#!/bin/bash if [ ! -f "wakapi" ]; then echo "Wakapi executable not found. Run 'go build' first." exit 1 fi if ! command -v newman &> /dev/null then echo "Newman could not be found. Run 'npm install -g newman' first." exit 1 fi cd "$(dirname "$0")" echo "Creating database and schema ..." sqlite3 wakapi_testing.db < schema.sql echo "Importing seed data ..." sqlite3 wakapi_testing.db < data.sql echo "Running Wakapi testing instance in background ..." screen -S wakapi_testing -dm bash -c "../wakapi -config config.testing.yml" echo "Waiting for Wakapi to come up ..." until $(curl --output /dev/null --silent --get --fail http://localhost:3000/api/health); do printf '.' sleep 1 done echo "" echo "Running test collection ..." newman run "Wakapi API Tests.postman_collection.json" echo "Shutting down Wakapi ..." screen -S wakapi_testing -X quit echo "Deleting database ..." rm wakapi_testing.db