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synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
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489 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module parser
import v.ast
import v.table
import v.token
import v.util
pub fn (mut p Parser) call_expr(language table.Language, mod string) ast.CallExpr {
first_pos := p.tok.position()
fn_name := if language == .c {
} else if language == .js {
} else if mod.len > 0 {
} else {
mut is_or_block_used := false
if fn_name == 'json.decode' {
p.expecting_type = true // Makes name_expr() parse the type `User` in `json.decode(User, txt)`
p.expr_mod = ''
is_or_block_used = true
mut generic_type := table.void_type
if p.tok.kind == .lt {
// `foo<int>(10)`
p.next() // `<`
generic_type = p.parse_type()
p.check(.gt) // `>`
p.table.register_fn_gen_type(fn_name, generic_type)
args := p.call_args()
last_pos := p.tok.position()
pos := token.Position{
line_nr: first_pos.line_nr
pos: first_pos.pos
len: last_pos.pos - first_pos.pos + last_pos.len
// `foo() or {}``
mut or_stmts := []ast.Stmt{}
if p.tok.kind == .key_orelse {
was_inside_or_expr := p.inside_or_expr
p.inside_or_expr = true
p.scope.register('err', ast.Var{
name: 'err'
typ: table.string_type
pos: p.tok.position()
is_used: true
p.scope.register('errcode', ast.Var{
name: 'errcode'
typ: table.int_type
pos: p.tok.position()
is_used: true
is_or_block_used = true
or_stmts = p.parse_block_no_scope()
p.inside_or_expr = was_inside_or_expr
if p.tok.kind == .question {
// `foo()?`
is_or_block_used = true
// mut s := ast.Stmt{}
// s = ast.ReturnStmt{}
or_stmts << ast.Return{}
node := ast.CallExpr{
name: fn_name
args: args
mod: p.mod
pos: pos
language: language
or_block: ast.OrExpr{
stmts: or_stmts
is_used: is_or_block_used
generic_type: generic_type
return node
pub fn (mut p Parser) call_args() []ast.CallArg {
mut args := []ast.CallArg{}
for p.tok.kind != .rpar {
mut is_mut := false
if p.tok.kind == .key_mut {
is_mut = true
e := p.expr(0)
args << ast.CallArg{
is_mut: is_mut
expr: e
if p.tok.kind != .rpar {
return args
fn (mut p Parser) fn_decl() ast.FnDecl {
start_pos := p.tok.position()
is_deprecated := p.attr == 'deprecated'
is_pub := p.tok.kind == .key_pub
if is_pub {
// C. || JS.
language := if p.tok.kind == .name && p.tok.lit == 'C' {
} else if p.tok.kind == .name && p.tok.lit == 'JS' {
} else {
if language != .v {
// Receiver?
mut rec_name := ''
mut is_method := false
mut receiver_pos := token.Position{}
mut rec_type := table.void_type
mut rec_mut := false
mut args := []table.Arg{}
if p.tok.kind == .lpar {
p.next() // (
is_method = true
rec_mut = p.tok.kind == .key_mut
if rec_mut {
p.next() // `mut`
rec_start_pos := p.tok.position()
rec_name = p.check_name()
if !rec_mut {
rec_mut = p.tok.kind == .key_mut
if rec_mut {
p.warn_with_pos('use `(mut f Foo)` instead of `(f mut Foo)`', p.tok.position())
receiver_pos = rec_start_pos.extend(p.tok.position())
is_amp := p.tok.kind == .amp
// if rec_mut {
// p.check(.key_mut)
// }
// TODO: talk to alex, should mut be parsed with the type like this?
// or should it be a property of the arg, like this ptr/mut becomes indistinguishable
rec_type = p.parse_type_with_mut(rec_mut)
sym := p.table.get_type_symbol(rec_type)
if sym.mod != p.mod && sym.mod != '' {
p.error('cannot define methods on types from other modules (current module is `$p.mod`, `$sym.name` is from `$sym.mod`)')
if is_amp && rec_mut {
p.error('use `(mut f Foo)` or `(f &Foo)` instead of `(mut f &Foo)`')
args << table.Arg{
name: rec_name
is_mut: rec_mut
typ: rec_type
mut name := ''
if p.tok.kind == .name {
// TODO high order fn
name = if language == .js {
} else {
if language == .v && !p.pref.translated && util.contains_capital(name) {
p.error('function names cannot contain uppercase letters, use snake_case instead')
if is_method && p.table.get_type_symbol(rec_type).has_method(name) {
p.error('duplicate method `$name`')
if p.tok.kind in [.plus, .minus, .mul, .div, .mod] {
name = p.tok.kind.str() // op_to_fn_name()
// <T>
is_generic := p.tok.kind == .lt
if is_generic {
// Args
args2, is_variadic := p.fn_args()
args << args2
for i, arg in args {
if p.scope.known_var(arg.name) {
p.error('redefinition of parameter `$arg.name`')
p.scope.register(arg.name, ast.Var{
name: arg.name
typ: arg.typ
is_mut: arg.is_mut
pos: p.tok.position()
is_used: true
is_arg: true
// Do not allow `mut` with simple types
// TODO move to checker?
if arg.is_mut {
if i == 0 && is_method {
sym := p.table.get_type_symbol(arg.typ)
if sym.kind !in [.array, .struct_, .map, .placeholder] && !arg.typ.is_ptr() {
p.error('mutable arguments are only allowed for arrays, maps, and structs\n' +
'return values instead: `fn foo(n mut int) {` => `fn foo(n int) int {`')
mut end_pos := p.prev_tok.position()
// Return type
mut return_type := table.void_type
if p.tok.kind.is_start_of_type() {
end_pos = p.tok.position()
return_type = p.parse_type()
ctdefine := p.attr_ctdefine
// Register
if is_method {
mut type_sym := p.table.get_type_symbol(rec_type)
// p.warn('reg method $type_sym.name . $name ()')
name: name
args: args
return_type: return_type
is_variadic: is_variadic
is_generic: is_generic
is_pub: is_pub
ctdefine: ctdefine
} else {
if language == .c {
name = 'C.$name'
} else if language == .js {
name = 'JS.$name'
} else {
name = p.prepend_mod(name)
if _ := p.table.find_fn(name) {
name: name
args: args
return_type: return_type
is_variadic: is_variadic
language: language
is_generic: is_generic
is_pub: is_pub
ctdefine: ctdefine
mod: p.mod
// Body
mut stmts := []ast.Stmt{}
no_body := p.tok.kind != .lcbr
body_start_pos := p.peek_tok.position()
if p.tok.kind == .lcbr {
stmts = p.parse_block_no_scope()
p.attr = ''
p.attr_ctdefine = ''
return ast.FnDecl{
name: name
stmts: stmts
return_type: return_type
args: args
is_deprecated: is_deprecated
is_pub: is_pub
is_generic: is_generic
is_variadic: is_variadic
receiver: ast.Field{
name: rec_name
typ: rec_type
receiver_pos: receiver_pos
is_method: is_method
rec_mut: rec_mut
language: language
no_body: no_body
pos: start_pos.extend(end_pos)
body_pos: body_start_pos
file: p.file_name
is_builtin: p.builtin_mod || p.mod in util.builtin_module_parts
ctdefine: ctdefine
fn (mut p Parser) anon_fn() ast.AnonFn {
pos := p.tok.position()
// TODO generics
args, is_variadic := p.fn_args()
for arg in args {
p.scope.register(arg.name, ast.Var{
name: arg.name
typ: arg.typ
pos: p.tok.position()
is_used: true
is_arg: true
mut return_type := table.void_type
if p.tok.kind.is_start_of_type() {
return_type = p.parse_type()
mut stmts := []ast.Stmt{}
no_body := p.tok.kind != .lcbr
if p.tok.kind == .lcbr {
stmts = p.parse_block_no_scope()
mut func := table.Fn{
args: args
is_variadic: is_variadic
return_type: return_type
name := 'anon_${p.tok.pos}_$func.signature()'
func.name = name
idx := p.table.find_or_register_fn_type(p.mod, func, true, false)
typ := table.new_type(idx)
// name := p.table.get_type_name(typ)
return ast.AnonFn{
decl: ast.FnDecl{
name: name
stmts: stmts
return_type: return_type
args: args
is_variadic: is_variadic
is_method: false
is_anon: true
no_body: no_body
pos: pos
file: p.file_name
typ: typ
fn (mut p Parser) fn_args() ([]table.Arg, bool) {
mut args := []table.Arg{}
mut is_variadic := false
// `int, int, string` (no names, just types)
types_only := p.tok.kind in [.amp, .and] || (p.peek_tok.kind == .comma && p.table.known_type(p.tok.lit)) ||
p.peek_tok.kind == .rpar
// TODO copy pasta, merge 2 branches
if types_only {
// p.warn('types only')
mut arg_no := 1
for p.tok.kind != .rpar {
arg_name := 'arg_$arg_no'
is_mut := p.tok.kind == .key_mut
if is_mut {
if p.tok.kind == .ellipsis {
is_variadic = true
mut arg_type := p.parse_type()
if is_mut {
// if arg_type.is_ptr() {
// p.error('cannot mut')
// }
// arg_type = arg_type.to_ptr()
arg_type = arg_type.set_nr_muls(1)
if is_variadic {
arg_type = arg_type.set_flag(.variadic)
if p.tok.kind == .comma {
if is_variadic {
p.error('cannot use ...(variadic) with non-final parameter no $arg_no')
args << table.Arg{
name: arg_name
is_mut: is_mut
typ: arg_type
} else {
for p.tok.kind != .rpar {
mut is_mut := p.tok.kind == .key_mut
if is_mut {
mut arg_names := [p.check_name()]
// `a, b, c int`
for p.tok.kind == .comma {
arg_names << p.check_name()
if p.tok.kind == .key_mut {
// TODO remove old syntax
is_mut = true
if p.tok.kind == .ellipsis {
is_variadic = true
mut typ := p.parse_type()
if is_mut {
if typ.is_ptr() {
// name := p.table.get_type_name(typ)
// p.warn('`$name` is already a reference, it cannot be marked as `mut`')
typ = typ.set_nr_muls(1)
if is_variadic {
typ = typ.set_flag(.variadic)
for arg_name in arg_names {
args << table.Arg{
name: arg_name
is_mut: is_mut
typ: typ
// if typ.typ.kind == .variadic && p.tok.kind == .comma {
if is_variadic && p.tok.kind == .comma {
p.error('cannot use ...(variadic) with non-final parameter $arg_name')
if p.tok.kind != .rpar {
return args, is_variadic
fn (p &Parser) fileis(s string) bool {
return p.file_name.contains(s)
fn (mut p Parser) fn_redefinition_error(name string) {
// Find where this function was already declared
for file in p.ast_files {
p.table.redefined_fns << name
// p.error('redefinition of function `$name`')
fn have_fn_main(stmts []ast.Stmt) bool {
mut has_main_fn := false
for stmt in stmts {
match stmt {
ast.FnDecl {
if it.name == 'main' {
has_main_fn = true
else {}
return has_main_fn