env: development server: listen_ipv4: # leave blank to disable ipv4 listen_ipv6: ::1 # leave blank to disable ipv6 tls_cert_path: # leave blank to not use https tls_key_path: # leave blank to not use https port: 3000 base_path: / public_url: http://localhost:3000 # required for links (e.g. password reset) in e-mail app: aggregation_time: '02:15' # time at which to run daily aggregation batch jobs inactive_days: 7 # time of previous days within a user must have logged in to be considered active custom_languages: vue: Vue jsx: JSX svelte: Svelte db: host: # leave blank when using sqlite3 port: # leave blank when using sqlite3 user: # leave blank when using sqlite3 password: # leave blank when using sqlite3 name: wakapi_db.db # database name for mysql / postgres or file path for sqlite (e.g. /tmp/wakapi.db) dialect: sqlite3 # mysql, postgres, sqlite3 charset: utf8mb4 # only used for mysql connections max_conn: 2 # maximum number of concurrent connections to maintain ssl: false # whether to use tls for db connection (must be true for cockroachdb) (ignored for mysql and sqlite) security: password_salt: # CHANGE ! insecure_cookies: false # You need to set this to 'true' when on localhost cookie_max_age: 172800 allow_signup: true expose_metrics: false sentry: dsn: # leave blank to disable sentry integration enable_tracing: true # whether to use performance monitoring sample_rate: 0.75 # probability of tracing a request sample_rate_heartbeats: 0.1 # probability of tracing a heartbeat request mail: enabled: true # whether to enable mails (used for password resets, reports, etc.) provider: smtp # method for sending mails, currently one of ['smtp', 'mailwhale'] smtp: # smtp settings when sending mails via smtp host: port: username: password: tls: sender: Wakapi mailwhale: # mailwhale.dev settings when using mailwhale as sending service url: client_id: client_secret: