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module rand
// Ported from http://xoshiro.di.unimi.it/splitmix64.c
struct Splitmix64 {
state u64
* new_splitmix64 - a Splitmix64 PRNG generator
* @param seed the initial seed of the PRNG.
* @return a new Splitmix64 PRNG instance
pub fn new_splitmix64(seed u64) Splitmix64 {
return Splitmix64{
* Splitmix64.next - update the PRNG state and get back the next random number
* @return the generated pseudo random number
pub fn (rng mut Splitmix64) next() u64 {
rng.state += (0x9e3779b97f4a7c15)
mut z := rng.state
z = (z ^ ((z>>u64(30)))) * (0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9)
z = (z ^ ((z>>u64(27)))) * (0x94d049bb133111eb)
return z ^ (z>>(31))
* Splitmix64.bounded_next - Get the next random number < bound
* @param bound - the returned random number will be < bound
* @return the generated pseudo random number
pub fn (rng mut Splitmix64) bounded_next(bound u64) u64 {
threshold := -bound % bound
for {
r := rng.next()
if r >= threshold {
return r % bound
return u64(0)