
c.error('cannot assign to field `${field_info.name}`: ${err.msg()}',
if field_info.typ.has_flag(.shared_f) {
if !expr_type.has_flag(.shared_f) && expr_type.is_ptr() {
c.error('`shared` field must be initialized with `shared` or value',
} else {
if field_info.typ.is_ptr() && !expr_type.is_real_pointer()
&& field.expr.str() != '0' {
c.error('reference field must be initialized with reference',
node.fields[i].typ = expr_type
node.fields[i].expected_type = field_info.typ
if expr_type.is_ptr() && expected_type.is_ptr() {
if mut field.expr is ast.Ident {
if mut field.expr.obj is ast.Var {
mut obj := unsafe { &field.expr.obj }
if c.fn_scope != unsafe { nil } {
obj = c.fn_scope.find_var(obj.name) or { obj }
if obj.is_stack_obj && !c.inside_unsafe {
sym := c.table.sym(obj.typ.set_nr_muls(0))
if !sym.is_heap() && !c.pref.translated && !c.file.is_translated {
suggestion := if sym.kind == .struct_ {
'declaring `${sym.name}` as `[heap]`'
} else {
'wrapping the `${sym.name}` object in a `struct` declared as `[heap]`'
c.error('`${field.expr.name}` cannot be assigned outside `unsafe` blocks as it might refer to an object stored on stack. Consider ${suggestion}.',
if field_info.typ in ast.unsigned_integer_type_idxs {
if mut field.expr is ast.IntegerLiteral {
if field.expr.val[0] == `-` {
c.error('cannot assign negative value to unsigned integer type',
// Check uninitialized refs/sum types
// The variable `fields` contains two parts, the first part is the same as info.fields,
// and the second part is all fields embedded in the structure
// If the return value data composition form in `c.table.struct_fields()` is modified,
// need to modify here accordingly.
fields := c.table.struct_fields(type_sym)
mut checked_types := []ast.Type{}
for i, field in fields {
if field.name in inited_fields {
sym := c.table.sym(field.typ)
if field.name.len > 0 && field.name[0].is_capital() && sym.info is ast.Struct
&& sym.language == .v {
// struct embeds
if field.has_default_expr {
if i < info.fields.len && field.default_expr_typ == 0 {
if field.default_expr is ast.StructInit {
idx := c.table.find_type_idx(field.default_expr.typ_str)
if idx != 0 {
info.fields[i].default_expr_typ = ast.new_type(idx)
} else if field.default_expr.is_nil() {
if field.typ.is_real_pointer() {
info.fields[i].default_expr_typ = field.typ
} else {
if const_field := c.table.global_scope.find_const('${field.default_expr}') {
info.fields[i].default_expr_typ = const_field.typ
if field.typ.is_ptr() && !field.typ.has_flag(.shared_f) && !node.has_update_expr
&& !c.pref.translated && !c.file.is_translated {
c.warn('reference field `${type_sym.name}.${field.name}` must be initialized',
if sym.kind == .struct_ {
c.check_ref_fields_initialized(sym, mut checked_types, '${type_sym.name}.${field.name}',
} else if sym.kind == .alias {
parent_sym := c.table.sym((sym.info as ast.Alias).parent_type)
if parent_sym.kind == .struct_ {
c.check_ref_fields_initialized(parent_sym, mut checked_types,
'${type_sym.name}.${field.name}', node)
// Do not allow empty uninitialized interfaces
mut has_noinit := false
for attr in field.attrs {
if attr.name == 'noinit' {
has_noinit = true
if sym.kind == .interface_ && (!has_noinit && sym.language != .js) {
// TODO: should be an error instead, but first `ui` needs updating.
c.note('interface field `${type_sym.name}.${field.name}` must be initialized',
// Do not allow empty uninitialized sum types
sym := c.table.sym(field.typ)
if sym.kind == .sum_type {
c.warn('sum type field `${type_sym.name}.$field.name` must be initialized',
// Check for `[required]` struct attr
if field.attrs.contains('required') && !node.no_keys && !node.has_update_expr {
mut found := false
for init_field in node.fields {
if field.name == init_field.name {
found = true
if !found {
c.error('field `${type_sym.name}.${field.name}` must be initialized',
// println('>> checked_types.len: $checked_types.len | checked_types: $checked_types | type_sym: $type_sym.name ')
else {}
if node.has_update_expr {
update_type := c.expr(node.update_expr)
node.update_expr_type = update_type
if node.update_expr is ast.ComptimeSelector {
c.error('cannot use struct update syntax in compile time expressions', node.update_expr_pos)
if c.table.final_sym(update_type).kind != .struct_ {
s := c.table.type_to_str(update_type)
c.error('expected struct, found `${s}`', node.update_expr.pos())
} else if update_type != node.typ {
from_sym := c.table.sym(update_type)
to_sym := c.table.sym(node.typ)
from_info := from_sym.info as ast.Struct
to_info := to_sym.info as ast.Struct
// TODO this check is too strict
if !c.check_struct_signature(from_info, to_info)
|| !c.check_struct_signature_init_fields(from_info, to_info, node) {
c.error('struct `${from_sym.name}` is not compatible with struct `${to_sym.name}`',
if struct_sym.info is ast.Struct {
if struct_sym.info.generic_types.len > 0 && struct_sym.info.concrete_types.len == 0 {
if node.is_short_syntax {
concrete_types := c.infer_struct_generic_types(node.typ, node)
if concrete_types.len > 0 {
generic_names := struct_sym.info.generic_types.map(c.table.sym(it).name)
node.typ = c.table.unwrap_generic_type(node.typ, generic_names, concrete_types)
return node.typ
// Recursively check whether the struct type field is initialized
fn (mut c Checker) check_ref_fields_initialized(struct_sym &ast.TypeSymbol, mut checked_types []ast.Type, linked_name string, node &ast.StructInit) {
if c.pref.translated || c.file.is_translated {
if struct_sym.kind == .struct_ && struct_sym.language == .c
&& (struct_sym.info as ast.Struct).is_typedef {
fields := c.table.struct_fields(struct_sym)
for field in fields {
sym := c.table.sym(field.typ)
if field.name.len > 0 && field.name[0].is_capital() && sym.info is ast.Struct
&& sym.language == .v {
// an embedded struct field
if field.typ.is_ptr() && !field.typ.has_flag(.shared_f) && !field.has_default_expr {
c.warn('reference field `${linked_name}.${field.name}` must be initialized (part of struct `${struct_sym.name}`)',
if sym.kind == .struct_ {
if sym.language == .c && (sym.info as ast.Struct).is_typedef {
if field.typ in checked_types {
checked_types << field.typ
c.check_ref_fields_initialized(sym, mut checked_types, '${linked_name}.${field.name}',
} else if sym.kind == .alias {
psym := c.table.sym((sym.info as ast.Alias).parent_type)
if psym.kind == .struct_ {
checked_types << field.typ
c.check_ref_fields_initialized(psym, mut checked_types, '${linked_name}.${field.name}',