- Account
- Data
- Permissions
- Integrations {{ if .SubscriptionsEnabled }}
- Subscription {{ end }}
- Danger Zone
You can specify aliases for any type of entity. For instance, you can define a rule, that both "myapp-frontend" and "myapp-backend" are combined under a project called "myapp".
{{ if .Aliases }}
{{ range $i, $alias := .Aliases }}
▸ All {{ $alias.Type | typeName }}s named
{{ range $j, $value := $alias.Values }}
{{- $value -}}
{{ if lt $j (add (len $alias.Values) -2) }}
{{- ", " | capitalize -}}
{{ else if lt $j (add (len $alias.Values) -1) }}
{{- "or" -}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
are mapped to {{ $alias.Type | typeName }} {{ $alias.Key }}
Project Labels
You can assign labels (aka. tags) to projects to group them together, e.g. by "private" and "work".
{{ if .Labels }}
{{ if .Projects }}
{{ range $i, $label := .Labels }}
▸ {{ $label.Key }}:
{{ range $j, $value := $label.Values }}
{{ if lt $j (add (len $label.Values) -1) }}
{{- ", " | capitalize -}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Add Label
{{ else }}You don't have any projects, yet. Start out by sending a few heartbeats before you can then assign labels.
{{ end }}
Language Mappings
You can specify custom mapping from file extensions to programming languages, for instance a ".jsx" file could be mapped to the "React" language.
{{ if .LanguageMappings }}
{{ range $i, $mapping := .LanguageMappings }}
▸ When filename ends in {{ $mapping.Extension }}
then change the language to {{ $mapping.Language }}
Vibrant Colors
You can view the entire summary in vibrant colors similar to the "Languages" chart. Note that this setting is saved in your web browser only.
This integration with allows to generate badges for README pages or forums. To enable this feature, you need to grant public, unauthorized access to the respective endpoints. See Permissions. Adapt the URL's label and color parameters for customized badges.
In addition, there is an endpoint compatible with Shields.IO to allow for even more customization (e.g. different styles). Only available on public instances, not on localhost.
In addition, there is an endpoint compatible with Shields.IO to allow for even more customization (e.g. different styles). Only available on public instances, not on localhost.
{{ if ne .User.ShareDataMaxDays 0 }}
{{ end }}
Wakapi intregrates with GitHub Readme Stats to generate fancy cards for you. To enable this feature, you need to grant public, unauthorized access to the respective endpoints. See Permissions.
Only available on public instances, not on localhost.
Only available on public instances, not on localhost.
{{ if ne .User.ShareDataMaxDays 0 }}
{{ end }}
By default, this Wakapi instance will only store historical coding activity for {{ .DataRetentionMonths }} months.
However, if you want to support the project, you can opt for a paid subscription for {{ .SubscriptionPrice }} / month to get unlimited history with no restrictions.
You can cancel your subscription at any times!
Read more about the idea of adding paid subscriptions to Wakapi here.
{{ if not .User.HasActiveSubscription }} How it works Without a subscription, your coding activity older than {{ .DataRetentionMonths }} months will get deleted by a routine that is run every day. If you do have an active subscription at the time of checking, your data is kept.
In other words, for every point in time X, where you do not currently have an active subscription, all data older than X - {{ .DataRetentionMonths }} months gets dropped.
Please note If you just purchased a subscription, it might take a moment until it's active. Try refresh this page in a minute. Otherwise, please contact {{ .SupportContact }}.
{{ end }} Your currently oldest data point is from 2022-01-01.
Subscription status: {{ if .User.HasActiveSubscription }} Active (until {{ .User.SubscribedUntil.T | date }}) {{ else }} Inactive {{ end }} {{ if not .User.HasActiveSubscription }} {{ else }} {{ end }}
Read more about the idea of adding paid subscriptions to Wakapi here.
{{ if not .User.HasActiveSubscription }} How it works Without a subscription, your coding activity older than {{ .DataRetentionMonths }} months will get deleted by a routine that is run every day. If you do have an active subscription at the time of checking, your data is kept.
In other words, for every point in time X, where you do not currently have an active subscription, all data older than X - {{ .DataRetentionMonths }} months gets dropped.
Please note If you just purchased a subscription, it might take a moment until it's active. Try refresh this page in a minute. Otherwise, please contact {{ .SupportContact }}.
{{ end }} Your currently oldest data point is from 2022-01-01.
Subscription status: {{ if .User.HasActiveSubscription }} Active (until {{ .User.SubscribedUntil.T | date }}) {{ else }} Inactive {{ end }} {{ if not .User.HasActiveSubscription }} {{ else }} {{ end }}