mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
2020-01-20 23:04:26 +01:00

164 lines
4.0 KiB

module runner
import (
pub struct RunnerOptions {
wd string
vexec string
files []string
pub fn full_path_to_v(dirs_in int) string {
vexe_from_env := os.getenv('VEXE')
if vexe_from_env.len > 0 {
return vexe_from_env
vname := if os.user_os() == 'windows' { 'v.exe' } else { 'v' }
mut path := os.executable()
for i := 0; i < dirs_in; i++ {
path = filepath.dir(path)
vexec := filepath.join( path, vname )
args := os.args
vreal := os.realpath('v')
myself := os.realpath( os.executable() )
wd := os.getwd()
println('args are: $args')
println('vreal : $vreal')
println('myself : $myself')
println('wd : $wd')
return vexec
fn find_working_diff_command() ?string {
for diffcmd in ['colordiff', 'diff', 'colordiff.exe', 'diff.exe'] {
p := os.exec('$diffcmd --version') or { continue }
if p.exit_code == 0 { return diffcmd }
return error('no working diff command found')
fn diff_files( file_result, file_expected string ) string {
diffcmd := find_working_diff_command() or { return err }
diff := os.exec('$diffcmd --minimal --text --unified=2 ${file_result} ${file_expected}') or { return 'found diff command "$diffcmd" does not work' }
return diff.output
pub fn run_repl_file(wd string, vexec string, file string) ?string {
fcontent := os.read_file(file) or { return error('Could not read file ${file}') }
content := fcontent.replace('\r', '')
input := content.all_before('===output===\n')
output := content.all_after('===output===\n')
fname := filepath.filename( file )
input_temporary_filename := os.realpath(filepath.join( wd, 'input_temporary_filename.txt'))
os.write_file(input_temporary_filename, input)
os.write_file( os.realpath(filepath.join( wd, 'original.txt' ) ), fcontent )
rcmd := '"$vexec" repl -replfolder "$wd" -replprefix "${fname}." < $input_temporary_filename'
r := os.exec(rcmd) or {
return error('Could not execute: $rcmd')
result := r.output.replace('\r','')
.replace('>>> ', '')
.replace('>>>', '')
.replace('... ', '')
.all_after('Use Ctrl-C or `exit` to exit\n')
.replace(wd + os.path_separator, '' )
if result != output {
file_result := '${file}.result.txt'
file_expected := '${file}.expected.txt'
os.write_file( file_result, result )
os.write_file( file_expected, output )
diff := diff_files( file_result, file_expected )
return error('Difference found in REPL file: ${file}
====> Got :
====> Expected :
====> Diff :
} else {
return 'Repl file ${file} is OK'
pub fn run_prod_file(wd string, vexec string, file string) ?string {
file_expected := '${file}.expected.txt'
f_expected_content := os.read_file(file_expected) or { return error('Could not read file ${file}') }
expected_content := f_expected_content.replace('\r', '')
cmd := '"$vexec" -prod run "${file}"'
r := os.exec(cmd) or {
return error('Could not execute: $cmd')
if r.exit_code != 0 {
return error('$cmd return exit code: $r.exit_code')
result := r.output.replace('\r','')
if result != expected_content {
file_result := '${file}.result.txt'
os.write_file( file_result, result )
diff := diff_files( file_result, file_expected )
return error('Difference found in test: ${file}
====> Got :
====> Expected :
====> Diff :
} else {
return 'Prod file ${file} is OK'
pub fn new_options() RunnerOptions {
vexec := full_path_to_v(5)
mut wd := os.getwd()
mut files := []string
if os.args.len > 1 {
files = os.args[1..]
} else {
os.chdir( filepath.dir(vexec) )
wd = os.getwd()
files = os.walk_ext('.', '.repl')
return RunnerOptions {
wd: wd
vexec: vexec
files: files
pub fn new_prod_options() RunnerOptions {
wd := os.getwd()
vexec := full_path_to_v(4)
mut files := []string
if os.args.len > 1 {
files = os.args[1..]
} else {
files = os.walk_ext(wd, '.prod.v')
return RunnerOptions {
wd: wd
vexec: vexec
files: files