mirror of https://github.com/vlang/v.git synced 2023-08-10 21:13:21 +03:00
2023-07-12 11:07:34 +03:00

77 lines
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struct Struct {
name string
x int
fn test_byte_pointer_casts() {
unsafe {
pb := &u8(1)
ppb := &&u8(2)
pppb := &&&u8(3)
ppppb := &&&&u8(4)
assert voidptr(pb).str() == '0x1'
assert voidptr(ppb).str() == '0x2'
assert voidptr(pppb).str() == '0x3'
assert voidptr(ppppb).str() == '0x4'
fn test_char_pointer_casts() {
unsafe {
pc := &char(5)
ppc := &&char(6)
pppc := &&&char(7)
ppppc := &&&&char(8)
assert voidptr(pc).str() == '0x5'
assert voidptr(ppc).str() == '0x6'
assert voidptr(pppc).str() == '0x7'
assert voidptr(ppppc).str() == '0x8'
fn test_struct_pointer_casts() {
unsafe {
ps := &Struct(9)
pps := &&Struct(10)
ppps := &&&Struct(11)
pppps := &&&&Struct(12)
assert voidptr(ps).str() == '0x9'
assert voidptr(pps).str() == '0xa'
assert voidptr(ppps).str() == '0xb'
assert voidptr(pppps).str() == '0xc'
fn test_struct_pointer_casts_with_field_selectors() {
ss := &Struct{
name: 'abc'
x: 123
pss := voidptr(ss)
if unsafe { &Struct(pss).name } == 'abc' {
assert true
if unsafe { &Struct(pss).x } == 123 {
// &Struct cast and selecting .x
assert true
if unsafe { &&Struct(pss) != 0 } {
// &&Struct
assert true
fn test_pointer_casts_with_indexing() {
mut numbers := [5]u64{}
numbers[0] = 123
numbers[1] = 456
unsafe {
pnumbers := voidptr(&numbers[0])
assert &u64(pnumbers)[0] == 123
assert &u64(pnumbers)[1] == 456
idx := 1
assert &u64(pnumbers)[idx] == 456