mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
Thomas Mangin 580d9cedc7
termios: new termios module (#17792)
* termio: new termio module

move the tcgetattr and tcsetattr functions in a new termio module.
The code needed refactoring as different OS have different fields
size, position and number for the C.termios structure, which
could not be correctly expressed consitently otherwise.

It has the positive side effect to reduce the number of unsafe calls.
New testing code was also added for the readline module as it is
relying of the feature.

* apply 2023 copyright to the new files too
2023-03-30 08:58:52 +03:00

564 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Serves as more advanced input method
// based on the work of https://github.com/AmokHuginnsson/replxx
module readline
import term.termios
import term
import os
fn C.raise(sig int)
fn C.getppid() int
// Action defines what actions to be executed.
enum Action {
// enable_raw_mode enables the raw mode of the terminal.
// In raw mode all key presses are directly sent to the program and no interpretation is done.
// Please note that `enable_raw_mode` catches the `SIGUSER` (CTRL + C) signal.
// For a method that does please see `enable_raw_mode_nosig`.
pub fn (mut r Readline) enable_raw_mode() {
if termios.tcgetattr(0, mut r.orig_termios) != 0 {
r.is_tty = false
r.is_raw = false
mut raw := r.orig_termios
// println('> r.orig_termios: $r.orig_termios')
// println('> raw: $raw')
raw.c_iflag &= termios.invert(C.BRKINT | C.ICRNL | C.INPCK | C.ISTRIP | C.IXON)
raw.c_cflag |= termios.flag(C.CS8)
raw.c_lflag &= termios.invert(C.ECHO | C.ICANON | C.IEXTEN | C.ISIG)
raw.c_cc[C.VMIN] = u8(1)
raw.c_cc[C.VTIME] = u8(0)
termios.tcsetattr(0, C.TCSADRAIN, mut raw)
// println('> after raw: $raw')
r.is_raw = true
r.is_tty = true
// enable_raw_mode_nosig enables the raw mode of the terminal.
// In raw mode all key presses are directly sent to the program and no interpretation is done.
// Please note that `enable_raw_mode_nosig` does not catch the `SIGUSER` (CTRL + C) signal
// as opposed to `enable_raw_mode`.
pub fn (mut r Readline) enable_raw_mode_nosig() {
if termios.tcgetattr(0, mut r.orig_termios) != 0 {
r.is_tty = false
r.is_raw = false
mut raw := r.orig_termios
raw.c_iflag &= termios.invert(C.BRKINT | C.ICRNL | C.INPCK | C.ISTRIP | C.IXON)
raw.c_cflag |= termios.flag(C.CS8)
raw.c_lflag &= termios.invert(C.ECHO | C.ICANON | C.IEXTEN)
raw.c_cc[C.VMIN] = u8(1)
raw.c_cc[C.VTIME] = u8(0)
termios.tcsetattr(0, C.TCSADRAIN, mut raw)
r.is_raw = true
r.is_tty = true
// disable_raw_mode disables the raw mode of the terminal.
// For a description of raw mode please see the `enable_raw_mode` method.
pub fn (mut r Readline) disable_raw_mode() {
if r.is_raw {
termios.tcsetattr(0, C.TCSADRAIN, mut r.orig_termios)
r.is_raw = false
// read_char reads a single character.
pub fn (r Readline) read_char() !int {
return int(term.utf8_getchar() or { return err })
// read_line_utf8 blocks execution in a loop and awaits user input
// characters from a terminal until `EOF` or `Enter` key is encountered
// in the input stream.
// read_line_utf8 returns the complete input line as an UTF-8 encoded `[]rune` or
// an error if the line is empty.
// The `prompt` `string` is output as a prefix text for the input capturing.
// read_line_utf8 is the main method of the `readline` module and `Readline` struct.
pub fn (mut r Readline) read_line_utf8(prompt string) ![]rune {
r.current = []rune{}
r.cursor = 0
r.prompt = prompt
r.search_index = 0
r.prompt_offset = get_prompt_offset(prompt)
if r.previous_lines.len <= 1 {
r.previous_lines << []rune{}
r.previous_lines << []rune{}
} else {
r.previous_lines[0] = []rune{}
if !r.is_raw {
for {
unsafe { C.fflush(C.stdout) }
c := r.read_char() or { return err }
a := r.analyse(c)
if r.execute(a, c) {
r.previous_lines[0] = []rune{}
r.search_index = 0
if r.current.len == 0 {
return error('empty line')
return r.current
// read_line does the same as `read_line_utf8` but returns user input as a `string`.
// (As opposed to `[]rune` returned by `read_line_utf8`).
pub fn (mut r Readline) read_line(prompt string) !string {
s := r.read_line_utf8(prompt)!
return s.string()
// read_line_utf8 blocks execution in a loop and awaits user input
// characters from a terminal until `EOF` or `Enter` key is encountered
// in the input stream.
// read_line_utf8 returns the complete input line as an UTF-8 encoded `[]rune` or
// an error if the line is empty.
// The `prompt` `string` is output as a prefix text for the input capturing.
// read_line_utf8 is the main method of the `readline` module and `Readline` struct.
// NOTE that this version of `read_line_utf8` is a standalone function without
// persistent functionalities (e.g. history).
pub fn read_line_utf8(prompt string) ![]rune {
mut r := Readline{}
s := r.read_line_utf8(prompt)!
return s
// read_line does the same as `read_line_utf8` but returns user input as a `string`.
// (As opposed to `[]rune` as returned by `read_line_utf8`).
// NOTE that this version of `read_line` is a standalone function without
// persistent functionalities (e.g. history).
pub fn read_line(prompt string) !string {
mut r := Readline{}
s := r.read_line(prompt)!
return s
// analyse returns an `Action` based on the type of input byte given in `c`.
fn (r Readline) analyse(c int) Action {
if c > 255 {
return Action.insert_character
match u8(c) {
`\0`, 0x3, 0x4, 255 {
return .eof
} // NUL, End of Text, End of Transmission
`\n`, `\r` {
return .commit_line
`\f` {
return .clear_screen
} // CTRL + L
`\b`, 127 {
return .delete_left
} // BS, DEL
27 {
return r.analyse_control()
} // ESC
1 {
return .move_cursor_begining
} // ^A
5 {
return .move_cursor_end
} // ^E
26 {
return .suspend
} // CTRL + Z, SUB
else {
if c >= ` ` {
return Action.insert_character
return Action.nothing
// analyse_control returns an `Action` based on the type of input read by `read_char`.
fn (r Readline) analyse_control() Action {
c := r.read_char() or { panic('Control sequence incomplete') }
match u8(c) {
`[` {
sequence := r.read_char() or { panic('Control sequence incomplete') }
match u8(sequence) {
`C` { return .move_cursor_right }
`D` { return .move_cursor_left }
`B` { return .history_next }
`A` { return .history_previous }
`H` { return .move_cursor_begining }
`F` { return .move_cursor_end }
`1` { return r.analyse_extended_control() }
`2`, `3` { return r.analyse_extended_control_no_eat(u8(sequence)) }
else {}
else {}
match c {
case `[`:
sequence := r.read_char()?
match sequence {
case `C`: return .move_cursor_right
case `D`: return .move_cursor_left
case `B`: return .history_next
case `A`: return .history_previous
case `1`: return r.analyse_extended_control()
case `2`: return r.analyse_extended_control_no_eat(sequence)
case `3`: return r.analyse_extended_control_no_eat(sequence)
case `9`:
return .nothing
// analyse_extended_control returns an `Action` based on the type of input read by `read_char`.
// analyse_extended_control specialises in cursor control.
fn (r Readline) analyse_extended_control() Action {
r.read_char() or { panic('Control sequence incomplete') } // Removes ;
c := r.read_char() or { panic('Control sequence incomplete') }
match u8(c) {
`5` {
direction := r.read_char() or { panic('Control sequence incomplete') }
match u8(direction) {
`C` { return .move_cursor_word_right }
`D` { return .move_cursor_word_left }
else {}
else {}
return .nothing
// analyse_extended_control_no_eat returns an `Action` based on the type of input byte given in `c`.
// analyse_extended_control_no_eat specialises in detection of delete and insert keys.
fn (r Readline) analyse_extended_control_no_eat(last_c u8) Action {
c := r.read_char() or { panic('Control sequence incomplete') }
match u8(c) {
`~` {
match last_c {
`3` { return .delete_right } // Suppr key
`2` { return .overwrite }
else {}
else {}
return .nothing
// execute executes the corresponding methods on `Readline` based on `a Action` and `c int` arguments.
fn (mut r Readline) execute(a Action, c int) bool {
match a {
.eof { return r.eof() }
.insert_character { r.insert_character(c) }
.commit_line { return r.commit_line() }
.delete_left { r.delete_character() }
.delete_right { r.suppr_character() }
.move_cursor_left { r.move_cursor_left() }
.move_cursor_right { r.move_cursor_right() }
.move_cursor_begining { r.move_cursor_begining() }
.move_cursor_end { r.move_cursor_end() }
.move_cursor_word_left { r.move_cursor_word_left() }
.move_cursor_word_right { r.move_cursor_word_right() }
.history_previous { r.history_previous() }
.history_next { r.history_next() }
.overwrite { r.switch_overwrite() }
.clear_screen { r.clear_screen() }
.suspend { r.suspend() }
else {}
return false
// get_screen_columns returns the number of columns (`width`) in the terminal.
fn get_screen_columns() int {
ws := Winsize{}
cols := if unsafe { C.ioctl(1, C.TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) } == -1 { 80 } else { int(ws.ws_col) }
return cols
// shift_cursor warps the cursor to `xpos` with `yoffset`.
fn shift_cursor(xpos int, yoffset int) {
if yoffset != 0 {
if yoffset > 0 {
} else {
// Absolute X position
print('\x1b[${xpos + 1}G')
// calculate_screen_position returns a position `[x, y]int` based on various terminal attributes.
fn calculate_screen_position(x_in int, y_in int, screen_columns int, char_count int, inp []int) []int {
mut out := inp.clone()
mut x := x_in
mut y := y_in
out[0] = x
out[1] = y
for chars_remaining := char_count; chars_remaining > 0; {
chars_this_row := if (x + chars_remaining) < screen_columns {
} else {
screen_columns - x
out[0] = x + chars_this_row
out[1] = y
chars_remaining -= chars_this_row
x = 0
if out[0] == screen_columns {
out[0] = 0
return out
// get_prompt_offset computes the length of the `prompt` `string` argument.
fn get_prompt_offset(prompt string) int {
mut len := 0
for i := 0; i < prompt.len; i++ {
if prompt[i] == `\e` {
for ; i < prompt.len && prompt[i] != `m`; i++ {
} else {
len = len + 1
return prompt.len - len
// refresh_line redraws the current line, including the prompt.
fn (mut r Readline) refresh_line() {
mut end_of_input := [0, 0]
end_of_input = calculate_screen_position(r.prompt.len, 0, get_screen_columns(), r.current.len,
end_of_input[1] += r.current.filter(it == `\n`).len
mut cursor_pos := [0, 0]
cursor_pos = calculate_screen_position(r.prompt.len, 0, get_screen_columns(), r.cursor,
shift_cursor(0, -r.cursor_row_offset)
if end_of_input[0] == 0 && end_of_input[1] > 0 {
shift_cursor(cursor_pos[0] - r.prompt_offset, -(end_of_input[1] - cursor_pos[1]))
r.cursor_row_offset = cursor_pos[1]
// eof ends the line *without* a newline.
fn (mut r Readline) eof() bool {
r.previous_lines.insert(1, r.current)
r.cursor = r.current.len
if r.is_tty {
return true
// insert_character inserts the character `c` at current cursor position.
fn (mut r Readline) insert_character(c int) {
if !r.overwrite || r.cursor == r.current.len {
r.current.insert(r.cursor, c)
} else {
r.current[r.cursor] = rune(c)
// Refresh the line to add the new character
if r.is_tty {
// Removes the character behind cursor.
fn (mut r Readline) delete_character() {
if r.cursor <= 0 {
// suppr_character removes (suppresses) the character in front of the cursor.
fn (mut r Readline) suppr_character() {
if r.cursor >= r.current.len {
// commit_line adds a line break and then stops the main loop.
fn (mut r Readline) commit_line() bool {
r.previous_lines.insert(1, r.current)
r.current << `\n`
r.cursor = r.current.len
if r.is_tty {
return true
// move_cursor_left moves the cursor relative one cell to the left.
fn (mut r Readline) move_cursor_left() {
if r.cursor > 0 {
// move_cursor_right moves the cursor relative one cell to the right.
fn (mut r Readline) move_cursor_right() {
if r.cursor < r.current.len {
// move_cursor_begining moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
fn (mut r Readline) move_cursor_begining() {
r.cursor = 0
// move_cursor_end moves the cursor to the end of the current line.
fn (mut r Readline) move_cursor_end() {
r.cursor = r.current.len
// is_break_character returns true if the character is considered as a word-breaking character.
fn (r Readline) is_break_character(c string) bool {
break_characters := ' \t\v\f\a\b\r\n`~!@#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:\'",<.>/?'
return break_characters.contains(c)
// move_cursor_word_left moves the cursor relative one word length worth to the left.
fn (mut r Readline) move_cursor_word_left() {
if r.cursor > 0 {
for ; r.cursor > 0 && r.is_break_character(r.current[r.cursor - 1].str()); r.cursor-- {
for ; r.cursor > 0 && !r.is_break_character(r.current[r.cursor - 1].str()); r.cursor-- {
// move_cursor_word_right moves the cursor relative one word length worth to the right.
fn (mut r Readline) move_cursor_word_right() {
if r.cursor < r.current.len {
for ; r.cursor < r.current.len && r.is_break_character(r.current[r.cursor].str()); r.cursor++ {
for ; r.cursor < r.current.len && !r.is_break_character(r.current[r.cursor].str()); r.cursor++ {
// switch_overwrite toggles Readline `overwrite` mode on/off.
fn (mut r Readline) switch_overwrite() {
r.overwrite = !r.overwrite
// clear_screen clears the current terminal window contents and positions the cursor at top left.
fn (mut r Readline) clear_screen() {
term.set_cursor_position(x: 1, y: 1)
// history_previous sets current line to the content of the previous line in the history buffer.
fn (mut r Readline) history_previous() {
if r.search_index + 2 >= r.previous_lines.len {
if r.search_index == 0 {
r.previous_lines[0] = r.current
prev_line := r.previous_lines[r.search_index]
if r.skip_empty && prev_line == [] {
} else {
r.current = prev_line
r.cursor = r.current.len
// history_next sets current line to the content of the next line in the history buffer.
fn (mut r Readline) history_next() {
if r.search_index <= 0 {
r.current = r.previous_lines[r.search_index]
r.cursor = r.current.len
// suspend sends the `SIGSTOP` signal to the terminal.
fn (mut r Readline) suspend() {
is_standalone := os.getenv('VCHILD') != 'true'
if !is_standalone {
// We have to SIGSTOP the parent v process
unsafe {
ppid := C.getppid()
C.kill(ppid, C.SIGSTOP)
unsafe { C.raise(C.SIGSTOP) }
if r.is_tty {