mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
2020-06-10 11:14:03 +02:00

393 lines
9.8 KiB

module doc
import os
import strings
import time
import v.ast
import v.fmt
import v.parser
import v.pref
import v.scanner
import v.table
import v.token
import v.util
pub struct Doc {
pub mut:
input_path string = ''
prefs &pref.Preferences = &pref.Preferences{}
table &table.Table = &table.Table{}
pub_only bool = true
head DocNode
with_comments bool = true
contents []DocNode
time_generated time.Time
pub struct DocPos {
line int
col int
pub struct DocNode {
pub mut:
name string
content string = ''
comment string
pos DocPos = DocPos{-1, -1}
file_path string = ''
parent_type string = ''
pub fn merge_comments(stmts []ast.Stmt) string {
mut res := []string{}
for s in stmts {
if s is ast.Comment {
c := s as ast.Comment
res << c.text.trim_left('|')
return res.join('\n')
pub fn get_comment_block_right_before(stmts []ast.Stmt) string {
if stmts.len == 0 {
return ''
mut comment := ''
mut last_comment_line_nr := 0
for i := stmts.len-1; i >= 0; i-- {
stmt := stmts[i]
if stmt !is ast.Comment {
panic('Not a comment')
cmt := stmt as ast.Comment
if last_comment_line_nr != 0 && cmt.pos.line_nr < last_comment_line_nr - 1 {
// skip comments that are not part of a continuous block,
// located right above the top level statement.
// break
mut cmt_content := cmt.text.trim_left('|')
if cmt_content.len == cmt.text.len || cmt.is_multi {
// ignore /* */ style comments for now
// if cmt_content.len == 0 {
// continue
// }
// mut new_cmt_content := ''
// mut is_codeblock := false
// // println(cmt_content)
// lines := cmt_content.split_into_lines()
// for j, line in lines {
// trimmed := line.trim_space().trim_left(cmt_prefix)
// if trimmed.starts_with('- ') || (trimmed.len >= 2 && trimmed[0].is_digit() && trimmed[1] == `.`) || is_codeblock {
// new_cmt_content += line + '\n'
// } else if line.starts_with('```') {
// is_codeblock = !is_codeblock
// new_cmt_content += line + '\n'
// } else {
// new_cmt_content += trimmed + '\n'
// }
// }
// return new_cmt_content
//eprintln('cmt: $cmt')
cseparator := if cmt_content.starts_with('```') {'\n'} else {' '}
comment = cmt_content + cseparator + comment
last_comment_line_nr = cmt.pos.line_nr
return comment
fn convert_pos(file_path string, pos token.Position) DocPos {
source := util.read_file(file_path) or {
mut p := util.imax(0, util.imin(source.len - 1, pos.pos))
column := util.imax(0, pos.pos - p - 1)
return DocPos{
line: pos.line_nr + 1
col: util.imax(1, column + 1)
pub fn (d Doc) get_signature(stmt ast.Stmt) string {
mut f := fmt.Fmt{
out: strings.new_builder(1000)
out_imports: strings.new_builder(200)
table: d.table
cur_mod: d.head.name.split('.').last()
indent: 0
is_debug: false
match stmt {
ast.Module {
return 'module $it.name'
ast.FnDecl {
return it.str(d.table).replace(f.cur_mod + '.', '')
else {
return f.out.str().trim_space()
pub fn (d Doc) get_pos(stmt ast.Stmt) token.Position {
match stmt {
ast.FnDecl { return it.pos }
ast.StructDecl { return it.pos }
ast.EnumDecl { return it.pos }
ast.InterfaceDecl { return it.pos }
ast.ConstDecl { return it.pos }
else { return token.Position{} }
pub fn (d Doc) get_type_name(decl ast.TypeDecl) string {
match decl {
ast.SumTypeDecl { return it.name }
ast.FnTypeDecl { return it.name }
ast.AliasTypeDecl { return it.name }
pub fn (d Doc) get_name(stmt ast.Stmt) string {
cur_mod := d.head.name.split('.').last()
match stmt {
ast.FnDecl { return it.name }
ast.StructDecl { return it.name }
ast.EnumDecl { return it.name }
ast.InterfaceDecl { return it.name }
ast.TypeDecl { return d.get_type_name(it).replace('&' + cur_mod + '.', '').replace(cur_mod + '.', '') }
ast.ConstDecl { return 'Constants' }
else { return '' }
pub fn new(input_path string) Doc {
return Doc{
input_path: os.real_path(input_path)
prefs: &pref.Preferences{}
table: table.new_table()
head: DocNode{}
contents: []DocNode{}
time_generated: time.now()
pub fn (nodes []DocNode) index_by_name(node_name string) ?int {
for i, node in nodes {
if node.name != node_name { continue }
return i
return error('Node with the name "$node_name" was not found.')
pub fn (nodes []DocNode) find_children_of(parent_type string) []DocNode {
if parent_type.len == 0 {
return []DocNode{}
mut children := []DocNode{}
for node in nodes {
if node.parent_type != parent_type {
children << node
return children
fn get_parent_mod(dir string) ?string {
$if windows {
// windows root path is C: or D:
if dir.len <= 2 { return error('root folder reached') }
} $else {
if dir.len == 0 { return error('root folder reached') }
base_dir := os.base_dir(dir)
if os.file_name(base_dir) in ['encoding', 'v'] && 'vlib' in base_dir {
return os.file_name(base_dir)
prefs := &pref.Preferences{}
files := os.ls(base_dir) or {
v_files := prefs.should_compile_filtered_files(base_dir, files)
if v_files.len == 0 {
parent_mod := get_parent_mod(base_dir) or {
if parent_mod.len > 0 {
return parent_mod + '.' + os.file_name(base_dir)
return error('No V files found.')
tbl := table.new_table()
scope := &ast.Scope{ parent: 0 }
file_ast := parser.parse_file(v_files[0], tbl, .skip_comments, prefs, scope)
if file_ast.mod.name == 'main' {
return ''
parent_mod := get_parent_mod(base_dir) or {
if parent_mod.len > 0 {
return parent_mod + '.' + file_ast.mod.name
return file_ast.mod.name
pub fn (mut d Doc) generate() ?bool {
// get all files
base_path := if os.is_dir(d.input_path) { d.input_path } else { os.real_path(os.base_dir(d.input_path)) }
project_files := os.ls(base_path) or {
return error_with_code(err, 0)
v_files := d.prefs.should_compile_filtered_files(base_path, project_files)
if v_files.len == 0 {
return error_with_code('vdoc: No valid V files were found.', 1)
// parse files
mut file_asts := []ast.File{}
// TODO: remove later for vlib
comments_mode := if d.with_comments { scanner.CommentsMode.toplevel_comments } else { scanner.CommentsMode.skip_comments }
for file in v_files {
file_ast := parser.parse_file(file, d.table, comments_mode, d.prefs, &ast.Scope{
parent: 0
file_asts << file_ast
mut module_name := ''
mut parent_mod_name := ''
mut orig_mod_name := ''
mut const_idx := -1
for i, file_ast in file_asts {
if i == 0 {
parent_mod_name = get_parent_mod(base_path) or {
module_name = file_ast.mod.name
orig_mod_name = module_name
if module_name != 'main' && parent_mod_name.len > 0 {
module_name = parent_mod_name + '.' + module_name
d.head = DocNode{
name: module_name
content: 'module $module_name'
comment: ''
} else if file_ast.mod.name != orig_mod_name {
stmts := file_ast.stmts
mut last_import_stmt_idx := 0
for sidx, stmt in stmts {
if stmt is ast.Import {
last_import_stmt_idx = sidx
mut prev_comments := []ast.Stmt{}
mut imports_section := true
for sidx, stmt in stmts {
//eprintln('stmt typeof: ' + typeof(stmt))
if stmt is ast.Comment {
prev_comments << stmt
// TODO: Fetch head comment once
if stmt is ast.Module {
// the previous comments were probably a copyright/license one
module_comment := get_comment_block_right_before(prev_comments)
prev_comments = []
if 'vlib' !in base_path && !module_comment.starts_with('Copyright (c)') {
if module_comment == '' {
if module_comment == d.head.comment {
if d.head.comment != '' {
d.head.comment += '\n'
d.head.comment += module_comment
if last_import_stmt_idx > 0 && sidx == last_import_stmt_idx {
// the accumulated comments were interspersed before/between the imports;
// just add them all to the module comment:
import_comments := merge_comments(prev_comments)
if d.head.comment != '' {
d.head.comment += '\n'
d.head.comment += import_comments
prev_comments = []
imports_section = false
if stmt is ast.Import {
signature := d.get_signature(stmt)
pos := d.get_pos(stmt)
mut name := d.get_name(stmt)
if (!signature.starts_with('pub') && d.pub_only) || stmt is ast.GlobalDecl {
prev_comments = []
if name.starts_with(orig_mod_name + '.') {
name = name.all_after(orig_mod_name + '.')
mut node := DocNode{
name: name
content: signature
comment: ''
pos: convert_pos(v_files[i], pos)
file_path: v_files[i]
if stmt is ast.FnDecl {
fnd := stmt as ast.FnDecl
if fnd.receiver.typ != 0 {
mut parent_type := d.table.get_type_name(fnd.receiver.typ)
if parent_type.starts_with(module_name + '.') {
parent_type = parent_type.all_after(module_name + '.')
node.parent_type = parent_type
if stmt is ast.ConstDecl {
if const_idx == -1 {
const_idx = sidx
} else {
node.parent_type = 'Constants'
if node.name.len == 0 && node.comment.len == 0 && node.content.len == 0 {
d.contents << node
if d.with_comments && (prev_comments.len > 0) {
last_comment := d.contents[d.contents.len - 1].comment
cmt := last_comment + '\n' + get_comment_block_right_before(prev_comments)
d.contents[d.contents.len - 1].comment = cmt
prev_comments = []
d.time_generated = time.now()
return true
pub fn generate(input_path string, pub_only, with_comments bool) ?Doc {
mut doc := new(input_path)
doc.pub_only = pub_only
doc.with_comments = with_comments
doc.generate() or {
return error_with_code(err, errcode)
return doc