**As an alternative** to building from source or using `go get` you can also download one of the existing [pre-compiled binaries](https://github.com/muety/wakapi/releases).
* When starting wakapi for the first time, a default user _**admin**_ with password _**admin**_ is created. The corresponding API key is printed to the console.
* Additional users, at the moment, can be added only via SQL statements on your database, like this:
* Connect to your database server: `mysql -u yourusername -p -H your.hostname` (alternatively use GUI tools like _MySQL Workbench_)
* Add the new user: `INSERT INTO users (id, password, api_key) VALUES ('your_nickname', MD5('your_password'), '728f084c-85e0-41de-aa2a-b6cc871200c1');` (the latter value should be a random [UUIDv4](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122), as can be found in your `~/.wakatime.cfg`)
There is an option to add aliases for project names, editors, operating systems and languages. For instance, if you want to map two projects –`myapp-frontend` and `myapp-backend`– two a common project name –`myapp-web`– in your statistics, you can add project aliases.
At the moment, this can only be done via raw database queries. See [_User Accounts_](#user-accounts) section above on how to do such.
For the above example, you would need to add two aliases, like this:
*`INSERT INTO aliases (type, user_id, key, value) VALUES (0, 'your_username', 'myapp-web', 'myapp-frontend')` (analogously for `myapp-backend`)
#### Types
* Project ~ type **0**
* Language ~ type **1**
* Editor ~ type **2**
* OS ~ type **3**
**NOTE:** In order for the aliases to take effect for non-live statistics, you would either have to wait 24 hours for the cache to be invalidated or restart Wakapi.
**This is not an alternative to using WakaTime.** It is just a custom, non-commercial, self-hosted application to collect coding statistics using the already existing editor plugins provided by the WakaTime community. It was created for personal use only and with the purpose of keeping the sovereignity of your own data. However, if you like the official product, **please support the authors and buy an official WakaTime subscription!**