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// Copyright(C) 2019 Nicolas Sauzede. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
module sdl
#flag linux `sdl2-config --cflags --libs` -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_mixer -lSDL2_image
#flag darwin `sdl2-config --cflags --libs` -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_mixer -lSDL2_image
#flag solaris `sdl2-config --cflags --libs` -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_mixer -lSDL2_image
//#flag windows `sdl2-config --cflags`
//#flag windows `sdl2-config --libs` -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_mixer -lSDL2_image
//#flag `sdl2-config --cflags --libs` -lSDL2_ttf -lSDL2_mixer -lSDL2_image
#flag windows -I @VROOT/thirdparty/SDL2/include
#flag windows -Dmain=SDL_main
#flag windows -lSDL2main -lSDL2
#flag windows -L @VROOT/thirdparty/SDL2/lib/x64
#include <SDL.h>
pub struct C.SDL_RWops {}
pub struct C.SDL_Window {}
pub struct C.SDL_Renderer {}
pub struct C.SDL_Texture {}
pub struct C.SDL_Color{
r byte
g byte
b byte
a byte
pub struct C.SDL_Rect {
pub mut:
x int
y int
w int
h int
pub struct C.SDL_Surface {
flags u32
format voidptr
w int
h int
pitch int
pixels voidptr
userdata voidptr
locked int
lock_data voidptr
clip_rect SDL_Rect
map voidptr
refcount int
struct Keysym {
scancode int /**< hardware specific scancode */
sym int /**< SDL virtual keysym */
mod u16 /**< current key modifiers */
unused u32 /**< translated character */
pub struct C.SDL_AudioSpec {
pub mut:
freq int /**< DSP frequency -- samples per second */
format u16 /**< Audio data format */
channels byte /**< Number of channels: 1 mono, 2 stereo */
silence byte /**< Audio buffer silence value (calculated) */
samples u16 /**< Audio buffer size in samples (power of 2) */
size u32 /**< Necessary for some compile environments */
callback voidptr
userdata voidptr
// pub struct RwOps {
// pub:
// mut:
// seek voidptr
// read voidptr
// write voidptr
// close voidptr
// type_ u32
// hidden voidptr
// }
//type AudioSpec C.voidptrioSpec
fn C.atexit(func fn ())
fn C.SDL_MapRGB(fmt voidptr byte, g byte, b byte) u32
fn C.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(flags u32, width int, height int, depth int, Rmask u32, Gmask u32, Bmask u32, Amask u32) voidptr
fn C.SDL_PollEvent(&SDL_Event) int
fn C.SDL_NumJoysticks() int
fn C.SDL_JoystickNameForIndex(device_index int) voidptr
fn C.SDL_RenderCopy(renderer voidptr, texture voidptr, srcrect voidptr, dstrect voidptr) int
fn C.SDL_CreateWindow(title byteptr, x int, y int, w int, h int, flags u32) voidptr
fn C.SDL_CreateRenderer(window &SDL_Window, index int, flags u32) voidptr
fn C.SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(width int, height int, window_flags u32, window &voidptr, renderer &voidptr) int
fn C.SDL_DestroyWindow(window voidptr)
fn C.SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer voidptr)
fn C.SDL_GetWindowSize(window voidptr, w voidptr, h voidptr)
fn C.SDL_SetHint(name byteptr, value byteptr) C.SDL_bool
//fn C.SDL_RWFromFile(byteptr, byteptr) &RwOps
//fn C.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer &C.SDL_Renderer, surface &C.SDL_Surface) &C.SDL_Texture
fn C.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer voidptr, surface voidptr) voidptr
fn C.SDL_CreateTexture(renderer voidptr, format u32, access int, w int, h int) voidptr
fn C.SDL_FillRect(dst voidptr, dstrect voidptr, color u32) int
fn C.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer voidptr, r byte, g byte, b byte, a byte)
fn C.SDL_RenderPresent(renderer voidptr)
fn C.SDL_RenderClear(renderer voidptr) int
fn C.SDL_UpdateTexture(texture voidptr, rect voidptr, pixels voidptr, pitch int) int
fn C.SDL_QueryTexture(texture voidptr, format voidptr, access voidptr, w voidptr, h voidptr) int
fn C.SDL_DestroyTexture(texture voidptr)
fn C.SDL_FreeSurface(surface voidptr)
fn C.SDL_Init(flags u32) int
fn C.SDL_Quit()
fn C.SDL_SetWindowTitle(window voidptr, title byteptr)
// following is wrong : SDL_Zero is a macro accepting an argument
fn C.SDL_zero()
fn C.SDL_LoadWAV(file byteptr, spec voidptr, audio_buf voidptr, audio_len voidptr) voidptr
fn C.SDL_FreeWAV(audio_buf voidptr)
fn C.SDL_OpenAudio(desired voidptr, obtained voidptr) int
fn C.SDL_CloseAudio()
fn C.SDL_PauseAudio(pause_on int)
fn C.SDL_JoystickOpen(device_index int) int
fn C.SDL_JoystickEventState(state int) int
// SDL_Timer.h
fn C.SDL_GetTicks() u32
fn C.SDL_TICKS_PASSED(a,b u32) bool
fn C.SDL_GetPerformanceCounter() u64
fn C.SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency() u64
fn C.SDL_Delay(ms u32)
// GL
fn C.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(attr int, value int) int
fn C.SDL_GL_CreateContext(window voidptr) voidptr
fn C.SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(window voidptr, context voidptr) int
fn C.SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(interval int) int
fn C.SDL_GL_SwapWindow(window voidptr)
fn C.SDL_GL_DeleteContext(context voidptr)
pub fn create_texture_from_surface(renderer voidptr, surface &SDL_Surface) voidptr {
return C.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, voidptr(surface))
pub fn create_window_and_renderer(width int, height int, window_flags u32, window voidptr, renderer voidptr) int {
return C.SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(width, height, window_flags, window, renderer)
pub fn joystick_name_for_index(device_index int) byteptr {
return byteptr(C.SDL_JoystickNameForIndex(device_index))
pub fn fill_rect(screen &SDL_Surface, rect &SDL_Rect, _col &SDL_Color) {
col := C.SDL_MapRGB(screen.format, _col.r, _col.g, _col.b)
_screen := voidptr(screen)
_rect := voidptr(rect)
C.SDL_FillRect(_screen, _rect, col)
pub fn create_rgb_surface(flags u32, width int, height int, depth int, rmask u32, gmask u32, bmask u32, amask u32) &SDL_Surface {
res := C.SDL_CreateRGBSurface(flags, width, height, depth, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask)
return res
pub fn render_copy(renderer voidptr, texture voidptr, srcrect &SDL_Rect, dstrect &SDL_Rect) int {
_srcrect := voidptr(srcrect)
_dstrect := voidptr(dstrect)
return C.SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, _srcrect, _dstrect)
pub fn poll_event(event &C.SDL_Event) int {
return C.SDL_PollEvent(event)
pub fn destroy_texture(text voidptr) {
pub fn free_surface(surf &SDL_Surface) {
_surf := voidptr(surf)
pub fn get_ticks() u32 {
return C.SDL_GetTicks()
pub fn ticks_passed(a, b u32) bool {
return C.SDL_TICKS_PASSED(a,b)
pub fn get_perf_counter() u64 {
return C.SDL_GetPerformanceCounter()
pub fn get_perf_frequency() u64 {
return C.SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency()
pub fn delay(ms u32) {
pub const (
version = '0.2' // hack to avoid unused module warning in the main program