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231 lines
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module notify
import time
import os
#insert "@VEXEROOT/vlib/os/notify/kqueue.h"
struct C.kevent {
ident u32
filter i16
flags u16
fflags u32
data int
udata voidptr
fn C.kqueue() int
fn C.__kevent__(int, voidptr, int, voidptr, int, voidptr) int
fn C.EV_SET(voidptr, u32, i16, u16, u32, int, voidptr)
// KqueueNotifier provides methods that implement FdNotifier using the
// kqueue I/O event notification facility (macos, freeBSD, xxxBSD...unix only)
struct KqueueNotifier {
kqueue_fd int
// KqueueEvent describes an event that occurred for a file descriptor in
// the watch list
struct KqueueEvent {
fd int
kind FdEventType
// new creates a new KqueueNotifier
// The FdNotifier interface is returned to allow OS specific
// implementations without exposing the concrete type
pub fn new() !FdNotifier {
fd := C.kqueue()
if fd == -1 {
return error(os.posix_get_error_msg(C.errno))
// Needed to circumvent V limitations
x := &KqueueNotifier{
kqueue_fd: fd
return x
const (
// filter types
kqueue_read = i16(C.EVFILT_READ)
kqueue_write = i16(C.EVFILT_WRITE)
kqueue_aio = i16(C.EVFILT_AIO)
kqueue_vnode = i16(C.EVFILT_VNODE)
kqueue_proc = i16(C.EVFILT_PROC)
kqueue_signal = i16(C.EVFILT_SIGNAL)
kqueue_timer = i16(C.EVFILT_TIMER)
kqueue_machport = i16(C.EVFILT_MACHPORT)
kqueue_fs = i16(C.EVFILT_FS)
kqueue_user = i16(C.EVFILT_USER)
kqueue_vm = i16(C.EVFILT_VM)
kqueue_exception = i16(C.EVFILT_EXCEPT)
kqueue_syscount = i16(C.EVFILT_SYSCOUNT)
// actions
kqueue_add = u16(C.EV_ADD)
kqueue_delete = u16(C.EV_DELETE)
kqueue_enable = u16(C.EV_ENABLE)
kqueue_disable = u16(C.EV_DISABLE)
// flags
kqueue_oneshot = u16(C.EV_ONESHOT)
kqueue_edge_trigger = u16(C.EV_CLEAR) // kqueue_clear
kqueue_receipt = u16(C.EV_RECEIPT)
kqueue_dispatch = u16(C.EV_DISPATCH)
kqueue_udata_specific = u16(C.EV_UDATA_SPECIFIC)
kqueue_dispatch2 = u16(C.EV_DISPATCH | C.EV_UDATA_SPECIFIC)
kqueue_vanished = u16(C.EV_VANISHED)
kqueue_sysflags = u16(C.EV_SYSFLAGS)
kqueue_flag0 = u16(C.EV_FLAG0)
kqueue_flag1 = u16(C.EV_FLAG1)
// returned values
kqueue_eof = u16(C.EV_EOF)
kqueue_error = u16(C.EV_ERROR)
// ctl is a helper method for add, modify, and remove
fn (mut kn KqueueNotifier) ctl(fd int, filter i16, flags u16) ! {
event := [1]C.kevent{}
C.EV_SET(&event[0], fd, filter, flags, 0, 0, unsafe { nil })
if C.__kevent__(kn.kqueue_fd, &event[0], 1, unsafe { nil }, 0, unsafe { nil }) == -1 {
return error(os.posix_get_error_msg(C.errno))
// add adds a file descriptor to the watch list
fn (mut kn KqueueNotifier) add(fd int, events FdEventType, conf ...FdConfigFlags) ! {
filter := filter_to_mask(events)
flags := flags_to_mask(...conf)
kn.ctl(fd, filter, flags)!
// modify sets an existing entry in the watch list to the provided events and configuration
fn (mut kn KqueueNotifier) modify(fd int, events FdEventType, conf ...FdConfigFlags) ! {
kn.add(fd, events, ...conf)!
// remove removes a file descriptor from the watch list
fn (mut kn KqueueNotifier) remove(fd int) ! {
filter := notify.kqueue_read | notify.kqueue_write | notify.kqueue_exception
flags := notify.kqueue_delete
kn.ctl(fd, filter, flags)!
// wait waits to be notified of events on the watch list,
// returns at most 512 events
fn (mut kn KqueueNotifier) wait(timeout time.Duration) []FdEvent {
// arbitrary 512 limit; events will round robin on successive
// waits if the number exceeds this
// NOTE: we use a fixed size array here for stack allocation; this has
// the added bonus of making KqueueNotifier thread safe
events := [512]C.kevent{}
// populate events with the new events
to := &C.timespec{0, timeout.nanoseconds()}
count := C.__kevent__(kn.kqueue_fd, unsafe { nil }, 0, &events[0], events.len, to)
if count > 0 {
mut arr := []FdEvent{cap: count}
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
fd := int(events[i].ident)
kind := event_mask_to_flag(events[i].filter, events[i].flags)
if kind.is_empty() {
// NOTE: tcc only reports the first event for some
// reason, leaving subsequent structs in the array as 0
// (or possibly garbage)
panic('encountered an empty event kind; this is most likely due to using tcc')
arr << &KqueueEvent{
fd: fd
kind: kind
return arr
return []
// close closes the KqueueNotifier,
// any successive calls to add, modify, remove, and wait should fail
fn (mut kn KqueueNotifier) close() ! {
if C.close(kn.kqueue_fd) == -1 {
return error(os.posix_get_error_msg(C.errno))
// event_mask_to_flag is a helper function that converts a bitmask
// returned by kevent() wait to FdEventType
fn event_mask_to_flag(filter i16, flags u16) FdEventType {
mut res := FdEventType.read
if filter & notify.kqueue_read != 0 {
if filter & notify.kqueue_write != 0 {
if filter & notify.kqueue_exception != 0 {
if flags & notify.kqueue_eof != 0 {
if flags & notify.kqueue_error != 0 {
return res
// filter_to_mask is a helper function that converts FdEventType
// to a bitmask used by the C functions
fn filter_to_mask(events FdEventType) i16 {
mut mask := i16(0)
if events.has(.read) {
mask |= notify.kqueue_read
if events.has(.write) {
mask |= notify.kqueue_write
if events.has(.exception) {
mask |= notify.kqueue_exception
if events.has(.peer_hangup) {
panic("Kqueue does not support 'peer_hangup' event type.")
if events.has(.error) {
panic("Kqueue does not support 'error' event type.")
if events.has(.hangup) {
panic("Kqueue does not support 'hangup' event type.")
return mask
// flags_to_mask is a helper function that converts FdConfigFlags
// to a bitmask used by the C functions
fn flags_to_mask(confs ...FdConfigFlags) u16 {
mut mask := notify.kqueue_add | notify.kqueue_enable
for conf in confs {
if conf.has(.edge_trigger) {
mask |= notify.kqueue_edge_trigger
if conf.has(.one_shot) {
mask |= notify.kqueue_oneshot
if conf.has(.wake_up) {
panic("Kqueue does not support 'wake_up' flag.")
if conf.has(.exclusive) {
panic("Kqueue does not support 'exclusive' flag.")
return mask