name: Release on: push: # release: # types: # - published jobs: release: name: 'Build, package and release to GitHub' strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: include: - platform: ubuntu-18.04 GOOS: linux GOARCH: amd64 - platform: ubuntu-18.04 GOOS: linux GOARCH: arm64 - platform: windows-latest GOOS: windows GOARCH: amd64 - platform: macos-latest GOOS: darwin GOARCH: amd64 - platform: macos-latest GOOS: darwin GOARCH: arm64 runs-on: ${{ matrix.platform }} steps: - name: Set up Go 1.x uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: ^1.18 id: go - name: Check out code into the Go module directory uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set version shell: bash run: | (git describe --tags --exact-match \ || git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD \ || git rev-parse --short HEAD) > version.txt 2> /dev/null - name: Prepare run: | mkdir -p dist/ && cd dist/ cp ../config.default.yml config.yml - name: Build working-directory: ./dist shell: bash run: | GOOS=${{ matrix.GOOS }} GOARCH=${{ matrix.GOARCH }} CGO_ENABLED=0 \ go build -v -ldflags '-w -s' ../ - name: Compress working folder (Windows PowerShell) working-directory: ./dist if: "${{ matrix.GOOS == 'windows' }}" run: | Compress-Archive -Path .\wakapi.exe, .\config.yml -DestinationPath wakapi_${{ matrix.GOOS }}_${{ matrix.GOARCH }}.zip - name: Compress working folder working-directory: ./dist if: "${{ matrix.GOOS != 'windows' }}" run: | zip -9 wakapi_${{ matrix.GOOS }}_${{ matrix.GOARCH }}.zip * - name: Archive zip uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: wakapi_${{ matrix.GOOS }}_${{ matrix.GOARCH }}.zip path: dist/wakapi_${{ matrix.GOOS }}_${{ matrix.GOARCH }}.zip # - name: Upload built executable to Release # uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 # with: # files: ./dist/*.zip