package utils import ( "fmt" "" "time" ) func BeginOfToday(tz *time.Location) time.Time { return datetime.BeginOfDay(time.Now().In(tz)) } func BeginOfThisWeek(tz *time.Location) time.Time { return datetime.BeginOfWeek(time.Now().In(tz)) } func BeginOfThisMonth(tz *time.Location) time.Time { return datetime.BeginOfMonth(time.Now().In(tz)) } func BeginOfThisYear(tz *time.Location) time.Time { return datetime.BeginOfYear(time.Now().In(tz)) } // CeilDate rounds date up to the start of next day if date is not already a start (00:00:00) func CeilDate(date time.Time) time.Time { floored := datetime.BeginOfDay(date) if floored == date { return floored } return floored.AddDate(0, 0, 1) } // SplitRangeByDays creates a slice of intervals between from and to, each of which is at max of 24 hours length and has its split at midnight func SplitRangeByDays(from time.Time, to time.Time) [][]time.Time { intervals := make([][]time.Time, 0) for t1 := from; t1.Before(to); { t2 := datetime.BeginOfDay(t1).AddDate(0, 0, 1) if t2.After(to) { t2 = to } intervals = append(intervals, []time.Time{t1, t2}) t1 = t2 } return intervals } func FmtWakatimeDuration(d time.Duration) string { d = d.Round(time.Minute) h := d / time.Hour d -= h * time.Hour m := d / time.Minute return fmt.Sprintf("%d hrs %d mins", h, m) } // LocalTZOffset returns the time difference between server local time and UTC func LocalTZOffset() time.Duration { _, offset := time.Now().Zone() return time.Duration(offset * int(time.Second)) }