package models import ( conf "" "" "testing" "time" ) func TestUser_TZ(t *testing.T) { sut1, sut2 := &User{Location: ""}, &User{Location: "America/Los_Angeles"} pst, _ := time.LoadLocation("America/Los_Angeles") _, offset1 := time.Now().Zone() _, offset2 := time.Now().In(pst).Zone() assert.Equal(t, time.Local, sut1.TZ()) assert.Equal(t, pst, sut2.TZ()) assert.InDelta(t, time.Duration(offset1*int(time.Second)), sut1.TZOffset(), float64(1*time.Second)) assert.InDelta(t, time.Duration(offset2*int(time.Second)), sut2.TZOffset(), float64(1*time.Second)) } func TestUser_MinDataAge(t *testing.T) { c := conf.Load("") var sut *User // test with unlimited retention time / clean-up disabled c.App.DataRetentionMonths = -1 c.Subscriptions.Enabled = false sut = &User{} assert.Zero(t, sut.MinDataAge()) // test with limited retention time / clean-up enabled, and subscriptions disabled c.App.DataRetentionMonths = 1 c.Subscriptions.Enabled = false sut = &User{} assert.WithinRange(t, sut.MinDataAge(), time.Now().AddDate(0, -1, -1), time.Now().AddDate(0, -1, 1)) // test with limited retention time, subscriptions enabled, and user hasn't got one c.App.DataRetentionMonths = 1 c.Subscriptions.Enabled = true sut = &User{} assert.WithinRange(t, sut.MinDataAge(), time.Now().AddDate(0, -1, -1), time.Now().AddDate(0, -1, 1)) // test with limited retention time, subscriptions disabled, but user still got (an expired) one c.App.DataRetentionMonths = 1 c.Subscriptions.Enabled = false until2 := CustomTime(time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -1)) sut = &User{SubscribedUntil: &until2} assert.WithinRange(t, sut.MinDataAge(), time.Now().AddDate(0, -1, -1), time.Now().AddDate(0, -1, 1)) // test with limited retention time, subscriptions enabled, and user has got one c.App.DataRetentionMonths = 1 c.Subscriptions.Enabled = true until1 := CustomTime(time.Now().AddDate(0, 1, 0)) sut = &User{SubscribedUntil: &until1} assert.Zero(t, sut.MinDataAge()) }