{{ template "head.tpl.html" . }}
← Go back


{{ template "alerts.tpl.html" . }}
Change Password
Reset API Key
⚠️ Caution: Resetting your API key requires you to update your .wakatime.cfg files on all of your computers to make the WakaTime client send heartbeats again.
Language Mappings
You can specify custom mapping from file extensions to programming languages (e.g. a .jsx file could be mapped to React.
{{ if .LanguageMappings }} {{ range $i, $mapping := .LanguageMappings }}
{{ $mapping.Extension }} {{ $mapping.Language }}
{{end}} {{else}}
No rules.
{{ if .User.BadgesEnabled }}

Badges are currently enabled. You can disable the feature by deactivating the respective API endpoint.

GET /api/compat/shields/v1


Shields.io badge
https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=%s/api/compat/shields/v1/{{ .User.ID }}/interval:today&style=flat-square&color=blue&label=today
Shields.io badge
https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=%s/api/compat/shields/v1/{{ .User.ID }}/interval:30_days&style=flat-square&color=blue&label=last 30d

You can also add /project:your-cool-project to the URL to filter by project.

{{ else }}

You have the ability to create badges from your coding statistics using Shields.io. To do so, you need to grant public, unauthorized access to the respective endpoint.

GET /api/compat/shields/v1
{{ end }}
{{ template "footer.tpl.html" . }} {{ template "foot.tpl.html" . }}