package v1 import ( "fmt" routeutils "" "net/http" "time" "" conf "" "" v1 "" "" "" "" ) type BadgeHandler struct { config *conf.Config userSrvc services.IUserService summarySrvc services.ISummaryService cache *cache.Cache } func NewBadgeHandler(summaryService services.ISummaryService, userService services.IUserService) *BadgeHandler { return &BadgeHandler{ summarySrvc: summaryService, userSrvc: userService, cache: cache.New(time.Hour, time.Hour), config: conf.Get(), } } func (h *BadgeHandler) RegisterRoutes(router *mux.Router) { // no auth middleware here, handler itself resolves the user r := router.PathPrefix("/compat/shields/v1/{user}").Subrouter() r.Methods(http.MethodGet).HandlerFunc(h.Get) } // @Summary Get badge data // @Description Retrieve total time for a given entity (e.g. a project) within a given range (e.g. one week) in a format compatible with []( Requires public data access to be allowed. // @ID get-badge // @Tags badges // @Produce json // @Param user path string true "User ID to fetch data for" // @Param interval path string true "Interval to aggregate data for" Enums(today, yesterday, week, month, year, 7_days, last_7_days, 30_days, last_30_days, 12_months, last_12_months, any) // @Param filter path string true "Filter to apply (e.g. 'project:wakapi' or 'language:Go')" // @Success 200 {object} v1.BadgeData // @Router /compat/shields/v1/{user}/{interval}/{filter} [get] func (h *BadgeHandler) Get(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, err := h.userSrvc.GetUserById(mux.Vars(r)["user"]) if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) return } interval, filters, err := routeutils.GetBadgeParams(r, user) if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusForbidden) w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) return } cacheKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%v_%s", user.ID, *interval.Key, filters.Hash()) if cacheResult, ok := h.cache.Get(cacheKey); ok { utils.RespondJSON(w, r, http.StatusOK, cacheResult.(*v1.BadgeData)) return } params := &models.SummaryParams{ From: interval.Start, To: interval.End, User: user, Filters: filters, } summary, err, status := routeutils.LoadUserSummaryByParams(h.summarySrvc, params) if err != nil { w.WriteHeader(status) w.Write([]byte(err.Error())) return } vm := v1.NewBadgeDataFrom(summary) h.cache.SetDefault(cacheKey, vm) utils.RespondJSON(w, r, http.StatusOK, vm) } func (h *BadgeHandler) loadUserSummary(user *models.User, interval *models.IntervalKey, filters *models.Filters) (*models.Summary, error, int) { err, from, to := utils.ResolveIntervalTZ(interval, user.TZ()) if err != nil { return nil, err, http.StatusBadRequest } summaryParams := &models.SummaryParams{ From: from, To: to, User: user, } var retrieveSummary services.SummaryRetriever = h.summarySrvc.Retrieve if summaryParams.Recompute { retrieveSummary = h.summarySrvc.Summarize } summary, err := h.summarySrvc.Aliased( summaryParams.From, summaryParams.To, summaryParams.User, retrieveSummary, filters, summaryParams.Recompute, ) if err != nil { return nil, err, http.StatusInternalServerError } return summary, nil, http.StatusOK }