package routes import ( "encoding/base64" "fmt" "" "" "" conf "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "net/http" "strconv" "time" ) type SettingsHandler struct { config *conf.Config userSrvc services.IUserService summarySrvc services.ISummaryService heartbeatSrvc services.IHeartbeatService aliasSrvc services.IAliasService aggregationSrvc services.IAggregationService languageMappingSrvc services.ILanguageMappingService keyValueSrvc services.IKeyValueService httpClient *http.Client } var credentialsDecoder = schema.NewDecoder() func NewSettingsHandler( userService services.IUserService, heartbeatService services.IHeartbeatService, summaryService services.ISummaryService, aliasService services.IAliasService, aggregationService services.IAggregationService, languageMappingService services.ILanguageMappingService, keyValueService services.IKeyValueService, ) *SettingsHandler { return &SettingsHandler{ config: conf.Get(), summarySrvc: summaryService, aliasSrvc: aliasService, aggregationSrvc: aggregationService, languageMappingSrvc: languageMappingService, userSrvc: userService, heartbeatSrvc: heartbeatService, keyValueSrvc: keyValueService, httpClient: &http.Client{Timeout: 10 * time.Second}, } } func (h *SettingsHandler) RegisterRoutes(router *mux.Router) { r := router.PathPrefix("/settings").Subrouter() r.Use( middlewares.NewAuthenticateMiddleware(h.userSrvc).Handler, ) r.Methods(http.MethodGet).HandlerFunc(h.GetIndex) r.Methods(http.MethodPost).HandlerFunc(h.PostIndex) } func (h *SettingsHandler) GetIndex(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if h.config.IsDev() { loadTemplates() } templates[conf.SettingsTemplate].Execute(w, h.buildViewModel(r)) } func (h *SettingsHandler) PostIndex(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if h.config.IsDev() { loadTemplates() } if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) templates[conf.SettingsTemplate].Execute(w, h.buildViewModel(r).WithError("missing form values")) return } action := r.PostForm.Get("action") r.PostForm.Del("action") actionFunc := h.dispatchAction(action) if actionFunc == nil { logbuch.Warn("failed to dispatch action '%s'", action) w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) templates[conf.SettingsTemplate].Execute(w, h.buildViewModel(r).WithError("unknown action requests")) return } status, successMsg, errorMsg := actionFunc(w, r) // action responded itself if status == -1 { return } if errorMsg != "" { w.WriteHeader(status) templates[conf.SettingsTemplate].Execute(w, h.buildViewModel(r).WithError(errorMsg)) return } if successMsg != "" { w.WriteHeader(status) templates[conf.SettingsTemplate].Execute(w, h.buildViewModel(r).WithSuccess(successMsg)) return } templates[conf.SettingsTemplate].Execute(w, h.buildViewModel(r)) } func (h *SettingsHandler) dispatchAction(action string) action { switch action { case "change_password": return h.actionChangePassword case "reset_apikey": return h.actionResetApiKey case "delete_alias": return h.actionDeleteAlias case "add_alias": return h.actionAddAlias case "delete_mapping": return h.actionDeleteLanguageMapping case "add_mapping": return h.actionAddLanguageMapping case "update_sharing": return h.actionUpdateSharing case "toggle_wakatime": return h.actionSetWakatimeApiKey case "import_wakatime": return h.actionImportWaktime case "regenerate_summaries": return h.actionRegenerateSummaries case "delete_account": return h.actionDeleteUser } return nil } func (h *SettingsHandler) actionChangePassword(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, string, string) { if h.config.IsDev() { loadTemplates() } user := r.Context().Value(models.UserKey).(*models.User) var credentials models.CredentialsReset if err := r.ParseForm(); err != nil { return http.StatusBadRequest, "", "missing parameters" } if err := credentialsDecoder.Decode(&credentials, r.PostForm); err != nil { return http.StatusBadRequest, "", "missing parameters" } if !utils.CompareBcrypt(user.Password, credentials.PasswordOld, h.config.Security.PasswordSalt) { return http.StatusUnauthorized, "", "invalid credentials" } if !credentials.IsValid() { return http.StatusBadRequest, "", "invalid parameters" } user.Password = credentials.PasswordNew if hash, err := utils.HashBcrypt(user.Password, h.config.Security.PasswordSalt); err != nil { return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", "internal server error" } else { user.Password = hash } if _, err := h.userSrvc.Update(user); err != nil { return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", "internal server error" } login := &models.Login{ Username: user.ID, Password: user.Password, } encoded, err := h.config.Security.SecureCookie.Encode(models.AuthCookieKey, login.Username) if err != nil { return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", "internal server error" } http.SetCookie(w, h.config.CreateCookie(models.AuthCookieKey, encoded, "/")) return http.StatusOK, "password was updated successfully", "" } func (h *SettingsHandler) actionResetApiKey(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, string, string) { if h.config.IsDev() { loadTemplates() } user := r.Context().Value(models.UserKey).(*models.User) if _, err := h.userSrvc.ResetApiKey(user); err != nil { return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", "internal server error" } msg := fmt.Sprintf("your new api key is: %s", user.ApiKey) return http.StatusOK, msg, "" } func (h *SettingsHandler) actionUpdateSharing(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, string, string) { if h.config.IsDev() { loadTemplates() } var err error user := r.Context().Value(models.UserKey).(*models.User) defer h.userSrvc.FlushCache() user.ShareProjects, err = strconv.ParseBool(r.PostFormValue("share_projects")) user.ShareLanguages, err = strconv.ParseBool(r.PostFormValue("share_languages")) user.ShareEditors, err = strconv.ParseBool(r.PostFormValue("share_editors")) user.ShareOSs, err = strconv.ParseBool(r.PostFormValue("share_oss")) user.ShareMachines, err = strconv.ParseBool(r.PostFormValue("share_machines")) user.ShareDataMaxDays, err = strconv.Atoi(r.PostFormValue("max_days")) if err != nil { return http.StatusBadRequest, "", "invalid input" } if _, err := h.userSrvc.Update(user); err != nil { return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", "internal sever error" } return http.StatusOK, "settings updated", "" } func (h *SettingsHandler) actionDeleteAlias(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, string, string) { if h.config.IsDev() { loadTemplates() } user := r.Context().Value(models.UserKey).(*models.User) aliasKey := r.PostFormValue("key") aliasType, err := strconv.Atoi(r.PostFormValue("type")) if err != nil { aliasType = 99 // nothing will be found later on } if aliases, err := h.aliasSrvc.GetByUserAndKeyAndType(user.ID, aliasKey, uint8(aliasType)); err != nil { return http.StatusNotFound, "", "aliases not found" } else if err := h.aliasSrvc.DeleteMulti(aliases); err != nil { return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", "could not delete aliases" } return http.StatusOK, "aliases deleted successfully", "" } func (h *SettingsHandler) actionAddAlias(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, string, string) { if h.config.IsDev() { loadTemplates() } user := r.Context().Value(models.UserKey).(*models.User) aliasKey := r.PostFormValue("key") aliasValue := r.PostFormValue("value") aliasType, err := strconv.Atoi(r.PostFormValue("type")) if err != nil { aliasType = 99 // Alias.IsValid() will return false later on } alias := &models.Alias{ UserID: user.ID, Key: aliasKey, Value: aliasValue, Type: uint8(aliasType), } if _, err := h.aliasSrvc.Create(alias); err != nil { // TODO: distinguish between bad request, conflict and server error return http.StatusBadRequest, "", "invalid input" } return http.StatusOK, "alias added successfully", "" } func (h *SettingsHandler) actionDeleteLanguageMapping(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, string, string) { if h.config.IsDev() { loadTemplates() } user := r.Context().Value(models.UserKey).(*models.User) id, err := strconv.Atoi(r.PostFormValue("mapping_id")) if err != nil { return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", "could not delete mapping" } if mapping, err := h.languageMappingSrvc.GetById(uint(id)); err != nil || mapping == nil { return http.StatusNotFound, "", "mapping not found" } else if mapping.UserID != user.ID { return http.StatusForbidden, "", "not allowed to delete mapping" } if err := h.languageMappingSrvc.Delete(&models.LanguageMapping{ID: uint(id)}); err != nil { return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", "could not delete mapping" } return http.StatusOK, "mapping deleted successfully", "" } func (h *SettingsHandler) actionAddLanguageMapping(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, string, string) { if h.config.IsDev() { loadTemplates() } user := r.Context().Value(models.UserKey).(*models.User) extension := r.PostFormValue("extension") language := r.PostFormValue("language") if extension[0] == '.' { extension = extension[1:] } mapping := &models.LanguageMapping{ UserID: user.ID, Extension: extension, Language: language, } if _, err := h.languageMappingSrvc.Create(mapping); err != nil { return http.StatusConflict, "", "mapping already exists" } return http.StatusOK, "mapping added successfully", "" } func (h *SettingsHandler) actionSetWakatimeApiKey(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, string, string) { if h.config.IsDev() { loadTemplates() } user := r.Context().Value(models.UserKey).(*models.User) apiKey := r.PostFormValue("api_key") // Healthcheck, if a new API key is set, i.e. the feature is activated if (user.WakatimeApiKey == "" && apiKey != "") && !h.validateWakatimeKey(apiKey) { return http.StatusBadRequest, "", "failed to connect to WakaTime, API key invalid?" } if _, err := h.userSrvc.SetWakatimeApiKey(user, apiKey); err != nil { return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", "internal server error" } return http.StatusOK, "Wakatime API Key updated successfully", "" } func (h *SettingsHandler) actionImportWaktime(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, string, string) { if h.config.IsDev() { loadTemplates() } user := r.Context().Value(models.UserKey).(*models.User) if user.WakatimeApiKey == "" { return http.StatusForbidden, "", "not connected to wakatime" } kvKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", conf.KeyLastImportImport, user.ID) if !h.config.IsDev() { lastImportKv := h.keyValueSrvc.MustGetString(kvKey) lastImport, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC822, lastImportKv.Value) if time.Now().Sub(lastImport) < time.Duration(h.config.App.ImportBackoffMin)*time.Minute { return http.StatusTooManyRequests, "", fmt.Sprintf("Too many data imports. You are only allowed to request an import every %d minutes.", h.config.App.ImportBackoffMin) } } go func(user *models.User) { importer := imports.NewWakatimeHeartbeatImporter(user.WakatimeApiKey) countBefore, err := h.heartbeatSrvc.CountByUser(user) if err != nil { println(err) } var stream <-chan *models.Heartbeat if latest, err := h.heartbeatSrvc.GetLatestByOriginAndUser(imports.OriginWakatime, user); latest == nil || err != nil { stream = importer.ImportAll(user) } else { // if an import has happened before, only import heartbeats newer than the latest of the last import stream = importer.Import(user, latest.Time.T(), time.Now()) } count := 0 batch := make([]*models.Heartbeat, 0) for hb := range stream { count++ batch = append(batch, hb) if len(batch) == h.config.App.ImportBatchSize { if err := h.heartbeatSrvc.InsertBatch(batch); err != nil { logbuch.Warn("failed to insert imported heartbeat, already existing? – %v", err) } batch = make([]*models.Heartbeat, 0) } } countAfter, _ := h.heartbeatSrvc.CountByUser(user) logbuch.Info("downloaded %d heartbeats for user '%s' (%d actually imported)", count, user.ID, countAfter-countBefore) h.regenerateSummaries(user) }(user) h.keyValueSrvc.PutString(&models.KeyStringValue{ Key: kvKey, Value: time.Now().Format(time.RFC822), }) return http.StatusAccepted, "ImportAll started. This may take a few minutes.", "" } func (h *SettingsHandler) actionRegenerateSummaries(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, string, string) { if h.config.IsDev() { loadTemplates() } user := r.Context().Value(models.UserKey).(*models.User) if err := h.regenerateSummaries(user); err != nil { return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", "failed to regenerate summaries" } return http.StatusOK, "summaries are being regenerated – this may take a few seconds", "" } func (h *SettingsHandler) actionDeleteUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, string, string) { if h.config.IsDev() { loadTemplates() } user := r.Context().Value(models.UserKey).(*models.User) go func(user *models.User) { logbuch.Info("deleting user '%s' shortly", user.ID) time.Sleep(5 * time.Minute) if err := h.userSrvc.Delete(user); err != nil { logbuch.Error("failed to delete user '%s' – %v", user.ID, err) } else { logbuch.Info("successfully deleted user '%s'", user.ID) } }(user) http.SetCookie(w, h.config.GetClearCookie(models.AuthCookieKey, "/")) http.Redirect(w, r, fmt.Sprintf("%s/?success=%s", h.config.Server.BasePath, "Your account will be deleted in a few minutes. Sorry to you go."), http.StatusFound) return -1, "", "" } func (h *SettingsHandler) validateWakatimeKey(apiKey string) bool { headers := http.Header{ "Accept": []string{"application/json"}, "Authorization": []string{ fmt.Sprintf("Basic %s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(apiKey))), }, } request, err := http.NewRequest( http.MethodGet, conf.WakatimeApiUrl+conf.WakatimeApiUserUrl, nil, ) if err != nil { return false } request.Header = headers response, err := h.httpClient.Do(request) if err != nil || response.StatusCode < 200 || response.StatusCode >= 300 { return false } return true } func (h *SettingsHandler) regenerateSummaries(user *models.User) error { logbuch.Info("clearing summaries for user '%s'", user.ID) if err := h.summarySrvc.DeleteByUser(user.ID); err != nil { logbuch.Error("failed to clear summaries: %v", err) return err } if err := h.aggregationSrvc.Run(map[string]bool{user.ID: true}); err != nil { logbuch.Error("failed to regenerate summaries: %v", err) return err } return nil } func (h *SettingsHandler) buildViewModel(r *http.Request) *view.SettingsViewModel { user := r.Context().Value(models.UserKey).(*models.User) mappings, _ := h.languageMappingSrvc.GetByUser(user.ID) aliases, _ := h.aliasSrvc.GetByUser(user.ID) aliasMap := make(map[string][]*models.Alias) for _, a := range aliases { k := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", a.Key, a.Type) if _, ok := aliasMap[k]; !ok { aliasMap[k] = []*models.Alias{a} } else { aliasMap[k] = append(aliasMap[k], a) } } combinedAliases := make([]*view.SettingsVMCombinedAlias, 0) for _, l := range aliasMap { ca := &view.SettingsVMCombinedAlias{ Key: l[0].Key, Type: l[0].Type, Values: make([]string, len(l)), } for i, a := range l { ca.Values[i] = a.Value } combinedAliases = append(combinedAliases, ca) } return &view.SettingsViewModel{ User: user, LanguageMappings: mappings, Aliases: combinedAliases, Success: r.URL.Query().Get("success"), Error: r.URL.Query().Get("error"), } }