package services import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "" ) const ( countUsersEvery = 1 * time.Hour computeOldestDataEvery = 6 * time.Hour notifyExpiringSubscriptionsEvery = 12 * time.Hour ) const ( notifyBeforeSubscriptionExpiry = 7 * 24 * time.Hour ) var countLock = sync.Mutex{} var firstDataLock = sync.Mutex{} type MiscService struct { config *config.Config userService IUserService heartbeatService IHeartbeatService summaryService ISummaryService keyValueService IKeyValueService mailService IMailService queueDefault *artifex.Dispatcher queueWorkers *artifex.Dispatcher queueMails *artifex.Dispatcher } func NewMiscService(userService IUserService, heartbeatService IHeartbeatService, summaryService ISummaryService, keyValueService IKeyValueService, mailService IMailService) *MiscService { return &MiscService{ config: config.Get(), userService: userService, heartbeatService: heartbeatService, summaryService: summaryService, keyValueService: keyValueService, mailService: mailService, queueDefault: config.GetDefaultQueue(), queueWorkers: config.GetQueue(config.QueueProcessing), queueMails: config.GetQueue(config.QueueMails), } } func (srv *MiscService) Schedule() { logbuch.Info("scheduling total time counting") if _, err := srv.queueDefault.DispatchEvery(srv.CountTotalTime, countUsersEvery); err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to schedule user counting jobs, %v", err) } logbuch.Info("scheduling first data computing") if _, err := srv.queueDefault.DispatchEvery(srv.ComputeOldestHeartbeats, computeOldestDataEvery); err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to schedule first data computing jobs, %v", err) } if srv.config.Subscriptions.Enabled && srv.config.Subscriptions.ExpiryNotifications && srv.config.App.DataRetentionMonths > 0 { logbuch.Info("scheduling subscription notifications") if _, err := srv.queueDefault.DispatchEvery(srv.NotifyExpiringSubscription, notifyExpiringSubscriptionsEvery); err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to schedule subscription notification jobs, %v", err) } } // run once initially for a fresh instance if !srv.existsUsersTotalTime() { if err := srv.queueDefault.Dispatch(srv.CountTotalTime); err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to dispatch user counting jobs, %v", err) } } if !srv.existsUsersFirstData() { if err := srv.queueDefault.Dispatch(srv.ComputeOldestHeartbeats); err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to dispatch first data computing jobs, %v", err) } } if !srv.existsSubscriptionNotifications() && srv.config.Subscriptions.Enabled && srv.config.Subscriptions.ExpiryNotifications && srv.config.App.DataRetentionMonths > 0 { if err := srv.queueDefault.Dispatch(srv.NotifyExpiringSubscription); err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to schedule subscription notification jobs, %v", err) } } } func (srv *MiscService) CountTotalTime() { logbuch.Info("counting users total time") if ok := countLock.TryLock(); !ok { config.Log().Warn("couldn't acquire lock for counting users total time, job is still pending") } defer countLock.Unlock() users, err := srv.userService.GetAll() if err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to fetch users for time counting, %v", err) return } var totalTime = atomic.NewDuration(0) var pendingJobs sync.WaitGroup pendingJobs.Add(len(users)) for _, u := range users { user := *u if err := srv.queueWorkers.Dispatch(func() { defer pendingJobs.Done() totalTime.Add(srv.countUserTotalTime(user.ID)) }); err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to enqueue counting job for user '%s'", user.ID) pendingJobs.Done() } } // persist go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup) { if !utils.WaitTimeout(&pendingJobs, 2*countUsersEvery) { if err := srv.keyValueService.PutString(&models.KeyStringValue{ Key: config.KeyLatestTotalTime, Value: totalTime.Load().String(), }); err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to save total time count: %v", err) } if err := srv.keyValueService.PutString(&models.KeyStringValue{ Key: config.KeyLatestTotalUsers, Value: strconv.Itoa(len(users)), }); err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to save total users count: %v", err) } } else { config.Log().Error("waiting for user counting jobs timed out") } }(&pendingJobs) } func (srv *MiscService) ComputeOldestHeartbeats() { logbuch.Info("computing users' first data") if err := srv.queueWorkers.Dispatch(func() { if ok := firstDataLock.TryLock(); !ok { config.Log().Warn("couldn't acquire lock for computing users' first data, job is still pending") return } defer firstDataLock.Unlock() results, err := srv.heartbeatService.GetFirstByUsers() if err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to compute users' first data, %v", err) return } for _, entry := range results { if entry.Time.T().IsZero() { continue } kvKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", config.KeyFirstHeartbeat, entry.User) if err := srv.keyValueService.PutString(&models.KeyStringValue{ Key: kvKey, Value: entry.Time.T().Format(time.RFC822Z), }); err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to save user's first heartbeat time: %v", err) } } }); err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to enqueue computing first data for user, %v", err) } } // NotifyExpiringSubscription sends a reminder e-mail to all users, notifying them if their subscription has expired or is about to, given these conditions: // - Data cleanup is enabled on the server (non-zero retention time) // - Subscriptions are enabled on the server (aka. users can do something about their old data getting cleaned up) // - User has an e-mail address configured // - User's subscription has expired or is about to expire soon // - The user has gotten no such e-mail before recently // Note: only one mail will be sent for either "expired" or "about to expire" state. func (srv *MiscService) NotifyExpiringSubscription() { if srv.config.App.DataRetentionMonths <= 0 || !srv.config.Subscriptions.Enabled { return } logbuch.Info("notifying users about soon to expire subscriptions") users, err := srv.userService.GetAll() if err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to fetch users for subscription notifications, %v", err) return } var subscriptionReminders map[string][]*models.KeyStringValue if result, err := srv.keyValueService.GetByPrefix(config.KeySubscriptionNotificationSent); err == nil { subscriptionReminders = slice.GroupWith[*models.KeyStringValue, string](result, func(kv *models.KeyStringValue) string { return strings.TrimPrefix(kv.Key, config.KeySubscriptionNotificationSent+"_") }) } else { config.Log().Error("failed to fetch key-values for subscription notifications, %v", err) return } for _, u := range users { if u.HasActiveSubscription() && u.Email == "" { config.Log().Warn("invalid state: user '%s' has active subscription but no e-mail address set", u.ID) } // skip users without e-mail address // skip users who already received a notification before // skip users who either never had a subscription before or intentionally deleted it if _, ok := subscriptionReminders[u.ID]; ok || u.Email == "" || u.SubscribedUntil == nil { continue } expired, expiredSince := u.SubscriptionExpiredSince() if expired || (expiredSince < 0 && expiredSince*-1 <= notifyBeforeSubscriptionExpiry) { srv.sendSubscriptionNotificationScheduled(u, expired) } } } func (srv *MiscService) countUserTotalTime(userId string) time.Duration { result, err := srv.summaryService.Aliased(time.Time{}, time.Now(), &models.User{ID: userId}, srv.summaryService.Retrieve, nil, false) if err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to count total for user %s: %v", userId, err) return 0 } return result.TotalTime() } func (srv *MiscService) sendSubscriptionNotificationScheduled(user *models.User, hasExpired bool) { u := *user srv.queueMails.Dispatch(func() { logbuch.Info("sending subscription expiry notification mail to %s (expired: %v)", u.ID, hasExpired) defer time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) if err := srv.mailService.SendSubscriptionNotification(&u, hasExpired); err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to send subscription notification mail to user '%s', %v", u.ID, err) return } if err := srv.keyValueService.PutString(&models.KeyStringValue{ Key: fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", config.KeySubscriptionNotificationSent, u.ID), Value: time.Now().Format(time.RFC822Z), }); err != nil { config.Log().Error("failed to update subscription notification status key-value for user %s, %v", u.ID, err) } }) } func (srv *MiscService) existsUsersTotalTime() bool { results, _ := srv.keyValueService.GetByPrefix(config.KeyLatestTotalTime) return len(results) > 0 } func (srv *MiscService) existsUsersFirstData() bool { results, _ := srv.keyValueService.GetByPrefix(config.KeyFirstHeartbeat) return len(results) > 0 } func (srv *MiscService) existsSubscriptionNotifications() bool { results, _ := srv.keyValueService.GetByPrefix(config.KeySubscriptionNotificationSent) return len(results) > 0 }