mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
Delyan Angelov a4cbe78d97 compiler: streamline main function handling
* compiler: streamline C main function generation

* fix most tests

* compiler: fix for 'go update()' in graph.v . More precise parser error messages.

* Fix temporarily examples/hot_reload/message.v by using os inside it (os.clear).

* Make graph.v easier to quickly modify by defining y outside the loop.

* Fix failure of /v/nv/compiler/tests/defer_test.v when run with 'v -g' (#line directive was not on its own line, but right after } ).

* Do not pass the os.args to tests, even if the tests import os (they are more stable when run in a controlled environment).

* fix declared and not used in the js backend.

* fix js main => main__main too.
2019-09-28 20:42:29 +03:00

218 lines
5.3 KiB

module main
import os
import time
fn (v &V) generate_hotcode_reloading_compiler_flags() []string {
mut a := []string
if v.pref.is_live || v.pref.is_so {
// See 'man dlopen', and test running a GUI program compiled with -live
if (v.os == .linux || os.user_os() == 'linux'){
a << '-rdynamic'
if (v.os == .mac || os.user_os() == 'mac'){
a << '-flat_namespace'
return a
fn (v &V) generate_hotcode_reloading_declarations() {
mut cgen := v.cgen
if v.os != .windows && v.os != .msvc {
if v.pref.is_so {
cgen.genln('pthread_mutex_t live_fn_mutex;')
if v.pref.is_live {
cgen.genln('pthread_mutex_t live_fn_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;')
} else {
if v.pref.is_so {
cgen.genln('HANDLE live_fn_mutex;')
if v.pref.is_live {
cgen.genln('HANDLE live_fn_mutex = 0;')
fn (v &V) generate_hotcode_reloading_main_caller() {
if !v.pref.is_live { return }
// We are in live code reload mode, so start the .so loader in the background
mut cgen := v.cgen
file_base := os.filename(v.dir).replace('.v', '')
if !(v.os == .windows || v.os == .msvc) {
// unix:
so_name := file_base + '.so'
cgen.genln(' char *live_library_name = "$so_name";')
cgen.genln(' load_so(live_library_name);')
cgen.genln(' pthread_t _thread_so;')
cgen.genln(' pthread_create(&_thread_so , NULL, &reload_so, live_library_name);')
} else {
// windows:
so_name := file_base + if v.os == .msvc {'.dll'} else {'.so'}
cgen.genln(' char *live_library_name = "$so_name";')
cgen.genln(' live_fn_mutex = CreateMutexA(0, 0, 0);')
cgen.genln(' load_so(live_library_name);')
cgen.genln(' unsigned long _thread_so;')
cgen.genln(' _thread_so = CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)&reload_so, 0, 0, 0);')
fn (v &V) generate_hot_reload_code() {
mut cgen := v.cgen
// Hot code reloading
if v.pref.is_live {
mut file := os.realpath(v.dir)
file_base := os.filename(file).replace('.v', '')
so_name := file_base + '.so'
// Need to build .so file before building the live application
// The live app needs to load this .so file on initialization.
mut vexe := os.args[0]
if os.user_os() == 'windows' {
vexe = vexe.replace('\\', '\\\\')
file = file.replace('\\', '\\\\')
mut msvc := ''
if v.os == .msvc {
msvc = '-os msvc'
mut debug := ''
if v.pref.is_debug {
debug = '-debug'
cmd_compile_shared_library := '$vexe $msvc $debug -o $file_base -shared $file'
if v.pref.show_c_cmd {
ticks := time.ticks()
diff := time.ticks() - ticks
println('compiling shared library took $diff ms')
void lfnmutex_print(char *s){
fprintf(stderr,">> live_fn_mutex: %p | %s\\n", &live_fn_mutex, s);
if v.os != .windows && v.os != .msvc {
#include <dlfcn.h>
void* live_lib=0;
int load_so(byteptr path) {
char cpath[1024];
sprintf(cpath,"./%s", path);
//printf("load_so %s\\n", cpath);
if (live_lib) dlclose(live_lib);
live_lib = dlopen(cpath, RTLD_LAZY);
if (!live_lib) {
puts("open failed");
return 0;
for so_fn in cgen.so_fns {
cgen.genln('$so_fn = dlsym(live_lib, "$so_fn"); ')
else {
void* live_lib=0;
int load_so(byteptr path) {
char cpath[1024];
sprintf(cpath, "./%s", path);
if (live_lib) FreeLibrary(live_lib);
live_lib = LoadLibraryA(cpath);
if (!live_lib) {
puts("open failed");
return 0;
for so_fn in cgen.so_fns {
cgen.genln('$so_fn = (void *)GetProcAddress(live_lib, "$so_fn"); ')
cgen.genln('return 1;
int _live_reloads = 0;
void reload_so() {
char new_so_base[1024];
char new_so_name[1024];
char compile_cmd[1024];
int last = os__file_last_mod_unix(tos2("$file"));
while (1) {
// TODO use inotify
int now = os__file_last_mod_unix(tos2("$file"));
if (now != last) {
last = now;
//v -o bounce -shared bounce.v
sprintf(new_so_base, ".tmp.%d.${file_base}", _live_reloads);
#ifdef _WIN32
// We have to make this directory becuase windows WILL NOT
// do it for us
os__mkdir(string_all_before_last(tos2(new_so_base), tos2("/")));
#ifdef _MSC_VER
sprintf(new_so_name, "%s.dll", new_so_base);
sprintf(new_so_name, "%s.so", new_so_base);
sprintf(compile_cmd, "$vexe $msvc -o %s -shared $file", new_so_base);
if( !os__file_exists(tos2(new_so_name)) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Errors while compiling $file\\n");
lfnmutex_print("reload_so locking...");
lfnmutex_print("reload_so locked");
live_lib = 0; // hack: force skipping dlclose/1, the code may be still used...
#ifndef _WIN32
unlink(new_so_name); // removing the .so file from the filesystem after dlopen-ing it is safe, since it will still be mapped in memory.
//if(0 == rename(new_so_name, "${so_name}")){
// load_so("${so_name}");
lfnmutex_print("reload_so unlocking...");
lfnmutex_print("reload_so unlocked");
' )
if v.pref.is_so {
cgen.genln(' int load_so(byteptr path) { return 0; }')