{{ template "head.tpl.html" . }}
← Go back


{{ template "alerts.tpl.html" . }}
Change Password
Reset API Key
⚠️ Caution: Resetting your API key requires you to update your .wakatime.cfg files on all of your computers to make the WakaTime client send heartbeats again.
{{ if .User.BadgesEnabled }}

Badges are currently enabled. You can disable the feature by deactivating the respective API endpoint.

GET /api/compat/shields/v1


Shields.io badge
https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=%s/api/compat/shields/v1/{{ .User.ID }}/interval:today&style=flat-square&color=blue&label=today
Shields.io badge
https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=%s/api/compat/shields/v1/{{ .User.ID }}/interval:30_days&style=flat-square&color=blue&label=last 30d

You can also add /project:your-cool-project to the URL to filter by project.

{{ else }}

You have the ability to create badges from your coding statistics using Shields.io. To do so, you need to grant public, unauthorized access to the respective endpoint.

GET /api/compat/shields/v1
{{ end }}
{{ template "footer.tpl.html" . }} {{ template "foot.tpl.html" . }}