PetiteVue.createApp({ //$delimiters: ['${', '}'], // activeTab: defaultTab, selectedTimezone: userTimeZone, vibrantColorsEnabled: JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem("wakapi_vibrant_colors"), ), labels: {}, get tzOptions() { return [ defaultTzOption, ...tzs.sort().map((tz) => ({ value: tz, text: tz })), ]; }, updateTab() { this.activeTab = window.location.hash.slice(1) || defaultTab; }, isActive(tab) { return this.activeTab === tab; }, confirmRegenerate() { if (confirm("Are you sure?")) { document.querySelector("#form-regenerate-summaries").submit(); } }, confirmWakatimeImport() { if (confirm("Are you sure? The import can not be undone.")) { document.querySelector("#form-import-wakatime").submit(); } }, confirmClearData() { if (confirm("Are you sure? This can not be undone!")) { document.querySelector("#form-clear-data").submit(); } }, confirmDeleteAccount() { if (confirm("Are you sure? This can not be undone!")) { document.querySelector("#form-delete-user").submit(); } }, onToggleVibrantColors() { localStorage.setItem("wakapi_vibrant_colors", this.vibrantColorsEnabled); }, showProjectAddButton(index) { this.labels[index] = true; }, mounted() { this.updateTab(); window.addEventListener("hashchange", () => this.updateTab()); }, }).mount("#settings-page");