mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00

226 lines
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fn test_decl_assignment() {
my_var := 12
c1 := fn [my_var] () int {
return my_var
assert c1() == 12
fn test_assignment() {
v1 := 1
mut c := fn [v1] () int {
return v1
v2 := 3
c = fn [v2] () int {
return v2
assert c() == 3
fn call_anon_with_3(f fn (int) int) int {
return f(3)
fn test_closure_in_call() {
my_var := int(12)
r1 := call_anon_with_3(fn [my_var] (add int) int {
return my_var + add
assert r1 == 15
fn create_simple_counter() fn () int {
mut c := -1
return fn [mut c] () int {
return c
fn override_stack() {
// just create some variables to modify the stack
a := 1
b := a + 2
c := b + 3
d := c + 4
e := d + 5
f := e + 6
g := f + 7
_ = g
fn test_closure_exit_original_scope() {
mut c := create_simple_counter()
assert c() == 0
assert c() == 1
fn test_vars_are_changed() {
mut my_var := 1
f1 := fn [mut my_var] (expected int) {
assert my_var == expected
my_var = 3
my_var = -1
struct Counter {
i u64
fn (mut c Counter) incr() {
fn (mut c Counter) next() u64 {
return c.i
fn test_call_methods() {
mut c := Counter{}
f1 := fn [mut c] () u64 {
return c.next()
assert f1() == 1
assert f1() == 2
assert f1() == 3
fn test_call_methods_on_pointer() {
mut c := &Counter{}
f1 := fn [mut c] () u64 {
return c.next()
assert f1() == 1
assert f1() == 2
assert f1() == 4
fn test_methods_as_variables() {
mut c := Counter{}
f1 := c.next
assert f1() == 1
assert f1() == 2
assert f1() == 3
fn takes_callback(get fn () u64) u64 {
return get()
fn test_methods_as_callback() {
mut c := Counter{}
assert takes_callback(c.next) == 1
struct ZeroSize {}
fn test_zero_size_ctx() {
ctx := ZeroSize{}
c1 := fn [ctx] () int {
return 123
assert c1() == 123
fn test_go_call_closure() {
my_var := 12
ch := chan int{}
go fn [my_var, ch] () {
ch <- my_var
assert <-ch == 12
go fn [ch] (arg int) {
ch <- arg
assert <-ch == 15
fn test_closures_with_ifstmt() {
a := 1
f := fn [a] (x int) int {
if a > x { return 1
} else { return -1
g := fn [a] () int {
if true {
return 1
return 0
assert f(0) == 1
assert g() == 1
struct Command {
a int = 1234
b int = 2345
c int = 3456
d int = 4567
e int = 5678
struct App {}
fn test_larger_closure_parameters() {
mut app := &App{}
eprintln('app ptr: ${u64(app)}')
f := fn [mut app] (cmd Command) u64 {
p := u64(app)
println('>> p: ${p}')
println('>> cmd: ${cmd}')
assert cmd.a == 1234
assert cmd.b == 2345
assert cmd.c == 3456
assert cmd.d == 4567
assert cmd.e == 5678
return p
cmd := Command{}
res := f(cmd)
println('> res: ${res} | sizeof Command: ${sizeof(Command)}')
assert res == u64(app)
fn test_closure_in_for_in_loop() {
a := [2, 4, 6, 9]
for v in a {
func := fn [v] (msg string) string {
return '${msg}: ${v}'
res := func('hello')
assert res == 'hello: ${v}'
// dump(res)
fn ret_two() (int, int) {
return 2, 5
fn test_closure_over_variable_that_is_returned_from_a_multi_value_function() {
one, two := ret_two()
a := fn [one] () {