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2021-01-18 13:20:06 +01:00

101 lines
1.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module eval
import v.ast
import v.checker
import v.table
import v.pref
pub type Object = int | string
pub struct Eval {
checker checker.Checker
vars map[string]Var
table &table.Table
pub struct Var {
value Object
pub fn (mut e Eval) eval(file ast.File, table &table.Table) string {
vpref := &pref.Preferences{}
e.table = table
mut res := ''
e.checker = checker.new_checker(table, vpref)
for stmt in file.stmts {
res += e.stmt(stmt) + '\n'
return res.trim_space()
fn print_object(o Object) {
match o {
int { println(o) }
else { println('unknown object') }
pub fn (o Object) str() string {
match o {
int { return o.str() }
else { println('unknown object') }
return ''
fn (mut e Eval) stmt(node ast.Stmt) string {
match node {
ast.AssignStmt {
// TODO; replaced VarDecl
ast.ExprStmt {
o := e.expr(node.expr)
print('out: ')
return o.str()
// ast.StructDecl {
// println('s decl')
// }
// ast.VarDecl {
// e.vars[it.name] = Var{
// value: e.expr(it.expr)
// }
// }
else {}
return '>>'
fn (mut e Eval) expr(node ast.Expr) Object {
match node {
ast.IntegerLiteral {
return node.val
ast.Ident {
// Find the variable
v := e.vars[node.name]
return v.value
ast.InfixExpr {
e.checker.infix_expr(mut node)
// println('bin $it.op')
left := e.expr(node.left) as int
right := e.expr(node.right) as int
match node.op {
.plus { return left + right }
.mul { return left * right }
else {}
else {}
return 0
// return Object{}