mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
2023-07-12 09:40:16 +03:00

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module picoev
#include <sys/epoll.h>
fn C.epoll_create(int) int
fn C.epoll_wait(int, voidptr, int, int) int
fn C.epoll_ctl(int, int, int, voidptr) int
pub union C.epoll_data_t {
ptr voidptr
fd int
u32 u32
u64 u64
pub struct C.epoll_event {
events u32
data C.epoll_data_t
pub struct EpollLoop {
id int
epoll_fd int
events [1024]C.epoll_event
now i64
type LoopType = EpollLoop
// create_epoll_loop creates a new epoll instance for and returns an
// `EpollLoop` struct with `id`
pub fn create_epoll_loop(id int) !&EpollLoop {
mut loop := &EpollLoop{
id: id
loop.epoll_fd = C.epoll_create(max_fds)
if loop.epoll_fd == -1 {
return error('could not create epoll loop!')
return loop
fn (mut pv Picoev) update_events(fd int, events int) int {
// check if fd is in range
assert fd < max_fds
mut target := pv.file_descriptors[fd]
mut ev := C.epoll_event{}
// fd belongs to loop
if events & picoev_del != target.events && target.loop_id != pv.loop.id {
return -1
if events & picoev_readwrite == target.events {
return 0
// vfmt off
ev.events = u32(
(if events & picoev_read != 0 { C.EPOLLIN } else { 0 })
(if events & picoev_write != 0 { C.EPOLLOUT } else { 0 })
// vfmt on
ev.data.fd = fd
if events & picoev_del != 0 {
// nothing to do
} else if events & picoev_readwrite == 0 {
// delete the file if it exists
epoll_ret := C.epoll_ctl(pv.loop.epoll_fd, C.EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, &ev)
// check error
assert epoll_ret == 0
} else {
// change settings to 0
mut epoll_ret := C.epoll_ctl(pv.loop.epoll_fd, C.EPOLL_CTL_MOD, fd, &ev)
if epoll_ret != 0 {
// if the file is not present we want to add it
assert C.errno == C.ENOENT
epoll_ret = C.epoll_ctl(pv.loop.epoll_fd, C.EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev)
// check error
assert epoll_ret == 0
// convert to u32?
target.events = u32(events)
return 0
fn (mut pv Picoev) poll_once(max_wait int) int {
nevents := C.epoll_wait(pv.loop.epoll_fd, &pv.loop.events, max_fds, max_wait * 1000)
if nevents == -1 {
// timeout has occurred
return -1
for i := 0; i < nevents; i++ {
mut event := pv.loop.events[i]
target := unsafe { pv.file_descriptors[event.data.fd] }
unsafe {
assert event.data.fd < max_fds
if pv.loop.id == target.loop_id && target.events & picoev_readwrite != 0 {
// vfmt off
read_events := (
(if event.events & u32(C.EPOLLIN) != 0 { picoev_read } else { 0 })
(if event.events & u32(C.EPOLLOUT) != 0 { picoev_write } else { 0 })
// vfmt on
if read_events != 0 {
// do callback!
unsafe { target.cb(event.data.fd, read_events, &pv) }
} else {
// defer epoll delete
event.events = 0
unsafe {
C.epoll_ctl(pv.loop.epoll_fd, C.EPOLL_CTL_DEL, event.data.fd, &event)
return 0